You're right. This is why they just need to do away with this country wide. It creates confusion. At some point, just have the whole country move their clocks forward an hour in March and never touch them again.
If Florida goes to DST year round, then the panhandle people in central time will be the same time as Georgia during the winter months. When Georgia moves the clocks back in November, Pensacola would stay the same because they would not move back from DST.
Basically the whole state of Florida will stay on DST for the entire year. During the DST months, Georgia will spring forward, while Pensacola will already be at DST. However, they will still be in central time, so an hour behind.
However, does that now mean that Georgia would be an hour behind the rest of Florida during the winter months? This would be after Georgia falls back and Florida stays on DST. That is going to cause all sorts of confusion for people that might commute from Thomasville for work.
Right Now (Standard Time): Pensacola - Noon; Tally - 1 PM; Atlanta - 1PM
DST (March): Clocks spring forward: Pensacola - 1 PM; Tally - 2 PM; Atlanta - 2 PM
Fall Back (November): Pensacola stays on DST - 1 PM; Tally stays on DST - 2 PM; Atlanta falls back - 1 PM