COVID outbreak on campus?

You do realize that if we tested for influenza the same way we do for C19 we would be looking at over 100K deaths every year?
in some years, maybe. not really a reasonable analogy compared to 2020, especially in the past 5-years when we had a particularly rough year for flu in 2018. the excess deaths for 2020 are very clear and substantially higher than in 2018. their absolute causes are reasonably open for debate, but COVID is most certainly a very significant factor.
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But you cant give someone else cancer from breathing
congratulations on being a cancer survivor, it's an awful disease that takes a massive toll on both the survivors and their caregivers. my daughter is also an 18-year cancer survivor. leukemia at 2-years old.

with respect to your comment i quoted, i understand your point is specific to viral spread but second-hand smoke for example is certainly linked to cancer.
congratulations on being a cancer survivor, it's an awful disease that takes a massive toll on both the survivors and their caregivers. my daughter is also an 18-year cancer survivor. leukemia at 2-years old.

with respect to your comment i quoted, i understand your point is specific to viral spread but second-hand smoke for example is certainly linked to cancer.
Congratulations to your daughter and your family. What a scary thing to go through with your child
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congratulations on being a cancer survivor, it's an awful disease that takes a massive toll on both the survivors and their caregivers. my daughter is also an 18-year cancer survivor. leukemia at 2-years old.

with respect to your comment i quoted, i understand your point is specific to viral spread but second-hand smoke for example is certainly linked to cancer.
And to a smaller extent, mesothelioma. much respect to all who have battled such a horrific disease. Lost my mother and two of my best friends to cancer.
As a cancer survivor no cancer death is acceptable jackass. But you cant give someone else cancer from breathing on take your bullcrap strawman and go back to fox news.
I have family/ friends that have gone through it so I know it's not easy and trust me, I'm very familiar with it. Happy you were able to beat it. Didnt work out that way for some of the folks I'm referring to.
You obviously didnt read the entire conversation that was taking place and missed the point entirely. You just seen an opportunity to do some name calling so you took it. Shocker
And to a smaller extent, mesothelioma. much respect to all who have battled such a horrific disease. Lost my mother and two of my best friends to cancer.
I'm sorry to hear that. Its certainly not an easy thing watch someone go through.
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You do realize that if we tested for influenza the same way we do for C19 we would be looking at over 100K deaths every year?
We would? I haven’t seen that. It’s so bizarre that there are still purportedly intelligent people comparing this to the flu. We’re at 300% the deaths and adding close to 1k per day. Until we have a vaccine that number probably won’t go below 500/day. And that’s with social distancing, masks, and all large gatherings (sports, concerts, theater events) cancelled or with drastically reduced attendance. You allow max capacity st college football for one weekend and you’d see an explosion in cases within a couple weeks, hospitalizations a week or two behind that and deaths another couple weeks later. Just look what happened in FL when bars opened up full capacity in June. Look what’s happening in Spain right now.
We would? I haven’t seen that. It’s so bizarre that there are still purportedly intelligent people comparing this to the flu. We’re at 300% the deaths and adding close to 1k per day. Until we have a vaccine that number probably won’t go below 500/day. And that’s with social distancing, masks, and all large gatherings (sports, concerts, theater events) cancelled or with drastically reduced attendance. You allow max capacity st college football for one weekend and you’d see an explosion in cases within a couple weeks, hospitalizations a week or two behind that and deaths another couple weeks later. Just look what happened in FL when bars opened up full capacity in June. Look what’s happening in Spain right now.
or we could use north and south dakota as examples, states that never shut down and have stayed below their 5-year average for deaths for the entirety of 2020?

COVID is not the flu, it doesn't mutate like the flu, but it spreads by generally the same social interactions as the flu - but with a different incubation period. there was no vaccine for the 1918 flu until 26 years later but that pandemic, like virtually every viral pandemic in history, subsided after about 12 months.

Quite frankly I think I would rather see an anti-viral drug for COVID than a vaccine.
or we could use north and south dakota as examples, states that never shut down and have stayed below their 5-year average for deaths for the entirety of 2020?

COVID is not the flu, it doesn't mutate like the flu, but it spreads by generally the same social interactions as the flu - but with a different incubation period. there was no vaccine for the 1918 flu until 26 years later but that pandemic, like virtually every viral pandemic in history, subsided after about 12 months.

