Sleep Apnea

I googled Reggie White and saw he had a condition known Sarcoidosis which is what 'most likely caused his death' and that apnea 'may have been a factor'. I'm not saying that apnea isn't a problem but unless it's an extreme case I don't think it's a problem as big as the medical community wants you to believe. Like I said before, it seems more like a money grab more than anything.
Sleep apnea is insidious. It not only can kill, but can leave you after a stroke or heart attack greatly debilitated. I am a dentist and have this. I make devices that are excellent for this. Tha American academy of sleep medicine uses over 5 and under 15 as mild. Under 30 is moderate, over is severe. I have treated people in excess of 80! Many people won't use cpap for various reasons. This is where we are invaluable! It is known that for mild to moderate OSA a sleep device is able to be just as good as
cpap. Cpap is gold standard. But if not using cpap then sleep device is very useful. The surgeries reducing the palate a very poor in helping... Maybe 5% work. Best is to lose weight if bmi is over 25. Check with your dentist , or your sleep physician they can tell you more. I can tell you lots more, but hard to here!
My girl friend calls me "CB" (which means Cuuntry Bain) because I wear a CPAP. I would stop breathing 26 times an hour with an average pause of 11 seconds. A few times I paused for over 20 seconds. They came in halfway through my sleep and promptly put me in a CPAP. Since receiving the machine, I sleep with out waking up feeling like I just took a bunch of drugs. Seems strange but I would wake up in the night feeling like I was passing out. I couldn't move sometimes for a few seconds. I got diabetes partially from sleep apnea, the doctors think. Now I don't wake up as often, my eyes aren't puffy, I don't snore, and in pretty sure I'm alive because of it. I still wake up feeling like shit, but I was that way as a kid. I've never woken up feeling refreshed and peppy. That's what my morning shower is for.
My girl friend calls me "CB" (which means Cuuntry Bain) because I wear a CPAP. I would stop breathing 26 times an hour with an average pause of 11 seconds. A few times I paused for over 20 seconds. They came in halfway through my sleep and promptly put me in a CPAP. Since receiving the machine, I sleep with out waking up feeling like I just took a bunch of drugs. Seems strange but I would wake up in the night feeling like I was passing out. I couldn't move sometimes for a few seconds. I got diabetes partially from sleep apnea, the doctors think. Now I don't wake up as often, my eyes aren't puffy, I don't snore, and in pretty sure I'm alive because of it. I still wake up feeling like shit, but I was that way as a kid. I've never woken up feeling refreshed and peppy. That's what my morning shower is for.
Don't know anything about the other stuff you said, but you don't get diabetes from sleep apnea.
I don't think I've ever heard of anybody going in for a sleep test and not not being diagnosed with sleep apnea. This makes me think lots of diagnosis is just a way to make money. I have woken up gasping for air though, like staying underwater too long.

My dentist recommended a device too that fits in between the teeth I think.

For those of you using a CPAP, is your sleep quality better?
The issue I have with wearing my mask is that I seem to get a lot more sinus infections/sore throats/cold symptoms when I wear it for a few days in a row. Mine has the heater for the water, which I have on, so I wouldn't think that would be the cause for a sore throat.
There's a lot of people in here talking thats not well informed. The more i have learned about it has blown me away. I ha.d a sleep study and have one and yes most people do have at least a mild form of apnea. Most hazardous material and valuable load truckers are required to have a sleep study and have a cpap if they need one. I knew the girl that monitored mine and she explained everything to me. Get them to do that for you and you will be able to just about judge yourself whether you need one. What happens is the breathing stops and never lets you enter or sustain REM sleep which is what revitalizes your brain to get through the next day. There's 2 kinds of apnea, one has your body twitch and react and start your breathing back up, the really bad apnea or obstructive apnea is when you quit breathing until you cant anymore and gasp for breath. Its definitely worth going to get checked out
Another thing I need checked is my prostate. I get up to pee 3-5 times a night.....I do drink quite a bit of tea and need to stop doing that in the evening. I am not sure if I have a prostate issue or if my snoring wakes me and when I awake I notice I might as well pee since I am up.....getting old is fun!!! LOL

I have been on a CPAP for almost 3 years now. The first thing my pulmonologist asked me was how many times I get up in the middle of the night to pee. I thought it odd but he explained your body creates an enzyme when you go into REM sleep to stop the urge to pee. He said one of the preliminary indicators of Sleep Apnea is waking up multiple time in the middle of the night to pee. Since I got me CPAP I no longer wake up to pee multiple times a night.
My wife tells me that I have it. I know that several times I have woken up gasping for air.
I know that there are several treatments available, but so many times the cure is worse than the disease. Just watch the drug companies hawking their new drugs on TV, only to be followed-a year or so later-by some law firm urging users of the drug to phone them so that they can initiate a law suit on your behalf.
I guess that, at my age, I just content myself by remembering the lyrics from "The Gambler",
the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep.
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I am 37, 5'10", 173 lbs. I am in good shape, never smoked, drink probably once a month. You would think the last thing I would have is sleep apnea, but I do.

I took the test and it showed that I stopped breathing 39 times per hour. I never really noticed until my now wife complained about my heavy snoring which led me to get check out.

Here is what I have done so far in terms of treatment, mind you some of it was done before I was diagnosed and only to combat snoring:

Nose strips: failed
OTC mouth piece: failed
CPAP: works when I use it, but sometimes pull it off at night
Oral Appliance: impressions a month ago, picking up this week from dentist

For the CPAP, I switched to a nasal pillow which was MUCH more comfortable that the other two masks I tried.
I am 37, 5'10", 173 lbs. I am in good shape, never smoked, drink probably once a month. You would think the last thing I would have is sleep apnea, but I do.

I took the test and it showed that I stopped breathing 39 times per hour. I never really noticed until my now wife complained about my heavy snoring which led me to get check out.

Here is what I have done so far in terms of treatment, mind you some of it was done before I was diagnosed and only to combat snoring:

Nose strips: failed
OTC mouth piece: failed
CPAP: works when I use it, but sometimes pull it off at night
Oral Appliance: impressions a month ago, picking up this week from dentist

For the CPAP, I switched to a nasal pillow which was MUCH more comfortable that the other two masks I tried.
I just don't see how a healthy 37 year old would have sleep apnea.
I just don't see how a healthy 37 year old would have sleep apnea.

You and me both but here I am.

Going to pick up the oral appliance tomorrow, praying like hell it works!