Key factors in number of wins this fall

If you work in health care (like I do) then you know that the vaccine is developed to stop the spread. If you’re vaccinated, you don’t spread the disease, and you have a better chance of getting hit by a meteor than dying. On the other hand, if you don’t get the vaccine, you’re at risk. So, the people at risk would be the people who choose not to get the vaccine…and it’s their choice to make, not yours. So, either you’re arguing against choice or that the vaccine isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do, which begs the question, why would you get a vaccine that isn’t doing what it’s supposed to?
This is just too foolish for words. The vaccine stops the spread and is doing that for the ones who get the vaccine- the others are part of the current spread increase. If you don't get it then you are part of the spread problem and could potentially give it to others and could get it yourself and maybe have severe complications (you know- like die). Back to the real issue of this post- I assume the school will be taking appropriate precautions. If the player is not vaccinated (and there are some legitimate reasons why they may not be able to) then they will make sure the player does not (to the greatest extent possible) infect others. This may mean they do not get to participate in the way other players do. I think the latest issue with NC State will make all administrators take a different approach (the lack of vaccination could have cost them the NC Championship and certainly cost them the chance to play for one- just sad for those who did get vaccinated and could not play. we certainly do NOT want that here. JMHO
Drop it with the vaccination preaching. First off if you are familiar with the vaccine it will not prevent a player from catching Covid. They are still likely to catch and test positive for Covid if they haven't already had it.

If you want to preach start a church.
Who are you protecting? The unvaccinated who chose not to get vaccinated? How is that your business. I got the vaccine because I’m in the health care profession, but it’s not for me to force anyone else to make a personal choice. Almost everyone is aware of the small risk this virus poses, and it’s up to them if they want to take that risk, not me.
I hopefully am trying to protect the whole community- not just my personal health. I guess you are OK with them continuing to help the spread (and maybe help the virus continue to mutate and possibly cause another plague) ? Frankly I draw the line where their choice possibly could affect my and my family's health.
Covid will be around for a long time in some variant. If someone if susceptible to the virus due to age, obesity or existing medial conditions then they are free to choose to get vaccinated. There is no reason to be concerned with Covid if those who wish to be vaccinated have the option to. The survivability of Covid is currently near 100%.

No one knows what the long term effects of receiving the vaccine will be. There is no reason for individuals who are younger than 50 and not obese to be pressured to get the vaccine.
Well two of these individuals ( one 34 one 41 and NO conditions) just died in my neighborhood. Their families are just livid that they choose not to be vaccinated and ended up buried.
Well two of these individuals ( one 34 one 41 and NO conditions) just died in my neighborhood. Their families are just livid that they choose not to be vaccinated and ended up buried.
This. I can't scream this loud enough! People sit around and watch propaganda on TV and social media all day and is shocked once they get it. Once they go on the vent, it's a wrap. At first it's covid is fake and deep state this and China that. Then before you know it, the screaming starts once they realize covid is not going to be kind to them, and at times even the ones without preexisting conditions
For the life of me (no pun intended), I can’t see why people don’t get vaccinated, even if Covid is highly survivable. Who in the world wants to be sick? Who wants to continue to be part of the problem by not getting vaccinated? I guess they’re still part of the crowd that doesn’t think it’s a problem. The vaccine has been researched for a decade, and by now hundreds of millions of shots have been given worldwide with extremely minimal problems.
I hopefully am trying to protect the whole community- not just my personal health. I guess you are OK with them continuing to help the spread (and maybe help the virus continue to mutate and possibly cause another plague) ? Frankly I draw the line where their choice possibly could affect my and my family's health.
Yes I have no issue with the continued spread of Covid seeing as now that the most vulnerable have a vaccine the chance of anyone dying from Covid is near 0. It is time for the world to realize this does not present a real threat and move on and work to restore our quality of life to as close as it was before this insanity. At this point more than twice as many 30-40 year old Americans have died in car accidents in the US in 2019 than died from Covid since it's inception.

It is time to end this misleading narrative that Covid is a danger to society and will kill you. The survival rate now is extremely close to 100%.

We've known since the begining that Covid does not pose a real danger to anyone under 50-55 who is healthy. The risks have always been near 0 for younger people. Remember all the hysterical posters a year ago going on about how we will all be murderers to have college football players play the season for our entertainment? As predicted essentially 0 players died.