Quite frankly I think I would rather see an anti-viral drug for COVID than a vaccine.
North and South Dakota have small populations that are spread out for the most part. Not a valid comparison to larger states.
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We would? I haven’t seen that. It’s so bizarre that there are still purportedly intelligent people comparing this to the flu. We’re at 300% the deaths and adding close to 1k per day. Until we have a vaccine that number probably won’t go below 500/day. And that’s with social distancing, masks, and all large gatherings (sports, concerts, theater events) cancelled or with drastically reduced attendance. You allow max capacity st college football for one weekend and you’d see an explosion in cases within a couple weeks, hospitalizations a week or two behind that and deaths another couple weeks later. Just look what happened in FL when bars opened up full capacity in June. Look what’s happening in Spain right now.
Careful, they might call you a troll!
Careful, they might call you a troll!
Question I have for you. Do you only support posts that say we are all about to die? It is bizarre to me that you only see the negative. Never progress, never end game. Follow the science and you will see that progress is being made.
Question I have for you. Do you only support posts that say we are all about to die? It is bizarre to me that you only see the negative. Never progress, never end game. Follow the science and you will see that progress is being made.
I didn't recall saying that everyone was going to die. My only point that this situation is serious and needs to be treated as such. I always follow the science, and have for my entire career.
I understand that the ramifications of catching this virus could be severe, but the CDC estimated that nearly 60 million people in the US over 2 years contracted the Swine Flu. I'm not as familiar with SARS or West Nile

Aren't there major differences between Influenza and Coronaviruses?
I'm no doctor, but I do think there are differences between influenza and a virus. And how they attack the body.

I wear a mask, wash my hands often, and avoid situations or locations that elevate my exposure. That's all any of us can do at this point. And hope and pray for a vaccine, very soon.

I am sick, though. Sick of the blame game, sick of the whole agenda behind it.
Aren't there major differences between Influenza and Coronaviruses?
They are both viruses (as all common colds are viruses as well). The general flu vaccine that is available every year is adjusted to that year’s projected strain. A coronavirus operates a bit differently and can be more invasive to the body, particularly the lungs. It is different enough from the general flu to require a special vaccine. There has never been a vaccine for a coronavirus, but to be fair, the prior coronavirus versions weren’t as deadly as the current one and the financial cost of developing a virus for them was too large for the potential benefit. That‘s just the way the world works. However, one reason for the head start in developing the current vaccine is all the work that was done, but never completed in the past. And oddly enough, studies have shown that people who have gotten flu shots annually have much milder symptoms if they contract Covid19. So, all research done in the past has been invaluable in the current development.

The talk of “rushing” a vaccine is off base. The only thing being rushed is the financial investment in developing the distribution of the vaccine in advance of its approval. And, if the initial results of the current Phase 3 testing is off the charts successful, it would be normal to start using it before all the testing has ended its full studies. The drug companies are not allowed to disclose how the tests are doing during the testing, but the government agencies all see the data in real time. Fauci seems to be hinting that it‘s going well, then he walks that back a day later.
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And how does it enter the body? Why is the first requirement when breaking up asbestos is to wear a mask?
Asbestos enters the body via the respiratory system. But not just any mask will work. The mask has to be fitted and designed to filter asbestos. Many masks will not. But mesothelioma takes at least 20 years to develop (and the vast majority exposed to asbestos will not develop it). The first requirement when breaking up asbestos is not a mask. It’s to hire a qualified and licensed abatement contractor. Please don’t do it yourself without the proper training.
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Asbestos enters the body via the respiratory system. But not just any mask will work. The mask has to be fitted and designed to filter asbestos. Many masks will not. But mesothelioma takes at least 20 years to develop (and the vast majority exposed to asbestos will not develop it). The first requirement when breaking up asbestos is not a mask. It’s to hire a qualified and licensed abatement contractor. Please don’t do it yourself without the proper training.
And that can include removing "popcorn ceilings" for do-it-yourself folks, although not every ceiling with that feature contains asbestos.
Aren't there major differences between Influenza and Coronaviruses?
that depends on what differences you are comparing? if it is incubation period then most definitely, influenza hits you more quickly and with more impact for most people infected.

if it is a mutation then again influenza mutates far more rapidly than COVID hence why making a true flu vaccine is near impossible. each annual vaccine is just a best guess and is adjusted when it has been determined which strain has become prevalent. if you receive an early vaccine it is important to know, especially the elderly, if that strain vaccinated for is the prevalent strain.

if it is the demographics of those affected then we begin to see differences or similarities depending on the flu strain. H1N1 in 2009 significantly impacted the younger, otherwise healthy population. antiviral drugs were a front line defense in holding that at bay.

based on raw data COVID is clearly more lethal if a person is hospitalized. influenza kills approximately 8% of all people hospitalized due to it. COVID is more than twice as potent.
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North and South Dakota have small populations that are spread out for the most part. Not a valid comparison to larger states.
you should remind the media of that then when they are busy attacking the SD governor for her policy. the population density also rings true for countries like new zealand. another talking point that gets ridiculously driven down our throats.
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I'm no doctor, but I do think there are differences between influenza and a virus. And how they attack the body.

