Official says office has handled 20 rape allegations of FSU players in 9 years

Didn't the article on espn a few months ago out how out of control Urban's gators were also say the same thing about gator admins helping their players get lawyers?
There have been too many incidents and allegations for it all just to be anti-FSU bias. There's way too much smoke over the last few years. I think our fan base, as reflected on this site, rallies to defend the athlete too quickly and the true victims suffer. Also, I disagree, 20 victims over 9 years is a lot because those are just the ones who came forward.

I know my opinion is not shared by most on here, sorry. I also think it's not just a FSU issue, protecting the athlete has gotten out of hand.

But when you consider you have 40,000 students, 2 allegations a year is very small percentage. I'm all for doing the right thing and I think players can stop being placed in questionable situations if you do a midnight curfew or a ban from bars and clubs in Tallahassee. Sorry but there are people out there with bad intentions or girls who don't want to take responsibility for their actions as in there is not a refund if you decide to hook up with someone and feel too guilty about it later.
But when you consider you have 40,000 students, 2 allegations a year is very small percentage. I'm all for doing the right thing and I think players can stop being placed in questionable situations if you do a midnight curfew or a ban from bars and clubs in Tallahassee. Sorry but there are people out there with bad intentions or girls who don't want to take responsibility for their actions as in there is not a refund if you decide to hook up with someone and feel too guilty about it later.

Actual reported rape in US and FL is 27 per 100K annually. It is widely suggested that allegations ( what she commented upon) is significantly higher.
It's just a play off the Hunting Ground. It ran, so it's an opportunity for a story. Pretty sad they don't feel anything else is newsworthy. (I guess ISIS, presidential candidates and a kid's family wanting millions because of a clock are getting old.):confused:
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We need to get control of the program and Univeristy.

Death penalty & the NCAA are coming down the tracks.

Thraser needs to hire professionals to handle this, get out of the way, and focus on academics. He's quick to shoot down these allegations but I'm still waiting for his plans for the school and becoming a top 25 Univeristy, break away our engineering program from a bankrupting FAMU, and take our medical school to new heights.

The new club seats, college town, and arena district will on be successful if we clean up this mess now.
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We should be concerned about this. Thrasher should release something which explains why she had this poison to spew. Why was she fired? This makes me sick. Happy Thanksgivg
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We need to get control of the program and Univeristy.

Death penalty & the NCAA are coming down the tracks.

Thraser needs to hire professionals to handle this, get out of the way, and focus on academics. He's quick to shoot down these allegations but I'm still waiting for his plans for the school and becoming a top 25 Univeristy, break away our engineering program from a bankrupting FAMU, and take our medical school to new heights.

The new club seats, college town, and arena district will on be successful if we clean up this mess now.

I think there is some modifications that are being made and some different policies but it's something that affects all schools. I highly doubt the NCAA ever gets involved in it. Again there is a big difference from Allegation and charged. People don't want to hear this but keeping players away from bars and clubs is the best way to put a dent in this because people who are drunk see things and act in way that they normally wouldn't act and I'm not referring to just athletes.
Much to do about nothing. No charges nobody guilty.....just a bunch of innuendo.

Do they even mention what is considered favorable treatment?
Much to do about nothing. No charges nobody guilty.....just a bunch of innuendo.

Do they even mention what is considered favorable treatment?

Yes. Access to outside attorneys. Real special. Informing them of their rights.
I think we could have issues with the Title IX lawsuit- hope I am wreong
Why would you be concerned? I would think that any decisions related to Title IX would be based on the full testimony by all parties, not just an article listing 4 quotes put into context for creating clicks and selling papers.
The biggest concern to me is the ability of people to lay baseless claims against people and the university is obligated to rapidly investigate the claims or they could lose their title 9 is a setup for people that arent rich or well represented to get shafted
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I am surprised that that the person from the advocacy office is allowed to make any comment regarding the identity of the accused.

It's vague enough that you can't identify any of the individuals involved. I believe the number, though. Ten seasons with 105+ guys every year. Honestly, that number seems low for a college demographic of that size. These are self-reported, unverified, non-public disclosures. The same kind that show that 1 in 6 women in college were victims of sexual assault.
We need to get control of the program and Univeristy.

Death penalty & the NCAA are coming down the tracks.

Thraser needs to hire professionals to handle this, get out of the way, and focus on academics. He's quick to shoot down these allegations but I'm still waiting for his plans for the school and becoming a top 25 Univeristy, break away our engineering program from a bankrupting FAMU, and take our medical school to new heights.

The new club seats, college town, and arena district will on be successful if we clean up this mess now.
12nole, where have you been the last couple of years? Title IX has nothing to do with the NCAA, so please stop with the "death penalty" nonsense.
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I think there is some modifications that are being made and some different policies but it's something that affects all schools. I highly doubt the NCAA ever gets involved in it. Again there is a big difference from Allegation and charged. People don't want to hear this but keeping players away from bars and clubs is the best way to put a dent in this because people who are drunk see things and act in way that they normally wouldn't act and I'm not referring to just athletes.
Again, Title IX has nothing to do with the NCAA. Stop propagating this nonsense.
people who are drunk see things and act in way that they normally wouldn't act and I'm not referring to just athletes.

I've never agreed with this line of thinking. I have always felt that people use alcohol as an excuse to behave exactly how they want to. That is just my opinion though.
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Is it 40 students or 40 student athletes? And are all 40 of those football players?... If so, how does she know they are Fsu players?
I've never agreed with this line of thinking. I have always felt that people use alcohol as an excuse to behave exactly how they want to. That is just my opinion though.

I agree but I've seen pretty female friends in college try to excuse their sleeping with a stranger because she was drunk. I've seen two drunk female friends French kiss each other because it was a dare by some drunk frat guys yet they're not homosexual.
A Journalism school at FSU is 25 years past due. Not too late to start offering the program.

Control the minds by controlling the narrative. UF has all of the control and media power in the state of Florida and nationally.

The paper will never go away. How it is read may change (paper vs. internet) but the narrative will always be there for the reader.

Engineering, Medical School, & Journalism school....brings you money, power, and control.
thats it. Journalism school would have prevented all of these rapes.
I agree but I've seen pretty female friends in college try to excuse their sleeping with a stranger because she was drunk. I've seen two drunk female friends French kiss each other because it was a dare by some drunk frat guys yet they're not homosexual.
Alcohol lowers your inhibitions. You either don't drink, or are stupid if you think someone is not more inclined to participate in riskier behavior when under the influence.
Understand that no major public university in a politically critical state like Florida is going to lose its federal funding. Just won't happen. All of this is a paper tiger that keeps lawyers and bureaucrats mighty busy.
I agree but I've seen pretty female friends in college try to excuse their sleeping with a stranger because she was drunk. I've seen two drunk female friends French kiss each other because it was a dare by some drunk frat guys yet they're not homosexual.

Oh but they'll tell you they're feminists. College girls are among the dumbest on the planet when it comes to sexual behavior and choices. Girls in the late 60's were 10x smarter. Don't get me started.