pirates84 All-ACC Gold Member Oct 28, 2002 433 659 253 51 Wednesday at 8:22 PM #1 If there is a day, that you go to CBS sportsline and see 5 star DB, or 5 star WR, or 5 star QB commits to Florida State? Or #1 WR or #1 LB commits to Florida State? Just wanted to know if you think that would ever happen in the future? Reactions: fredfarkle336
If there is a day, that you go to CBS sportsline and see 5 star DB, or 5 star WR, or 5 star QB commits to Florida State? Or #1 WR or #1 LB commits to Florida State? Just wanted to know if you think that would ever happen in the future?
R rkcnoles Star Player Gold Member Aug 26, 2012 277 392 133 Wednesday at 9:35 PM #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: pirates84 and Jt1515
J Jerry Kutz Ultimate Seminole Insider Gold Member Sep 17, 2001 5,593 8,129 1,853 Wednesday at 10:13 PM #3 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: pirates84
A aawash Veteran Seminole Insider Gold Member Dec 24, 2005 1,190 2,563 853 75 Stafford VA Wednesday at 11:29 PM #4 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: fredfarkle336 and brpdswat
F fredfarkle336 All-American Gold Member Oct 16, 2015 816 980 253 Wednesday at 11:57 PM #5 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: pirates84 and aawash
F fredfarkle336 All-American Gold Member Oct 16, 2015 816 980 253 Thursday at 12:01 AM #6 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: aawash
bungman Ultimate Seminole Insider Gold Member Nov 15, 2006 6,779 10,396 1,853 54 Ocala , Fl Thursday at 7:02 AM #7 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: pirates84 and aawash
J JoeNole55 Seminole Insider Gold Member Jan 5, 2007 1,075 2,437 853 Thursday at 11:08 AM #8 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view. Reactions: pirates84 and rkcnoles