Prime: The Boys Season 4

It's not for me, but my partner enjoys the show. I have been watching some of the episodes of the spin-off, Gen V, with her, and I like that one better.
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I do not think that I would characterize it as a perfect commentary. It is a deeply cynical and pessimistic commentary on certain aspects of today's world. I think it is very skillful in presenting that commentary, and the writing and acting are impressive. Yet, it's just too dark and hopeless for my taste. Doom Patrol touched on similar themes and brought a comparable level of creativity. It has some of the most compelling depictions of the impact of trauma and isolation that I have seen in popular media, and it balances those depictions with compassion and human connection, which I greatly appreciate.
Desus And Mero Pass GIF by Bernie Sanders
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You probably should, I doubt you could handle it
Political commentary and comic books really don't mix regardless of the lean. Ill stick to more adult themes. Do you like the show because that's how you wish things were in some sort of fantasy land? I guess you cant handle the reality of the real world.

What stuff do you think I could handle? Perhaps SpongeBob or South Park? Maybe Nat Geo wild?
I think the political motivations for shows are sometimes amusing. Star Trek Discovery show writers claimed that they were modeling elements of the primary conflicts on the modern gop in terms of their portrayal of the bad guys. But, the portrayal was so alien to the gop that it was not insulting. Meaning, even non Dems agree that those things are bad. They’re beating on straw men versions of arguments.

That show did get worse over time in that regard. Even having Stacey Abrams as president of earth, or whatever.
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I think the political motivations for shows are sometimes amusing. Star Trek Discovery show writers claimed that they were modeling elements of the primary conflicts on the modern gop in terms of their portrayal of the bad guys. But, the portrayal was so alien to the gop that it was not insulting. Meaning, even non Dems agree that those things are bad. They’re beating on straw men versions of arguments.

That show did get worse over time in that regard. Even having Stacey Abrams as president of earth, or whatever.
I try to avoid anything that has any political lean.
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