I’ll never count out a Lonni coached team. . .


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Apr 28, 2003
But we sure need our bats to dominate 1-9 in the lineup to help out our pitchers vs OK. Obviously none of us know if Reid will be available at all, or how she will do even if she is. The young pitchers sure look to have all the tools, but experience and consistency is not with them right now.

So, just outscore them. Let’s put up 15 each game and give them a lot of cushion to work with.

Go Nolea!
I hope Royalty will be good to go.
For sure. Gooden looked like she was getting more acclimated to the college game, but she sure couldn't find it against Auburn on Sunday.

Hopefully Coach A can work some magic for this upcoming weekend. We all sort of figured this would be a "rebuilding" year, making it to Supers has been quite an accomplishment in my opinion, but it would be nice to take down OK in their backyard.

With that said, the future sure is bright for these girls. The freshmen on this team are just dominant.