Lots of interesting nerd news today in the entertainment world


Veteran Seminole Insider
Jan 23, 2008
Lots of interesting nerd items on the blotter today.

1) Universal signed a deal with Nintendo to bring in their properties to Universal theme parks around the world. So goodbye Kidzone, hello Marioland and Hyrule! Unlike Disney and their outdated rides, Universal will be doing one new ride every year at a minimum for each park. Next year in Florida we'll have the new Kong ride which will be bigger and more expensive than the current two Harry Potters and the Disney Avatarland whenever they slowly complete that project. Plus an all new water park called Volcano Bay. And it looks like even though not officially announced yet the universal studios proper will be getting a replacement of Disaster with a Fast and the Furious ride and Twister will be replaced with "30 Rock Experience" replicating going to NYC and the headquarters of NBC with fusion versions of the various NBC stars. So lots of good news if you're a fan of Universal or Nintendo.

2) ABC announced its new lineup and while they did not pick up the new Mockingbird spinoff of Agents of Shield, the did renew AOS as well as surprisingly pick up a second season of Agent Carter. Also there will be a New Muppet show in prime time.

3) CW officially announced its fourth comic book series for next year (adding to Arrow, Flash and iZombie), to be called Legends of Tomorrow. It's basically a Justice League lite packed with all of the DC c-listers like Hawkgirl, the old black canary from Arrow (time travel is involved), Captain Cold, Atom, Firestorm and others. It will be light and definitely not a DC movie.
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Lots of interesting nerd items on the blotter today.

1) Universal signed a deal with Nintendo to bring in their properties to Universal theme parks around the world. So goodbye Kidzone, hello Marioland and Hyrule! Unlike Disney and their outdated rides, Universal will be doing one new ride every year at a minimum for each park. Next year in Florida we'll have the new Kong ride which will be bigger and more expensive than the current two Harry Potters and the Disney Avatarland whenever they slowly complete that project. Plus an all new water park called Volcano Bay. And it looks like even though not officially announced yet the universal studios proper will be getting a replacement of Disaster with a Fast and the Furious ride and Twister will be replaced with "30 Rock Experience" replicating going to NYC and the headquarters of NBC with fusion versions of the various NBC stars. So lots of good news if you're a fan of Universal or Nintendo.

2) ABC announced its new lineup and while they did not pick up the new Mockingbird spinoff of Agents of Shield, the did renew AOS as well as surprisingly pick up a second season of Agent Carter. Also there will be a New Muppet show in prime time.

3) CW officially announced its fourth comic book series for next year (adding to Arrow, Flash and iZombie), to be called Legends of Tomorrow. It's basically a Justice League lite packed with all of the DC c-listers like Hawkgirl, the old black canary from Arrow (time travel is involved), Captain Cold, Atom, Firestorm and others. It will be light and definitely not a DC movie.

Trying to get my kids to Universal before my oldest leaves for college in the fall. Good to know that time is running out for Disaster and Twister. Not that they are great rides but considering I've only been 3 times in 20+ years, it's not like they're stale to me. Twister is nothing special, but I always liked that Disaster ride, I'd like my kids to ride it. They missed Back to the Future, which I always liked, not that there was anything wrong with the Simpsons ride.
Trying to get my kids to Universal before my oldest leaves for college in the fall. Good to know that time is running out for Disaster and Twister. Not that they are great rides but considering I've only been 3 times in 20+ years, it's not like they're stale to me. Twister is nothing special, but I always liked that Disaster ride, I'd like my kids to ride it. They missed Back to the Future, which I always liked, not that there was anything wrong with the Simpsons ride.

I'm torn about Back to the Future because while I preferred that as a ride to the Simpsons, the new Springfield area is a huge improvement over the scant "generic future land" theming that was there before. A lot of people loved "Doc's chicken" that was there and lament its loss (good fried chicken for a theme park) but it doesn't remotely compare to the joy of moseying up to Moes faithfully reconstructed bar for a Duff beer or grabbing a Krustyburger or Lars Lad donut.

