Is there any connection between FSU and Neal Peart???....

You either liked Rush or didnt with theur rock opera nerdy style.Led Zeppelin was the epitome of blues and rock driving forceful Bonham attack the drums Plant sang in 7 octives Pages riffs were legendary.Same for cream.

I mean vocals wise, plant was no mercury.

page I’m sure would be a better wingman to pick up chicks in his prime. But, if you wanted someone to actually do something musically for you, lifeson gets the gig. At some point, given that page was a studio musician before zepplin, I’m sure he was great. But on drugs page kinda sucked. Super sloppy player.
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I mean vocals wise, plant was no mercury.

page I’m sure would be a better wingman to pick up chicks in his prime. But, if you wanted someone to actually do something musically for you, lifeson gets the gig. At some point, given that page was a studio musician before zepplin, I’m sure he was great. But on drugs page kinda sucked. Super sloppy player.
Page played with John Mayall and the yardbirds.Isaw led zeppelin and they were electric ..Different band than Rush no comparison
Peart had nothing compared to this guy.
