We’re excited to announce today that studying for the SAT for 20 hours on Khan Academy’s free Official SAT Practice is associated with an average score gain of 115 points. That’s nearly double the average score gain compared to students who don’t use our free test prep.
So, out of curiousity, after reading this post I asked my daughter last night about how much she used Khan academy and how. It's a lot more sophisticated than I expected, and thought it was worth sharing, for anyone heading into this phase with their kids.
So apparently, you sign up with Khan Academy, and you sync it with your College Board account, the site that coordinates the SAT. Then the Khan program can see your SAT results, and identify how you did on certain sections and types of questions. Then it can feed you practices of those types of questions. While you're working them out, you can choose hints in progressive detail, up the the point that it shows you how to work out the question. And you can just do it over and over again until you master all the questions that give you trouble.
It will even tell you the frequency of appearance of different kinds of questions...i.e. they appear on about 30% of SATs, versus 80% of SATs. So you can concentrate and the ones you're most likely to see first, and depending on how much effort you want to put in, work down to the more rare questions, so you're using your time appropriately.
I had assumed it was just videos explaining the different questions, but that's not really it, they are practice questions you work out with help.
They're so linked in with the SAT, that my daughter said she actually got an email from Kahn Academy like this references, congratulating her on being one of the students who raised their score over 100 points. I was a bit surprised to find out, she said she worked the Kahn Academy tools much that eventually the practice questions apparently started to repeat a little, which means she did a LOT of practice questions. She said once she mastered the common ones, she continued to drill down even to the infrequent ones, just in case they came up, it could mean a few extra points. I really had no idea how much time she was putting in, because it was in her free time, not in a structured class.
She 100% credits Kahn Academy for her success. I'm going to put her scores here, even though it extremely braggy, only because I am so impressed with what Kahn Academy did, and because she feels strongly about it and wants to tell everyone who will listen how good it is. Her first round of testing was 1350 SAT (and 31 ACT). Her second SAT was 1430. Her third SAT was 1540. As I mentioned earlier, I didn't think that kind of movement at the top end was realistic.
And it's all 100% free. Considering how personalized it is, I honestly can't see how it doesn't put these expensive classes out of business. I guess for some kids having a formal class is still preferential if they need the structure and aren't great at staying on something independently.
But otherwise, I want people to know how great a resource it is, in case their like me and assume it's just some series of videos about the SAT. If your kid is serious about the SAT, it's absolutely worth pushing them to use this.
Advertisement over I guess.