Damn you, cancer


Veteran Seminole Insider
May 7, 2008
mom has been fighting various stomach ailments for 2 months. Finally goes to Mayo and they find pancreatic cancer. Not much they can do but start some treatments to buy some time. Thankful I got to visit her and I think she's accepted the news. Her little boy here hasn't. think your parents will always be there...
I know the feeling. My father has colon cancer and there are no more treatment options left, nothing left but to try to enjoy whatever time is left. Cancer sucks.
Holy cow I'm so sorry to hear about this. They can't do anything? Did they even recommend this new experimental treatment that uses viruses to attack cancer cells? (39 minute video, but thought it would give you an option at least)

Very sorry. Yes, cancer does suck. Took my mother in law at age 60 this past February. Just over a year ago at this time she was seemingly free of the colon cancer. We spent three weeks in Germany with her and she was looking and feeling great. In the last couple of days of our visit she went for a checkup and they found the cancer was back and had attached itself to her liver. She went downhill pretty quickly and we were fortunate to get back there in time to say goodbye. My wife had wanted to take the boys and spend the whole summer with her. After she died, my wife decided she still wanted to go back and stay with her stepdad. She wants him to still be part of our boys' lives. He is their "opa" after all. They are there now. Stay strong my friend.
mom has been fighting various stomach ailments for 2 months. Finally goes to Mayo and they find pancreatic cancer. Not much they can do but start some treatments to buy some time. Thankful I got to visit her and I think she's accepted the news. Her little boy here hasn't. think your parents will always be there...
sorry to hear that. Prayers sent your way.
Sorry to hear that. I have an uncle who has been battling with colon cancer. He just finished another round of chemo recently. They told him he probably had 4-6 months to live. That was a few years ago. It's not gone, but it is vastly diminished. Modern technology really helps to manage medical problems that seem insurmountable.

Medicine is not an exact science. People can and do overcome issues that doctors don't think they can. Keep your spirits up and really enjoy and appreciate the precious time that you have. My best wishes that it is a long, extended period of time.
Tough stuff. Nothing to say that you haven't already heard, but hang in there. Be as positive as you can muster and be there for your mom in all ways possible. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well.
I hate to hear this. My son (2) and my nephew are with me all weekend and I've been a little ------ about the terrible 2's. Puts things into perspective. Give your mom a big hug. Praying for you and yours.
Yep, cancer sucks and prayers sent. My father passed from pancreatic cancer and I'm having surgery at USF's Moffitt Cancer Center in October for a "spot" on the head of my pancreas - an 8 hour surgery called a Whipple procedure.
fijimn I'm sorry. I lost my mom 15 years ago to cancer. Try and enjoy what time y'all have left and be present in the moment. My thoughts are with your family.
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Sucks for sure. Just lost my grandmother to cancer as well. Started in her abdomen and then spread to her neck. She was only diagnosed when the tumor in her neck paralyzed her. She was gone 2 weeks later.
Sorry to hear about your mom.
Sorry to hear. From what I've heard, that's a particularly tough diagnosis. Thoughts and prayers.
Sorry to hear buddy, I loath cancer.

Thought and prayers.
Thoughts and prayers...hope you get some quality time in with her. You won't regret it.
mom has been fighting various stomach ailments for 2 months. Finally goes to Mayo and they find pancreatic cancer. Not much they can do but start some treatments to buy some time. Thankful I got to visit her and I think she's accepted the news. Her little boy here hasn't. think your parents will always be there...

Hate if for you, friend. Best wishes to all of you.
mom has been fighting various stomach ailments for 2 months. Finally goes to Mayo and they find pancreatic cancer. Not much they can do but start some treatments to buy some time. Thankful I got to visit her and I think she's accepted the news. Her little boy here hasn't. think your parents will always be there...

Sorry to hear that. I know that has to be hard.
Horrible news. Cancer is brutal. Lost my mother in 1989 and still feel cheated.
Thank you, everyone. I don't think she will be doing any bucket list trips. She and my stepfather live in Prescott, Az. We are going to squeeze in how many visits as possible. But she plans on Facetime with my little girl as often as she can. My mom was saying that she was so happy having Facetime, even before the cancer, so she can see us. Our slogan for going through this journey is "we don't have enough time to be sad right now."
Very sorry to hear of this Fijimn. I have a parent I know is going to leave us very soon. Really tough to bear.
Yep, cancer sucks and prayers sent. My father passed from pancreatic cancer and I'm having surgery at USF's Moffitt Cancer Center in October for a "spot" on the head of my pancreas - an 8 hour surgery called a Whipple procedure.
prayers for you, too. That's a serious procedure.
Yep, cancer sucks and prayers sent. My father passed from pancreatic cancer and I'm having surgery at USF's Moffitt Cancer Center in October for a "spot" on the head of my pancreas - an 8 hour surgery called a Whipple procedure.
I Actually watched the first Whipple procedure performed in the United States while I was in nursing school. While that was a long time ago and medicine has come a long way in the years since, it still is a tough procedure. Best of luck to you.
I Actually watched the first Whipple procedure performed in the United States while I was in nursing school. While that was a long time ago and medicine has come a long way in the years since, it still is a tough procedure. Best of luck to you.
Not to highjack the thread but the oncologist that's doing the surgery has written several articles in JAMA detailing the Whipple procedure and as it turns out my urologist has assisted her in a few surgeries.

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