Inter-racial dating

I've humped my way through the United Colors of Benaton. I can't believe I married a white girl. It's all pink in the middle. Did you have some specific question?

LOL!!!!! I'm with you man. I've done almost the entire rainbow of colors. I've always wanted to do an hot arab chick but never had the chance. I'm married to a white girl but I say if you fall in love with someone of a different race and its true love don't pass it up. Life is too short. Your family will eventually get over it if they don't initially approve.

LOL!!!!! I'm with you man. I've done almost the entire rainbow of colors. I've always wanted to do an hot arab chick but never had the chance. I'm married to a white girl but I say if you fall in love with someone of a different race and its true love don't pass it up. Life is too short. Your family will eventually get over it if they don't initially approve.

I was engaged to a Lebanese girl.
I have a colleague who is black and she's married to a white man. I also have a neighbor who is a white man married to a black woman. I do think it is much more common to see the opposite arrangement. Another observation is the black women in these situations tend to be from more middle to upper middle class backgrounds where they were more assimilated into "white" society. That doesn't appear to be as much of a factor for white women/black men.

I also work with a black woman who is married to a white man. One time at lunch we were talking about marriage and our SO's. She was pretty candid about being married to a white guy. She comes from a lower class background and is the product of a one parent home but she busted it to put herself through school earning a MAcc and an MBA. She said that most women, regardless of race, want men who are their educational and social equal. She said that at her level the pool of available men to choose from would have been too small if she limited herself to just black men. She said quite a few of her close black girlfriends are married to white guys also.
I think I'm about to shack up with a Puerto Rican girl - we're headed to PR on Thursday for 10 days, so that up-close-and-personal look should nail down what I've been thinking. Crazy about her!

She is tiny (5'0" and wears size 0 clothes) but she is LOUD! It cracks me up.
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Anyone in here married or dating someone of a different race? I've dated some latin gals and recently bumped uglies with a woman of a mixed race (1/2 African American/1/2 Irish) but never have been in a serious relationship with someone of a different race. After being with the mixed girl, I think I am ready to go full blown jungle fever. She had a rhythm white gals lack,

Well hell, sounds like you are ready for the wild side, Caitlyn Jenner says "Hi".

I'm Mexican, every relationship I've been in has been interracial.

Got bishes speaking gibberish Spanish all around this piece.
I got stationed in Japan.. Thus my wife is Japanese. This place is heaven if you like asian women.