Having COVID Sucks

The yoghurt spelling gave you away. What part are you from. I hold dual Irish/US citizenship but born in the US.
born in Bristol but grew up in a smaller village a few miles outside of Manchester, the red side of town!! lived back in somerset before finally moving to the US permanently in 1994. I've only been back to the UK once since then and that was for a layover. Stepped outside just to see ol' blighty - it was raining... :Face with Tears of Joy

as you noticed there are still a few words used infrequently that i will naturally spell the english way without much thought.
The yoghurt spelling gave you away. What part are you from. I hold dual Irish/US citizenship but born in the US.
I have Irish blood in my veins as well. I was born in Georgia tho. We immigrated to the US long before anybody I know. I have zero Irish accent sadly. Pure Georgia accent lol
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I keep hearing the virus may have been here at the end of last year.


I am in shape, healthy and very seldom catch colds never mind the flu which I never get. Right after thanksgiving 2019, I got sick as a dog. It was pretty bad. In bed in a fetal position for almost a week.

Personally, I thought it was the flu. But now thinking I may have had covid-19 if in fact it was here around that time.

Who knows, but I wouldn’t wish what I had on anybody.

Hope everyone takes care of themselves and your loved one’s until this nightmare is behind us.

You certainly could have experienced the flu. It can frequently knock people out for days if not weeks. That is how serious the flu (not a bad cold) can be.
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