OT: Pet Peeves


Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Nov 15, 2006
what are yours?


-people that can’t eat. ie: Chew with their mouth open, or try to hold a conversation with a mouth full of food

-people that eat while on the phone. Can’t understand a word. Finish up and call me back.
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Both of those bother me, and the unsecured children scare me.
I have pet peeves, but if I listed them people might think I was just a picky person so I'll skip further replies...
OKAY there's one - people say or write "anyways" and it's just "anyway".
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Here is a good one that happened to me yesterday.

I go to load dishwasher after dinner. Wife is being nice and insist she does them.

Next morning I wake up with kids and go in kitchen. Dishwasher is loaded with cups up top and 3 pots below with a sink full of dirty plates.

That is annoying
Drivers... pretty much all of them. Luckily I work remote full time now, so I'm not exposed to the dipshittery nearly as often.
The worst drivers to me are the enablers...Such as people who let people who pass everyone already in the correct lane for a merge in line at the last second. These a-holes wouldn't be trying that crap in the first place if they didn't know someone was going to allow them to cut in.
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The worst drivers to me are the enablers...Such as people who let people who pass everyone already in the correct lane for a merge in line at the last second. These a-holes wouldn't be trying that crap in the first place if they didn't know someone was going to allow them to cut in.

Yup. If I can see that the left lane is closed from a mile back and get over to the open lane, why does Mr. Important get to cut in front of Mr. Why-Not 30' from the lane closure?

  • 15mph below the speed limit person
  • 10 over, slow down to reply to text, then 10 over again person
  • Cut across 4 lanes of traffic to turn person (because, screw our lives, instead of just making a right turn then u-turn then left turn)
  • "How do you work a round-about" person
When the barista says “room for cream?” and I respond “just a little” and they leave like 2” of room. I now say “black” and sip it down to add a little cream.
Diesel pickups spewing black smoke
Excessively loud motorcycles
Trash on the highways
Tip jars everywhere
People who leave a restaurant table completely trashed
Restaurant workers who don’t clean said trashed tables
People who insist on getting rid of spare change In the checkout line
People who are rude to service people
Movie and stadium concession prices
People who are close-minded politically

Just off the top of my head...
People that reply to a text with a phone call. There's a reason I didn't call you.

Mine is somewhat the opposite - people who text or email when a quick phone call would be vastly more efficient. As an example, scheduling an appointment takes a max of 7 seconds via phone, but results in at least a half dozen texts or emails by the time you get to a time that works for both parties.
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The worst drivers to me are the enablers...Such as people who let people who pass everyone already in the correct lane for a merge in line at the last second. These a-holes wouldn't be trying that crap in the first place if they didn't know someone was going to allow them to cut in.
Maybe they are correctly following the zipper method.
Yup. If I can see that the left lane is closed from a mile back and get over to the open lane, why does Mr. Important get to cut in front of Mr. Why-Not 30' from the lane closure?

  • 15mph below the speed limit person
  • 10 over, slow down to reply to text, then 10 over again person
  • Cut across 4 lanes of traffic to turn person (because, screw our lives, instead of just making a right turn then u-turn then left turn)
  • "How do you work a round-about" person

The one that drives me crazy is the person that speeds past you changing lanes only to run up to a red light. If I see the light is red I will just coast up to the light and then re-accelerate when it turns green. There's no point in racing to a red light. The last car I owned had 170k miles on it and still had original brakes. People have no foresight.
Maybe they are correctly following the zipper method.
The zipper method is for when there's two equally heavily-trafficked lanes merging like at a double turn lane that merges into one before joining the highway. I'm referring to people who speed past like a dozen cars whose drivers have been waiting in the proper lane and then some idiot near the front lets them in.
The one that drives me crazy is the person that speeds past you changing lanes only to run up to a red light. If I see the light is red I will just coast up to the light and then re-accelerate when it turns green. There's no point in racing to a red light. The last car I owned had 170k miles on it and still had original brakes. People have no foresight.
...Especially when it's your car and your kid or S.O. is the one doing it! :mad:
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People who say "drive safely"
As if I planned on driving like a crazy person, but now I won't.
I'm guessing it just makes them feel better about themselves if you die in a fiery car crash.
"Well, I told him to drive safely, so my conscious is clear"
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People who don't teach their children personal finance and everyday task like doing laundry, loading a dishwasher, how to operate a microwave or oven, online banking, when to know it's time for an oil change, how to pump gas, etc.

I'm sure it's because the parent(s) weren't taught how so they don't feel the need to teach their own. Drives me insane. You can learn something useful everyday but people can be so arrogant and lazy they refuse to help themselves.
Selfish people

Women that talk for 20 minutes straight while I stand and nod

People that say inappropriate things in the workplace

Men that say creepy things about women that are half their age
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My #1 is public profanity - can I at least walk to the FSU game from the parking lot without hearing the F bomb 15 times??
So you're in favor of people cussing as long as it's to themselves? I kid.

As for me, I strongly distrust anyone that doesn't cuss, at least occasionally. But like you, I'm not looking for an F-bomb 15x either. There's a time and a place for it.
So you're in favor of people cussing as long as it's to themselves? I kid.

As for me, I strongly distrust anyone that doesn't cuss, at least occasionally. But like you, I'm not looking for an F-bomb 15x either. There's a time and a place for it.
When I was younger, my language would've made a sailor blush. Then one day, my two then-preteen daughters called me out for it. I now reserve salty language only for rare appropriate occasions.

Thing is, such words from me now carry much more weight. People hear me curse and they act somewhat shocked.
People who abuse Handicapped parking spaces.
So you're in favor of people cussing as long as it's to themselves? I kid.

As for me, I strongly distrust anyone that doesn't cuss, at least occasionally. But like you, I'm not looking for an F-bomb 15x either. There's a time and a place for it.

let's don't forget the guy selling the F bomb t shirts too - so classy
Yup. If I can see that the left lane is closed from a mile back and get over to the open lane, why does Mr. Important get to cut in front of Mr. Why-Not 30' from the lane closure?
Nah man, I'm not with you here.

There's a tollroad I take home with 2 lanes at the end: one turns off to the left to go to where I live, one goes off to another town. The lane that turns to the left always has way more traffic. In rush hour it's backed up a mile or so. I'm always going to get into the right lane, go up as far as I can, and get back over into the left lane. I think it actually helps the flow of traffic, as I'm filling a gap left by other drivers that was going to exist whether I was there or not. So, rather than contributing to making the backup even longer, I'm filling existing space in the current line. If the other drivers wanted to stop this, and improve traffic, they'd simply drive (as much as rolling 2mph is "driving") a normal distance from the car in front of them so no one could ease in front of them.

Related: once I get over to the left lane, I leave very little space in front of me, so there's no way anyone's getting over in front of me. I think it's a responsibility everyone in that line has.