Yup, they had their chance to let things get
better. They told me I had to change. I sobered up (I was sober for almost 9 years before Matthew passed away), went to grief counseling, went back to work, beat my DUI charge..... and they didn't change a thing. She lets my daughter do what she wants, I know she is smoking pot and butts and Mommy lets her. They are a train wreck. I choose to start living instead of choosing to die. My daughter hasn't spoken to me in 14 months and my wife/ex of 27 years, only returns my texts on my payday. We knew each other for 10,000 days on the 13th, and I left on the 15th.
XMAS sucks for me, I can't fathom celebrating the birth of God's son while God took/has my son.
Today, I hurt badly and will spend today and tomorrow by myself. It's my choice. I hurt like this at XMAS, my birthday (my son had the same birthday as me) and the day he passed.
But to all here, have a great holiday season!