As far as disaster and twister they're definitely showing their age compared to the new Universal rides and theming since Comcast and NBC (of all people) took over. I hate Comcast as a company and switched as soon as I had an option, but they have been amazing owners of the Universal theme parks. Pre-Comcast it was very Disney-like aka few new rides mainly just a few upgrades of old rides and when new rides came in it was years in between and they were usually done on the cheap (the best "new" ride pre-Comcast is definitely the still quite good and my favorite indoor coaster...Mummy) like the frequently derided Rip Ride Rocket and Shrek. Post Comcast they've added both Harry Potter lands (best theme park sections anywhere bar none), Transformers, Despicable Me, and rethemed the Simpsons plus they are actively building new resort buildings around Universal, are putting in a new Waterpark that on paper is going to be the best in Orlando by far (possibly the world), are midway through building the most amazing ride on paper ever built in the new Kong ride (the tech being used makes the Harry Potter rides look like old Disney stuff), will be actively revamping the parks with new additions moving forward and significantly improved CityWalk to the point it blows away Downtown Disney/PleasureIsland/The new Disney Springs reformatting.

The new fast and the furious ride replacing disaster sounds good. Imagine a faster Test Track (or Italian job if you've been to Kings Dominion) with the highest tech HD projector systems surrounding the track with some flames and explosions timed to your ride. The replacement for Twister sounds a little less exciting but Twister is a small building that doesn't have a lot of space. It's going to be an interactive fusion hologram show (just like the interactive hologram Christopher Walken currently used in Disaster which you may have not seen yet) and tied to a Jimmy Fallon "live taping" where guests will interact with holographic NBC celebrities. Sounds awful to me, but so far everything Universal has done under Comcast has been a home run so I won't protest too much.
That's weird. I don't know why my post elsewhere ended up back here. So I edited it to this.
So here's some Pro Tips for your upcoming trip to Universal from someone with a couple of years worth of annual passes. You might want to print these out as you won't find them on park guides and a lot of this is "secret" stuff than only friends of the staff know about albeit not this first tip.

1) Make sure you get a Duff DRY at the new Springfield. It's the best of the new specialty proprietary beers in the park (so better than Duff, Duff Light, Wizards Brew, Dragonscale Ale and Hogs Head Brew which are all craft brews by the Florida Brewing Company and therefore better than most). It's also probably my favorite chocolate malt stout period with a lot of flavor yet pretty light in body. Regular Duff is basically a Heineken clone but brewed with better care and ingredients, so good but generic.

2) When you order a Buzz Cola, ask them to use regular Coke not Coke Zero. Buzz Cola is just a proprietary cherry and "energy" spike (ie caffeine, Vitamin B, gingseng and guarana) syrup that they add to Coke Zero. While its fine with Coke Zero it is INFINITELY better with regular Coke. Plus, the bartender may give you an "insider" nod and lean a little heavy on the syrup spray to make it even better.

3) Make your own Butterbeer float. It's not available as a regular menu item but it may be the best thing on the planet. Go to Fair Fortune (next to The ice cream shop and usually blocked from your view by the line to the ice cream and people watching the dragon) or Hopping Pot (the outdoor pub) and order a regular Butterbeer (not the frozen version) and a Butterbeer icecream and then ask for an extra cup as you want to make a float. They'll "get it" and gladly get you an extra cup. Add half of the butter beer to the extra cup and then split the butter beer ice cream between them and viola! The best thing on the planet, Butterbeer float. Basically it's a very powerful butterscotch flavored soda mixed with an amazing butterscotch ice custard. So long as you like butterscotch you will be in heaven.

