Dow Jones Industrial Average


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Sep 25, 2002
DeFuniak Springs Country Club
Is down another 500 points right now today and has dropped about 1000 points in a week. Market correction? My accounts have taken a hit.

Btw, don't turn this political.
Booming stock market isn't great for the mortgage origination business so a little correction of the stock market would be nice for me...though for now the economy being strong has helped offset it some since we're seeing more first time homebuyers....
Reasons like this is why it's all buried at various locations around town.
I don't know if it will reach official correction territory (10% drop). The 1000 point dip, while a nice pullback at this point, is a little less than 4% of a drop from where it started the week. After going parabolic in January every Index was a bit over extended and needed to come back to reality.

Apple sure isn't helping today as they are down quite a bit on earnings news...same with Exxon/Mobile.

Right now the main driving factor seems to be higher interest rates in the bond market. Couple that with another good employment report, and as mentioned previously, the FOMC is most likely going to raise rates sooner rather than later. This isn't typically good for stocks.
Really surprised the LR folks follow such minutiae. I mean, aren’t we all bullet-proof no matter what? Some of you prople are carrying on like you have 401ks, IRAs and pedestrian stuff like that. Please.....
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Bought AMD stock at 10.98 on 1/2. Was on cloud 9 the other day after it got to 13.74 after good earnings. Down to 12.45 two days later. Still ahead, but the last two days hurt lol.
It has been an incredible ride up from the 2009 sub-prime low of 6600, but this kind of growth curve isn't sustainable. And if any of you have found someone who can accurately forecast the market, please give me their name. Warren Buffett doesn't even try, and he's done fairly well for his investors.
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20 - 26k over the last year and a pull back was very much expected if not way past due.
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There is always going to be a correction when it goes up as fast as it has been going up. Hopefully, it is just a correction and will stabilize for a bit and not be leading to something bigger.
It's a combo of things, the good news is bad news, investors taking some profits, and just a minor correction, so far.

The world economy seems to be doing well as the talking heads all say, but there are clearly issues everywhere.

If you have cash on the sideline, might be a time to pick a few things, I wouldn't go all in, but investing over time, and dollar cost averaging has proven to be a good strategy.

People tho think they are so smart and think they know or can predict market lows and what the market is going to do are almost always wrong.
WSJ had a few positive articles this week about the improving markets overseas and buying international stocks. Not sure my "investment toe" wants to reach that far just yet but it's interesting.
I'm not terribly concerned at this point and if the market drifts down a little more I might buy some safe reliables suited for the mid to long term.
I readjusted my 401k about a month ago and pulled it out of stocks. No offense, rooting for some more free falling.
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Anyone check their accounts today? Another drop of about 1000 points so far. It will be interesting to see where things settle today.
Is down another 500 points right now today and has dropped about 1000 points in a week. Market correction? My accounts have taken a hit.

Btw, don't turn this political.

It’s a correction. Will come back.

Are you stil in the black with a 60 day look back?
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Unless your in the business and the market is how you make your money; I have never understood why people freak out on a high or low. Always believed that you invest and leave it alone, make decisions on how aggressive you are based on age, just hire a good guy to manage your money and go make more money so you can invest more.
I sold mine. I’ll buy back once it stabilizes. I was planning on doing this before the dip today anyways.

And as an FYI- I only stock in two companies. So my issues is that I’m not diversified.
Dow Futures are pointing to an open approximately 1000 points lower tomorrow. Of course a lot can change overnight, but the selling is currently continuing overseas.

Oh yeah, Bitcoin is currently down to about 6300 as well.
Dow Futures are pointing to an open approximately 1000 points lower tomorrow. Of course a lot can change overnight, but the selling is currently continuing overseas.

Oh yeah, Bitcoin is currently down to about 6300 as well.

Read an article saying most of selling is boomers bailing while they can, margin buyers freaking out and people who bought Bitcoin on margin now selling stocks to cover debts.


Above are historical S&P 500 Price/Earnings Ratio chart and the Shiller Price/Earnings chart.

While I don't recommend a hysterical sell off of your portfolio this afternoon (or ever), but now is a great time to reevaluate some of your holdings because this bubble is BUBBLY.
I was just about to enter into the business school at FSU as a Finance major when Black Monday hit. It was going to be the "end" of days and the beginning of the next great depression. The industry was going to be flooded with recently laid off employees and anyone coming out of college would not stand a chance to be hired in this industry. Like a damn fool I listened and changed my major.

They sort of missed the call on that one lol.
Trying to time the market is a fool's errand. I know because a wise old Turk told me.

If you don't have at least a five year investment horizon, you need to have your money in something other than stocks.

If you know how stock prices can swing around, wildly at times, and just like the rush of day trading, knock yourself out.