The Night Of - FINALE...The Call of the Wild (Spoilers)

Everyone is assuming that the back door being unlocked means that someone came in after Nas had sex with her. What if someone was already in the house before they showed up? For Nas to be innocent, he would have to get up after having sex, get dressed, and go downstairs and pass out in the kitchen while she was still alive. Remember, when he goes back upstairs to get his jacket, he thinks he is talking to her. He obviously thinks she is alive. There is no reason to put on an act if he thinks they are alone. I rewatched that scene and he thinks she is alive and he has to leave. If he killed her while being naked and had the presence of mind to take a shower and clean up, he would not have gone to the kitchen to take a nap.

I don't think Duane did it. But I think he knows who did and where he was. He knew that the murderer was in the house which is why his face looks so odd when he was with Trevor. Duane had no idea that she was going to walk in there with another guy. That wasn't the plan.

And I agree that Freddie knows who did it, whether it's my theory or someone else's.
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Everyone is assuming that the back door being unlocked means that someone came in after Nas had sex with her. What if someone was already in the house before they showed up? For Nas to be innocent, he would have to get up after having sex, get dressed, and go downstairs and pass out in the kitchen while she was still alive. Remember, when he goes back upstairs to get his jacket, he thinks he is talking to her. He obviously thinks she is alive. There is no reason to put on an act if he thinks they are alone. I rewatched that scene and he thinks she is alive and he has to leave. If he killed her while being naked and had the presence of mind to take a shower and clean up, he would not have gone to the kitchen to take a nap.

See @SoddyNole post near bottom of last page (or quoted below) regarding side-effects of Ketamine

Ketamine, sold under the brand name Ketalar among others, is a medication mainly used for starting and maintaining anesthesia.[4] It induces a trance-like state while providing pain relief, sedation, and memory loss.[5] Other uses include for chronic pain and for sedation in intensive care.[6][7] Heart function, breathing, and airway reflexes generally remain functional.[5] Effects typically begin within 5 minutes when given by injection with the main effects lasting up to 25 minutes.[3][4]

I understand the theory regarding the drug. But that is too boring for me. No cat. No chauffeur. No unlocked back door.
I understand the theory regarding the drug. But that is too boring for me. No cat. No chauffeur. No unlocked back door.

We have 3 more episodes and I think we have more information to come of where this is all leading. We all could be moving in a completely different direction after the next episode.

But if Naz is guilty It would be an interesting twist. Naz being sincere in saying he did not do it, would be wrong and end up guilty. The police/DA who are glossing over this in an attempt to rush to judgement while missing on known events, with the possible exception of Box, would end up correct. This show is a prefect example of why eye witness accounts are circumstantial. We all watch this, some multiple times and yet have different thoughts, opinions and sometimes recall certain details quite differently then they are presented. I know I'm guilty as charged lol. I have to say I find this all fascinating and a lot of fun.
We have 3 more episodes and I think we have more information to come of where this is all leading. We all could be moving in a completely different direction after the next episode.

But if Naz is guilty It would be an interesting twist. Naz being sincere in saying he did not do it, would be wrong and end up guilty. The police/DA who are glossing over this in an attempt to rush to judgement while missing on known events, with the possible exception of Box, would end up correct. This show is a prefect example of why eye witness accounts are circumstantial. We all watch this, some multiple times and yet have different thoughts, opinions and sometimes recall certain details quite differently then they are presented. I know I'm guilty as charged lol. I have to say I find this all fascinating and a lot of fun.

The chief detective is about to retire. There is something about the system that has worn him out. And there is something about this case that bugs him. Too much evidence. Too easy. Too cut and dry. Murders never have a roadmap to who did it. Why does this one?

The writers are working full time to entertain and confuse us. For my theory to be correct, the real murderer (or Freddie) would have to know that Raz would have been caught without regard to the unlucky circumstances that led to his initial pick up by the police. Alas, there is one more prop that is shown and discussed as often as the cat.

