How readily can you store, move, and transfer $1mm of gold, oil, or bitcoin?
Thats where it gets a leg up on those. Plus, can you authenticate $1mm of gold or oil readily? Or are those bars of painted tungesten and barrels of water?
I’m definitely in favor of free market money. One of the most important lines in the US Constitution was the one that forbade States from issuing paper money.
They failed to predict the central government would violate that tenet.
No doubt it is making some early adopters money, but it’s not a ‘scheme’ ala Charles Ponzi. No one is being defrauded buying a bitcoin. I have more trust in the math behind crypto currencies than I do the math behind indebted welfare states with fiat currencies.
I’d dispute your assertion the dollar’s strength is a function of the government. In fact, I’d argue that the dollar is widely accepted in spite of the debasement conducted by our monetary authorities because of our enormous economy. The petrodollar situation is another underpinning, and frankly there’s no telling how long that lasts.
Then you need to scroll back in the thread to the part where I quoted Bernanke. Note the price of gold at the beginning and end of his term, and how much the FRs balance sheet changed.