Napkins at fast food restaurants

Dec 20, 2014
Why do people feel the need to take half a dispensers worth then leave the stack half used on the table. Grab 1 or 2 and move on, jfc.
Maybe they're stocking up their home supply. Do they also take way more ketchup than they can possible use for that one meal? Times are tough.
Depends on the type of dispenser and the way they sometimes pack in the napkins. It can be dang near impossible to pull out just a few without ripping them all to shreds. Easier to pull out a dozen than to pull out one or two. I don't feel guilty at all for pulling out whatever it takes when that happens.
Originally posted by aviHawk:
Why do people feel the need to take half a dispensers worth then leave the stack half used on the table. Grab 1 or 2 and move on, jfc.
Same reason the govt spends tax dollars on stuff it doesn't need to. It ain't their money
Posted from Rivals Mobile
My dad owned a few fast food restaurants growing up. One of the things we did to prevent people from taking to many was packing the dispenser slam full. Makes it hard to grab more than a few at a time.
Posted from Rivals Mobile