4) While a self-made Butterbeer float is the best thing on the planet, hot Butterbeer which is not a secret but a new item they haven't advertised well is the best thing they offer by itself. It's only available (I believe) in Three Broomsticks and the Leaky Cauldron, but basically imagine the worlds best hot chocolate then take the chocolate out and add in butterscotch in its place. It's a creamy, hot butterscotchy goodness you won't find anywhere else.

5) But here's a "secret", take the hot Butterbeer which is already amazing and purchase a shot of the new Fire Whiskey (actually a proprietary cinnamon and cayenne spiced moonshine so NOT fireball or any cinnamon spiced bourbon). Add about half a shot of the Fire Whiskey to the Hot Butterbeer (maybe buy two, one to sample au naturale and one to spice up), the firey cinnamon and cayenne moonshine and smooth creamy hot Butterbeer go great together.

6) When in line to ride MiB, ask the person supervising the line for an "immigration tour". That's a free behind the scenes walk through of the amazing space down below the ride queue which emulates the MIB headquarters. You'll see things you cant see from the line as its above it by a floor plus some behind the scene areas heavily themed that usually only the big money corporate and star bigwigs on personal tours get to see. As long as you're not there on a busy day, they're happy to oblige.

7) Go to the Ollivanders in Diagon Alley and not the one in Hogsmeade (aka Islands of Adventure). They have about the same number of people visiting but there are secretly TWO show rooms not one at the new Diagon Alley so you get through the line twice as fast.

I'll post some other pro tips in a bit I've got a conference call I've got to get on.
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So the butterbeer is alright then?

Lol yeah. So long as you like butterscotch. And DO NOT do like I see tourons do all the time and pour off the Butterbeer foam if you get a "plain" one. The foam is the best part, it's a purposefully made butterscotch flavored foam that heightens the flavor of the Butterbeer.

But in my opinion the butter beers go

Hot Butterbeer (10/10) > Butterbeer Icecream (9.9/10) > "plain" Butterbeer with the foam (9.5/10) > iced Butterbeer (8/10) > "plain" Butterbeer with no foam because you're a stupid tourist who poured it off for some reason (7/10).

My self made Butterbeer float rocks it out to an 11.
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Universal has to plan something, since they'll be losing the Marvels stuff when that contract ends.
Universal has to plan something, since they'll be losing the Marvels stuff when that contract ends.

Universals Contract is infinite, not timed.

And it looks like although not officially announced Universal has come to a new Agreement with Disney. Universal can (actually must is what I unferstand) retheme to match the MCU versions the mouse house has and can build a new Avengers ride (to go in the cartoon lagoon unused theatre and backspaces) in exchange for Disney being able to build similar rides without a lawsuit in California and Asia plus allow Disney to promote the MCU in its own park (no rides but meet and greets plus advertising) and to build a Guardians of the Galaxy and big Hero Six themed stuff.

Hulk is up first as it will be reformatted this offseason and the trains will be getting new restraints. That's why this deal has to be official sooner rather than later.

The deal as it sits currently is that Universal owns all theme park rights to not only the characters as they appear in Universal but every character that had occurred in the comic at the time of the contract (so not just Spiderman but characters like Daredevil that had appeared in the Spiderman comics). Even Guardians of the Galaxy are forboden to Disney as they appeared in Fantastic Four comics. The "problem" for Universal in the contract is that they can't expand or build new rides (only refurbish old) without Marvels permission. Per the contract Marvel cant block any new rides unless they can show it somehow has negative implications for the character (so in other words they couldn't successfully block a new Avengers ride unless it has Hawkeye making out with a 12 yo boy and Hulk murdering the president but it's vague enough it could be held up in court for a few years). So basically 1) Universal never loses Marvel in Florida unless they want as the Contract is renewable in ten year blocks which only go up based upon inflation and Marvel is currently paid through 2050 as far as I understand it. 2) However Universal can't add new rides unless it gets through Disneys lawyers. Even though Uni would prevail, the Disney attorneys could easily stall any project for at least a few years. 3) Technically the contract with Universal is for the comic version of the characters and not the probably more popular live action MCU versions.