It's time to just live with the risks.
Except long Covid does impact teens. I have a friend whose 17 year old was in the ICU with blood clots. The girl had Covid, then recovered, then ended up with clots all over her body including the lungs. The doctors ruled out genetic blood defects or other illnesses and diagnosed the cause as Covid related. They are a dozen kids in Mississippi who are in the ICU with Covid right now.

I have 2 friends who had Covid in January and still don’t have taste. Literally everything from ice cream, to coffee, to pizza, has no flavor. Ice cream is just like eating cold soft food. Whiskey is nothing but water. Occasionally they get an brief whiff of coffee if they pass by something like Starbucks but the smell quickly disappears.

i have an acquaintance whose cousin had Covid, “recovered”, then went back to the doctor when he didn’t actually feel well. After a battery of tests, the doctor discovered that the pancreas was destroyed and the person was diagnosed with Covid-induced diabetes.

Yes, it’s highly survivable, thank God. But it’s dangerous enough to cause major problems for more people than I care to know. Who wants to risk that when they have a perfectly acceptable way of nearly eliminating long term complications or death?
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Except long Covid does impact teens. I have a friend whose 17 year old was in the ICU with blood clots. The girl had Covid, then recovered, then ended up with clots all over her body including the lungs. The doctors ruled out genetic blood defects or other illnesses and diagnosed the cause as Covid related. They are a dozen kids in Mississippi who are in the ICU with Covid right now.

I have 2 friends who had Covid in January and still don’t have taste. Literally everything from ice cream, to coffee, to pizza, has no flavor. Ice cream is just like eating cold soft food. Whiskey is nothing but water. Occasionally they get an brief whiff of coffee if they pass by something like Starbucks but the smell quickly disappears.

i have an acquaintance whose cousin had Covid, “recovered”, then went back to the doctor when he didn’t actually feel well. After a battery of tests, the doctor discovered that the pancreas was destroyed and the person was diagnosed with Covid-induced diabetes.

Yes, it’s highly survivable, thank God. But it’s dangerous enough to cause major problems for more people than I care to know. Who wants to risk that when they have a perfectly acceptable way of nearly eliminating long term complications or death?
See above post. Some just want to live with it as long as they don't get it and die. JUST SAD they care so little for others.
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It may be tiny to you but how about the person who has the ventilator down their throat? I have had two healthy 30-40 year old's die in my neighborhood lately (unvaccinated) - they were OK one day --on a ventilator about 4 days later and dead within 10 days. Sad to see when they had so much life ahead of them. Family's would not agree with you on that 1% thing as they are devastated.
"Family's would not agree..." I lost a family member to this virus, and I disagree with your statement. This pulling on the heart strings does not change the facts. Survival rate is over 98%. The death rate of the "reported infection rate" is 0.08%. And the reported infection rate is always lower than the actual infection rate, which drops the death rate even lower. These deaths are tragic and I wish that on no one. But you can't argue with the numbers.

I have no problem with people getting vaccinated. You do you, I'll do me. As for me, I had the Wuhan virus in December, which means I have the antibodies. I don't understand the mentality of vax'd people imposing their will and fear on the unvax'd. Do they not have confidence in their own vax'd status? Makes no sense.
"Family's would not agree..." I lost a family member to this virus, and I disagree with your statement. This pulling on the heart strings does not change the facts. Survival rate is over 98%. The death rate of the "reported infection rate" is 0.08%. And the reported infection rate is always lower than the actual infection rate, which drops the death rate even lower. These deaths are tragic and I wish that on no one. But you can't argue with the numbers.

