Sammy Watkins tweet to Bills fans

I find it very surprising that he spelled "loser" correctly! Great job Sammy. That is a tough word to spell and most people spell it "looser".. But not you sir! You nailed it!! Well done!

lol. I jest about his grammar, but he is right in the sense that it is truly sad that many fans find the need to hound players that are injured or not living up to said fan's expectations. Many people do need to find a life and leave the athletes alone. Also, Sammy's Tweet provides a great example of why some people shouldn't tweet. I am glad Jimbo bans it during season. Most often it is much better to give thought to a reply then to just blurt it out.
His grammar is just about as good as most here on the TC...
Scary part is that he has no idea how shitty his life would be without football.

Pretty sure he wouldn't be the guy spitting the atom or discovering the cure for cancer.
Clearly not a smart person. It always amazes me that you will always find someone to defend this type of thing too. It shouldn't anymore, but it does. I'm certainly not defending any comments by bills fans either. God knows the internet brings the idiots out full force. I won't even bash Sammy for his horrible grammar as mine is not perfect. The fact that he chose to make a statement like this and attack the entire working class shows his complete ignorance.

To the poster that set the over/under at 10....I'll take the under please.
And people are fighting for us to pay these kids to play? That is what professional football is for... these kids are given a free degree basically. They obviously skate through college and are handed grades because there is no way that kid could pass any course. They make a mockery out of being "student" athletes.
The bad part is that he probably wrote it that way on purpose and does actually know proper grammar.
Hopefully they dumb enough to trade him to my Ravens or release him. IDC what he says or how he spells. Guy can ball and last I checked most of these guys are dumb as bricks so idc.
He's right but it's something that never should have been posted obviously. These guys need a class on how they get paid. Do they realize that the fans buy the tickets, jerseys, and watch the commercials that fund their multi-million dollar salaries?

And most are broke within a few years after playing. Wonder if he knows he'll need won dem little jobs soon enough.
Oh Sammy ... silly kid. Some are blessed to have careers using their bodies (i.e., professional athletes, trainers, etc) and others (the other 99%) use their intellectual abilities. I'd challenge Sammy to do his homework before throwing out the nonsense he just did.
He forgets, its the so called little people that built this nation. We also are the reason he gets paid the big bucks. Without the fans the NFL would be broke. I'm glad we shut his punk behind down in 13. Suck it Sammie!
So much fail in this thread.

The essence of Sammy's post is on point. He's banged up, all these people whining about him not playing injured are hypocrites. Would they go out there and subject themselves to getting pummeled while still hurt?

Does Sammy care? I don't think players get a directly proportional payout based on a share of their personal jersey sales. This hurts the NFL and in a meandering and negligible way, himself. Big whoop.

His boss is the team owner+GM+coach. Generally ownership gives a rat's ass what fans thing, for proof, see how most teams treat their fans, like replaceable sheep.

So much so that you'd encourage your fellow man to "run around and catch footballs", get pounded every play, all while recovering from an injury? Would you encourage your child to do the same thing

And for the folks talking about his grammar? Seriously get over yourselves. Look at a lot of the crap your children post on social media and their lack of grammar. Jameis didn't come off as Shakespeare but I wouldn't bet against his ability to write very good paper for class. Stop judging the book by its cover -- and if you do want to judge a book, start by blaming your public school system.

Not sure why you feel the need to defend his stupidity. He also gets paid to be a professional and is acting like a child. He was coddled all the way through Clemson and is encountering the real world for the first time and doesn't know how to deal with the scrutiny. He would do well to shut his Twitter account down and stop yapping at the fans and actually produce. Maybe Russell Wilson could mentor him.
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Sadly, this is representative of the kind of "student athlete" now masquerading at our major public universities. The kid is virtually (or actually) illiterate, and surely would not have been admitted as a "real student" anywhere. But he has 4.2 speed, so who at Clemson cared that he could not (and cannot) write a sentence? Thousands of clowns just like him are scattered all across the NCAA football landscape. Yes, let me send more money to support "this."