I wear a mask, wash my hands often, and avoid situations or locations that elevate my exposure. That's all any of us can do at this point. And hope and pray for a vaccine, very soon.

I am sick, though. Sick of the blame game, sick of the whole agenda behind it.
Coronavirus and Influenza are both viruses.

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I said it before, and I’ll say it again, I believe overall death rate is what we need to be looking at. The overall death rate is not spiking. In fact in the state where I live, Georgia, January and February 2018 were much higher death rate months then today. And I would hazard a guess that Georgia is the most wide-open state, and been the most wide open for the longest. According to the CDC 94% of all Covid deaths have had at least 2.6 other factors that could have killed them.
I said it before, and I’ll say it again, I believe overall death rate is what we need to be looking at. The overall death rate is not spiking. In fact in the state where I live, Georgia, January and February 2018 were much higher death rate months then today. And I would hazard a guess that Georgia is the most wide-open state, and been the most wide open for the longest. According to the CDC 94% of all Covid deaths have had at least 2.6 other factors that could have killed them.

you can drill down to how excess deaths have occurred in each state with and without COVID. Georgia has been above the 5-year average since March 28th.
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And that can include removing "popcorn ceilings" for do-it-yourself folks, although not every ceiling with that feature contains asbestos.
A couple of months ago I removed floor tiles in the home we had just purchased. I would think the vast majority of asbestos removal is done by DIY folks.
Fauchi has urged colleges not to send infected students home.
A virus that is 20 time less lethal to them than the flu. And could hurt their parents Stay at school and have fun. Build the herd immunity and stay away from our football players.
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How many viruses are out there right now that we DO NOT have vaccines for and yet these viruses kill ten's of thousands of American's every year and we don't shut down schools, churches, businesses, travel, sports or anything.

It's political! The virus is real but the reaction is a fraud.
Amen to that
And that can include removing "popcorn ceilings" for do-it-yourself folks, although not every ceiling with that feature contains asbestos.
Did you use to work at Home Depot? Very interesting dialogue.
I'm no doctor, but I do think there are differences between influenza and a virus. And how they attack the body.

I wear a mask, wash my hands often, and avoid situations or locations that elevate my exposure. That's all any of us can do at this point. And hope and pray for a vaccine, very soon.

I am sick, though. Sick of the blame game, sick of the whole agenda behind it.
I'm absolutely sick, too. I'm no doctor either, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Just keep avoiding situations/locations that would elevate your exposure. That is very helpful advice and it will be heeded by me; at least for now.
A virus that is 20 time less lethal to them than the flu. And could hurt their parents Stay at school and have fun. Build the herd immunity and stay away from our football players.
Herd immunity is not likely going to be sufficient:

How many viruses are out there right now that we DO NOT have vaccines for and yet these viruses kill ten's of thousands of American's every year and we don't shut down schools, churches, businesses, travel, sports or anything.

It's political! The virus is real but the reaction is a fraud.
Would you please identify which viruses you are talking about? I am just curious.
Would you please identify which viruses you are talking about? I am just curious.
HIV off the top of my head. Upwards of 970,000 people died in 2019 from AIDS related illnesses. That number is close to 100 million since the start of the epidemic.
HIV off the top of my head. Upwards of 970,000 people died in 2019 from AIDS related illnesses. That number is close to 100 million since the start of the epidemic.
Ok. I thought maybe you had multiple different viruses in mind.
Would you please identify which viruses you are talking about? I am just curious.
HIV, flu, common cold, zika, west Nile, Ebola. This is just off the top of my head. I’m sure I could look it up and find more.
HIV, flu, common cold, zika, west Nile, Ebola. This is just off the top of my head. I’m sure I could look it up and find more.
Only two of those apply to your comment about tens of thousands of deaths (flu and HIV). Zika virus does not result in tens of thousands of deaths globally, nor does the common cold. Ebola has killed a total of about 14,000-15,000 people in Africa over the course of two epidemics (2014-2016 and 2019). West Nile viruses has caused under 10,000 deaths.