I have no problem with people getting vaccinated. You do you, I'll do me. As for me, I had the Wuhan virus in December, which means I have the antibodies. I don't understand the mentality of vax'd people imposing their will and fear on the unvax'd. Do they not have confidence in their own vax'd status? Makes no sense.
We’ll the CDC says even though you have had the virus (as I did) - you still need the vaccines to be fully protected (and to protect others). I still had antibodies (did regular blood tests) but got the vaccine anyway as the best way to protect the community. What doesn’t make sense is people not wanting to do all they can to protect the community at large. A lot of people think the numbers are in their favor until they on on a ventilator and then it’s too late. The original question is what will FSU do to assure all players are vaccinated or protected. I fear some players (the unvaccinated) may have additional protections or have their participation in jeopardy. NC State example looms large.
Beer prices to dramatically drop as we become a kinder, gentler stadium and fanbase; as the players feed of our energy and buzzes and become undefeated at home. :) We need our own Chop House! :)
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To you list of obesity and age, immunocompromised needs to be added and people in their 40's do die from it--a family relative is dying from it as I type this. Hope he pulls through but last I heard things were looking very bad. At least Trump was able to get the best of treatment when he had it, as well as later got the vaccine himself. Today the Surgeon General spoke of the great danger of widespread misinformation about the vaccine given the huge upsurge in the delta version. Also today, two USA Olympic basketball players aren't being able to participate because of Covid and a major league baseball game was cancelled. I fear more than ever that we will have football cancellations and related issues this fall. I hope that those who minimize the probability are correct but fear that I am....the evidence suggests that I may be.
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We’ll the CDC says even though you have had the virus (as I did) - you still need the vaccines to be fully protected (and to protect others). I still had antibodies (did regular blood tests) but got the vaccine anyway as the best way to protect the community. What doesn’t make sense is people not wanting to do all they can to protect the community at large. A lot of people think the numbers are in their favor until they on on a ventilator and then it’s too late. The original question is what will FSU do to assure all players are vaccinated or protected. I fear some players (the unvaccinated) may have additional protections or have their participation in jeopardy. NC State example looms large.
I might add I saw an article this morning that Alabama has assured that almost all their players have been vaccinated. Very interesting. look forward to see what we do.
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What do you see as the key factors in the number of FB wins this fall?
1) First, the percentage of the team that is vaccinated. If all players are vaccinated were won't have to worry about players not playing and practicing because of Covid-19. If the rapidly-growing delta version takes off without our players getting vaccinated we are in trouble...look at recent Florida stats.
2) Ability of defensive line to stop the run (think ND game plan--very worried about this one).
3) Quarterback pressure by our defense (All of the new DEs should help, but don't know about our coaching or strategies).
4) Passing coverage (hope/think we will be much improved here because of more time with new system)
No one should be on the team that is not vaccinated. Coaches players. assitants, water boys and girls, grounds keepers and anyone else in contact,
Also, avoid Covid-19, something that cost us the playing of two games and contributed to our lack of unity and growth as a team last year.
Also saved us from more absolute and complete embarrassment. Clem would have tried to hang 100 on us. FU would also have been ugly……..
Who are you protecting? The unvaccinated who chose not to get vaccinated? How is that your business. I got the vaccine because I’m in the health care profession, but it’s not for me to force anyone else to make a personal choice. Almost everyone is aware of the small risk this virus poses, and it’s up to them if they want to take that risk, not me.
BS if you take from society you must support it .Or go live by yourself
Covid will be around for a long time in some variant. If someone if susceptible to the virus due to age, obesity or existing medial conditions then they are free to choose to get vaccinated. There is no reason to be concerned with Covid if those who wish to be vaccinated have the option to. The survivability of Covid is currently near 100%.

No one knows what the long term effects of receiving the vaccine will be. There is no reason for individuals who are younger than 50 and not obese to be pressured to get the vaccine.
BS the vaccine has side effects as does the small pox vaccine. If you go to school you should have to have had both.
If you work in health care (like I do) then you know that the vaccine is developed to stop the spread. If you’re vaccinated, you don’t spread the disease, and you have a better chance of getting hit by a meteor than dying. On the other hand, if you don’t get the vaccine, you’re at risk. So, the people at risk would be the people who choose not to get the vaccine…and it’s their choice to make, not yours. So, either you’re arguing against choice or that the vaccine isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do, which begs the question, why would you get a vaccine that isn’t doing what it’s supposed to?
THIS! I don't understand why so many people that preach individual freedom, don't understand this!! Let people live their lives how THEY see fit, rather than harassing them. If you're frightened of it, get vaccinated if it makes you feel more secure. I'm perfectly fine with my decision. Thank you for pointing this out from a HealthCare worker perspective
Except long Covid does impact teens. I have a friend whose 17 year old was in the ICU with blood clots. The girl had Covid, then recovered, then ended up with clots all over her body including the lungs. The doctors ruled out genetic blood defects or other illnesses and diagnosed the cause as Covid related. They are a dozen kids in Mississippi who are in the ICU with Covid right now.

