Great Gig In The Sky

Cool video but misleading to say this has happened like this before 6-7 times. The life killer asteroids are a tiny fraction of the size. They speculate some large ones this size maybe hit earth in its formative years 4 billion years ago, before life, and when the solar system was forming and had junk this size flying about as the planets formed.
Not worried a bit. We have plans in place for that. Didn't you geniuses see the documentary Armageddon?
Cool video but misleading to say this has happened like this before 6-7 times. The life killer asteroids are a tiny fraction of the size. They speculate some large ones this size maybe hit earth in its formative years 4 billion years ago, before life, and when the solar system was forming and had junk this size flying about as the planets formed.

Not including the several large impacts that created the moon........during the Late Heavy Bombardment (4.1 to 3.8 billion years ago) there's plenty of research showing the inner planets were peppered by many very large comets and asteroids as the gas giants migrated outward to their orbits now. It's been speculated that it was this that introduced most of the water on Earth.
Debunked by NASA. I only posted the video because I thought it was cool with the song not about any imminent threat...
But did you watch my video? It's full of crazy! But if it's going to hit, make it over our country so I can go fast and not suffering in a Terminator/Mad Max type of world til we run out of food.
But did you watch my video? It's full of crazy! But if it's going to hit, make it over our country so I can go fast and not suffering in a Terminator/Mad Max type of world til we run out of food.
I tried to watch it twice but I can't get through it. I used to think I would thrive in a post apocalyptic world but anymore I'm with you. I hope the epicenter is on top of Florida...

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