Love the attitude too. All of us with "little jobs" buying the NFL tickets that help pay his swollen salary. Alas, the last laugh will likely be on him. I suspect he'll be broke in a few years and working in a rim shop or car detail center. I almost feel sorry for him.
Was there ever a doubt he would be injured all the time? His skill set kills in college but isn't built for longevity in the NFL. Percy Harvin has two good games a year and spends the rest of his time injured in the bench.

I can't remember how many conversations I was in with people laughing at me when I said KB was going to have a much better career.
Was there ever a doubt he would be injured all the time? His skill set kills in college but isn't built for longevity in the NFL. Percy Harvin has two good games a year and spends the rest of his time injured in the bench.

I can't remember how many conversations I was in with people laughing at me when I said KB was going to have a much better career.

Well, KB has played 1 year and is missing his entire second year ... I wouldn't gloat just yet.
How does he know what everyone once? He's definitely going to add to the statistic regarding ex NFL guys going broke. A good lesson in life is that if you are an illiterate moron, don't tweet.
What you say is true! I was saying his smart ass comments (poorly stated or not), will bite him in the butt one way or the other!
So much fail in this thread.

The essence of Sammy's post is on point. He's banged up, all these people whining about him not playing injured are hypocrites. Would they go out there and subject themselves to getting pummeled while still hurt?

Does Sammy care? I don't think players get a directly proportional payout based on a share of their personal jersey sales. This hurts the NFL and in a meandering and negligible way, himself. Big whoop.

His boss is the team owner+GM+coach. Generally ownership gives a rat's ass what fans thing, for proof, see how most teams treat their fans, like replaceable sheep.

So much so that you'd encourage your fellow man to "run around and catch footballs", get pounded every play, all while recovering from an injury? Would you encourage your child to do the same thing

And for the folks talking about his grammar? Seriously get over yourselves. Look at a lot of the crap your children post on social media and their lack of grammar. Jameis didn't come off as Shakespeare but I wouldn't bet against his ability to write very good paper for class. Stop judging the book by its cover -- and if you do want to judge a book, start by blaming your public school system.
I approve this message! I wholeheartedly agree with Sammy. Yes, I have a college education and no I do not make millions. I understood every point Sammy made in his tweet. He was not writing a paper for the grammar police on Warchant. The irony is that 90% of you that responded negatively had many spelling and grammatical errors in your responses.
I approve this message! I wholeheartedly agree with Sammy. Yes, I have a college education and no I do not make millions. I understood every point Sammy made in his tweet. He was not writing a paper for the grammar police on Warchant. The irony is that 90% of you that responded negatively had many spelling and grammatical errors in your responses.

It's ok to make a point without telling the world you're a dumbass. Not many people responding would have a problem with the point he's trying to make but then he's got to go down the "y'all's little jobs" path. He won't have a job in three or four years but most of these little jobs people will.
At least when his NFL career is over he can be a body double/stand in for Whoopi Goldberg, so there's that.
Funny part is that whatever outcome he expected.....he will now get the exact opposite.

Sammy internal dialogue: "I know, I will burn them with a witty instagram/twitter post that will get them off my back and show them"
1. Dumb message. Alienating fans is not savvy.

2. Illiteracy doesn't mean someone is dumb or moronic. It says a lot about how an individual grew up though.

3. I've seen plenty of FSU players & fans have terrible grammar as well. Shouldn't throw stones.

4. He just said what every pro has wanted to say at some point.
How did ever get into college? Seriously, can the NCAA go back and investigate his transcripts from HS to college? There isn't ANY WAY he ever took college level tests and passed them either, so who was taking them for him? These are just a couple of many concerns I have with his recruitment and time at clemson.
1. Dumb message. Alienating fans is not savvy.

2. Illiteracy doesn't mean someone is dumb or moronic. It says a lot about how an individual grew up though.

3. I've seen plenty of FSU players & fans have terrible grammar as well. Shouldn't throw stones.

4. He just said what every pro has wanted to say at some point.
Bad grammer???? Lol that dude can't even end a sentence.