I have 2 friends who had Covid in January and still don’t have taste. Literally everything from ice cream, to coffee, to pizza, has no flavor. Ice cream is just like eating cold soft food. Whiskey is nothing but water. Occasionally they get an brief whiff of coffee if they pass by something like Starbucks but the smell quickly disappears.

i have an acquaintance whose cousin had Covid, “recovered”, then went back to the doctor when he didn’t actually feel well. After a battery of tests, the doctor discovered that the pancreas was destroyed and the person was diagnosed with Covid-induced diabetes.

Yes, it’s highly survivable, thank God. But it’s dangerous enough to cause major problems for more people than I care to know. Who wants to risk that when they have a perfectly acceptable way of nearly eliminating long term complications or death?
Feel a bit slighted since fallout I consider temporarily beneficial returned quickly. The 5+ pounds are hanging tough though……..
No one should be on the team that is not vaccinated. Coaches players. assitants, water boys and girls, grounds keepers and anyone else in contact,
That's bs. It's a personal choice. I can guarantee you there is a long list of NFL players who are health and nutrition freaks who care about their body who will refuse to get poked with those chemicals. Vaccines are the opposite of health, nutrition and clean living. Plus, if your vax works - what do you care who is and isn't vaxxed? You should be protected, right?
Just remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus they got vaccinated against because you're not vaccinated...
If our OL does an ole’ as the opponent rushers terrorize our QB like the past few seasons, it will again be a long season.
What do you see as the key factors in the number of FB wins this fall?
1) First, the percentage of the team that is vaccinated. If all players are vaccinated were won't have to worry about players not playing and practicing because of Covid-19. If the rapidly-growing delta version takes off without our players getting vaccinated we are in trouble...look at recent Florida stats.
2) Ability of defensive line to stop the run (think ND game plan--very worried about this one).
3) Quarterback pressure by our defense (All of the new DEs should help, but don't know about our coaching or strategies).
4) Passing coverage (hope/think we will be much improved here because of more time with new system)
Already wrecking the Olympics. All players, staff and coaches have to get vaccinated or else.
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THIS! I don't understand why so many people that preach individual freedom, don't understand this!! Let people live their lives how THEY see fit, rather than harassing them. If you're frightened of it, get vaccinated if it makes you feel more secure. I'm perfectly fine with my decision. Thank you for pointing this out from a HealthCare worker perspective
I do not have any issue with you or anyone else who wants to put themselves at risk- Just do not bring that risk around me (or in the case of this post-the other team members). You have a right to infect yourself if you like, just not others. JMHO
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I do not have any issue with you or anyone else who wants to put themselves at risk- Just do not bring that risk around me (or in the case of this post-the other team members). You have a right to infect yourself if you like, just not others. JMHO
But you are vaccinated, right?
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Already wrecking the Olympics. All players, staff and coaches have to get vaccinated or else.
I do not have any issue with you or anyone else who wants to put themselves at risk- Just do not bring that risk around me (or in the case of this post-the other team members). You have a right to infect yourself if you like, just not others. JMHO
This is key.
But you are vaccinated, right?
There are plenty of people that are not eligible or for whom a vaccine may not be effective (children and immuno-compromised). Unless someone who is not vaccinated plans to stay at home, they’re potentially putting vulnerable individuals at risk, but hey, I guess we shouldn’t really care about that.
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This is key.

There are plenty of people that are not eligible or for whom a vaccine may not be effective (children and immuno-compromised). Unless someone who is not vaccinated plans to stay at home, they’re potentially putting vulnerable individuals at risk, but hey, I guess we shouldn’t really care about that.
Children are practically zero risk and should not be given a vax.
From my understanding, getting the vaccine relieves an athlete from getting tested. Therefore, you are not at risk of missing a game. If I were on a team, I would get it just so I could avoid being tested and thus missing a game.
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It may be tiny to you but how about the person who has the ventilator down their throat? I have had two healthy 30-40 year old's die in my neighborhood lately (unvaccinated) - they were OK one day --on a ventilator about 4 days later and dead within 10 days. Sad to see when they had so much life ahead of them. Family's would not agree with you on that 1% thing as they are devastated.