So basically some deal must be reached if Marvel wants to upgrade Islands of Adventure and they do. Disney does not hold the majority of the bargaining chips, they only hold the "annoyance" and slow down chip. So basically it comes down to what can Disney get out of Universal so it can retheme and update Islands of Adventure?

As I said, it looks like Universal will agree to basically promote Disneys property the MCU by retheming it's current rides and it looks like they may axe Fantastic Four aka Dr Doom Fear Fall in exchange for the rights to build a new Avengers ride. Disney will also get the rights to make Marvel based rides in California and Asia plus Big Hero Six, Guardians and POSSIBLY the Inhumans. Marvel would keep in Florida Spiderman, Daredevil, all of the Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man et al), Hulk, and XMen.
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Here's some more Pro Tips for Universal courtesy of moi

8) The best bar and bartender in all of Universal is Meyrick at the Watering Hole in the Jurassic Park. The Welsh native is infamous for his ridiculously strong pours. It's a full service bar so you can get anything, but I usually get the proprietary Predator on the Rocks with an extra floater of rum.

9) Speaking of bars, the second best is Backwater Bar at the entrance to Islands of Adventure. It's also a full service bar (it's proprietary Port of Entry is one of the best proprietary mixed drink in the place) with strong pours. My family and friends periodically do an "Around the Universe" where we go around drinking the best proprietary beers and mixed drinks around the properties and City Walk (I can post an itinerary we follow to make sure we don't forget something in our drunken stupor if someone wants).

10) If you are into music momentos, go to the front desk of the Hard Rock Hotel during slow times and ask for a "Vibe tour". Someone will take you through all the "secret" mementos from all of the great musicians that have played there plus all of the behind the scene rooms like the green room where a lot of famous people have carved their names into the furniture.

11) Make sure you watch all of the live shows in Diagon Alley. There are two different puppet Beedle the Bard shows (the better is about death and the three brothers, the other is about witches and the Fountain of Fair Fortune) and a music show. Also while in the live show area of Diagon Alley make sure you go to the Hopping Pot and try the Diagon proprietary brews (Wizards Brew and Dragonscale Ale) plus do not miss the Fishy Green Ale. It is NOT Alcoholic, but it's really interesting and the best of the nonalcoholic proprietary drinks other than Butterbeer. It's mint green tea soda with tapioca balls (thin walls that Pop as soon as they hit your teeth) filled with blueberry gel.

12) There's a secret entrance to Universal Studios next to the Blue Man Group if you already have a ticket. There's never anyone there so you just walk right in. Walk as if you're heading to Blue Man Group then make a right when you're under the Rip Ride Rockit Rollercoaster.

13) Another great use for the new Fire Whiskey (cinnamon and cayenne moonshine) is to order a Strongbow at Hogs Head Inn in Hogsmeade and add a shot of the Fire Whiskey. It makes a great apple pie-esque drink.

14) When in Springfield everyone wants to get a Krustyburger, but the better food options are the Clogger from Krusty and a Korean beef taco from The Bee Man Taco Bus.

15) This is semi well known tip but I'll add it anyways. At the red phone booth outside Diagon Alley if you pick up the phone and dial magic (62442) you'll get a recorded conversation from the Ministry of Magic. Similar tips are that in Superhero Island/aka Marvel land there are several fake payphones and call boxes. Push the buttons on the call boxes and pick up the payphones and dial and you'll get phone messages about villains and/or superheroes. There are two phones in Springfield that work as well. There's a pay phone on the wall outside Of the Kwikimart (I believe, maybe Krusty) but you have to wait for it to ring. When it rings pick it up and it will be random Simpsons characters. Meanwhile in Moes Bar there's a phone that rings and when you pick it up.....its Bart playing one of his name practical jokes.

More pro tips to come.
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