Hello Noles! I'm new here

What I got when I clicked on your link. Maybe he/she just blocked mods. Or maybe just me. - Error
The requested search could not be found.
click on her/his name and then instead of clicking 'profile page' click on the number of posts they have and it brings them up.
What I got when I clicked on your link. Maybe he/she just blocked mods. Or maybe just me. - Error
The requested search could not be found.
I get the same error as you when I click on that link.
Didn't block you, or anyone specific.
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I predict this incarnation of Bacardi to be an ultra-conservative anti-vaxxer.
Vaccines are a huge conspiracy by Big Potato conglomerates to inject us with chemicals that induce french fry and potato chip craving.

Hollywood couldn't come up with something so absurd.

They tricking all these sheeple into believing there are imaginary things called viruses that can infect us and we should let them shoot "vaccines" into us to stop them, when in fact all it does is make me want some freaking potato wedges.