All loss of life is tragic. Everything in life needs to be based on risk assessment. The survival rate of Covid for 30-40 year olds is nearly 100%. The nearly 100% is because there will be a few that will be outside the survival statistic.

You need to live life accepting there is an inherent risk in everything you do. The danger is when you set your risk tolerance to the survivability of Covid as a 30-40 year old. If this is your tolerance and allow this amount of danger to be your standard what will you do when you realize everyday task are far more dangerous than surviving covid? As an example more than twice as may 30-40 Americans died in car accidents in 2019 than died from Covid March 2020-June 2021.

Will you advise people of that age demographic to not get in a car? Covid has unfortunately taken lives. The OVERWHELMING majority of which are elderly individuals with the majority of those having been in poor health to begin with. People need to stop looking at Covid as a real threat to their life. If you are vulnerable feel free to get the vaccine, if you are scared get the vaccine but do not continue to act like Covid is a death plague which poses a risk to everyone's life because the statistics have proven that to be the case.
I hopefully am trying to protect the whole community- not just my personal health. I guess you are OK with them continuing to help the spread (and maybe help the virus continue to mutate and possibly cause another plague) ? Frankly I draw the line where their choice possibly could affect my and my family's health.
What is the community and your family at danger of? Twice as many Americans were killed in 2019 from car accidents than 30-40 year olds from March 2020-July 2021. Those younger than 30 had an exponentially lower risks. The survivability before a vaccine for those under 60 was well over 99% actually closer to 100%.

Everyday tasks are currently more dangerous than Covid. Nearly 3 million Americans died every year before Covid.

The fear that is being perpetuated among our society is much more dangerous than the virus. I know many people in their 20's and 30's who are afraid to go out into public and have nonstop anxiety because they have been brain washed to believe there is a danger on their life despite being less likely to die from the virus than actually driving a car to go and get a vaccine shot.

For those who tout the just vaccinate everyone including the young.

Here is a partial list of drugs which were previously approved as safe after undergoing full medical review for approval (not the reduced scrutiny the Covid vaccines were approved under due to the rights granted under the emergency use authorization) and withdrawn after being found to be unsafe. While some were removed for lack of commercial demand you can see the overwhelming majority were removed for being unsafe after further review.

Hopefully the Covid vaccines are safe and pose no risks to those who took them years down the road, however no one can honestly safe they are definitely safe in the long term. There is no reason to subject children and younger healthy adults to the possible unknow effects of the vaccines to prevent then from contracting the virus or spreading it to someone who may be vulnerable but has already been vaccinated.
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What is the community and your family at danger of? Twice as many Americans were killed in 2019 from car accidents than 30-40 year olds from March 2020-July 2021. Those younger than 30 had an exponentially lower risks. The survivability before a vaccine for those under 60 was well over 99% actually closer to 100%.

Everyday tasks are currently more dangerous than Covid. Nearly 3 million Americans died every year before Covid.

The fear that is being perpetuated among our society is much more dangerous than the virus. I know many people in their 20's and 30's who are afraid to go out into public and have nonstop anxiety because they have been brain washed to believe there is a danger on their life despite being less likely to die from the virus than actually driving a car to go and get a vaccine shot.

For those who tout the just vaccinate everyone including the young.

Here is a partial list of drugs which were previously approved as safe after undergoing full medical review for approval (not the reduced scrutiny the Covid vaccines were approved under due to the rights granted under the emergency use authorization) and withdrawn after being found to be unsafe. While some were removed for lack of commercial demand you can see the overwhelming majority were removed for being unsafe after further review.

Hopefully the Covid vaccines are safe and pose no risks to those who took them years down the road, however no one can honestly safe they are definitely safe in the long term. There is no reason to subject children and younger healthy adults to the possible unknow effects of the vaccines to prevent then from contracting the virus or spreading it to someone who may be vulnerable but has already been vaccinated.
Car accidents are just that- accidents. This is preventable and if I was coach I would have all vaccinated on my roster. The rest can just red shirt until they are vaccinated. I would not put my whole team at risk just to let some personal decision wreck my season.
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