I'm a Xennial, life makes sense now. lol

Totally on point.

Being born near the center of that range, there's a really interesting mindset among folks our age. We know and can function in a world without devices but we also were the first to use the internet for entertainment. By the time texting became common, many of us were a little behind the curve.

I sometimes say I'm an old school millenial, but xennial is a pretty good definition.
I've always felt like I was more of a bridge between those two generations rather than fitting into either one directly.
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Not so sure. I was born in 72 and pretty much identified with all of that.
Both my kids are in this bracket. Daughter ('81) would be glad not to be a fringe millennial.
Born in 87 and I agree with this. None of my friends from this generation fit the millenial stereotypes at all.
Keep in mind that most of the stereotypes of millenials are crap just made up by people because they want to criticize something they think the entire group holds as ideology rather than what has actually been defined as a millenial.