The cab. There is no way that anyone would know that that is not Raz's cab. So easily traceable.........

I think the detective suspects that the perfect presentment of perfect evidence is just........too perfect.

I don't have to be right. But I do enjoy the discussion.
As for the Adderall in Naz, sure the defense can claim she gave it to him and didn't take any. But I don't think that's the point. She didn't give it to him...Naz basically acknowledged he was taking Adderal recreationally/illegally. He didn't deny it when Stone accused him.

That's bad, because while the defense could claim she gave it to him...what's the likelihood that the prosecution couldn't find witnesses to Naz's Adderall use. They'll find some friend or acquaintance to testify to it, and there's a big chink to the "good boy" defense, which is their strongest. More importantly, the defense will probably have to bring the Adderall use up THEMSELVES, because while it's damaging, it won't be as damaging as the prosecution implying or outright claiming he's a meth fiend.

It's also bad because of the unfortunate way it works with the Ketamine.

Speaking of which...lot's of Redditors saying that Stone's description of Ketamine as a drug to get horny is very far off the mark. That it pretty much puts you in a stupor, and sex would be the last thing on your mind.

Not sure what that's all about, maybe the show just taking some poetic liberty to fit the story. They pretty much need a drug that the victim would use as a party drug, but has the effect of causing a blackout state in which Naz could have murdered her. Maybe that's just the closest they could come up with.

I agree with the previous poster that Naz thought she was alive and that he believes he's innocent. If he killed her, the premise is I think that he did it in a blackout or trance state, one in which the dark impulses (that we're now seeing) were given full release. That is a very "movie-ish" premise, but I don't think it's totally fanciful, obviously able to do things blacked out even on alcohol and not remember it the next day. I don't think they can do something totally out of character, thus the necessity, if they are pushing that line of thinking, of showing Naz has a very nasty side of him.
When Naz was first offered the ecstasy and he immediately turned it down we are under the assumption he was being a "good boy". I would also assume someone who takes speed would not have the slightest hesitation in taking it with a hot vulnerable chick. But if he was already on speed before he met the girl he could have turned it down due to worrying about the combined effect and not the drug itself.
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Finally got caught up on this... and the thread.

Couple things. His brother seems MAJOR shady, from the first episode to now. Wonder if they'll find something on HIS laptop that they confiscated? The guy at the bar that admitted to selling her the K was super shaky. Is it typical "I'm being shaken down for no reason" or was it because he may have sent someone to "collect?"

And my random SWAG... what if this show ends with Naz being found guilty, but there being nothing that actually PROVES that he did it?
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I absolutely do not think Naz did it. I do think there is a high chance he's found guilty.

The one line in the entire show that keeps ringing in my head is Andrea saying "I can't be alone tonight." She either knew someone was after her, or needed someone to frame.
I absolutely do not think Naz did it. I do think there is a high chance he's found guilty.

The one line in the entire show that keeps ringing in my head is Andrea saying "I can't be alone tonight." She either knew someone was after her, or needed someone to frame.

I agree....this is what makes me think Freddy knows who did it, or was in on it some how. He's a twisted dude, he likes turning this dude out all while knowing he is actually innocent. Let's hope he helps Naz before the trial ends. But I have feeling the reveal doesn't happen until after he is found guilty...if this theory is at all true.

I haven't watched a show in long time that has me thinking like this one....good stuff!
Not saying I buy the theory that Andrea set up a murder (maybe that wasn't actually her, but that is almost too insane to consider), but...

Look at the eyebrows


Prob nothing, but kinda weird. Believing that isn't her (maybe a prostitute), requires an incredible amount of suspension of disbelief. But that could be why step-dad didn't think it was her in the picture at first. Then again, there was DNA evidence (including Nas DNA in and on her). But alas, interesting none the less.

While I was rewatching part of Episode 1, I noticed Nas was wearing clothes. His hair was dry, his hands were clean, his shirt was dry and clean.
I don't think Freddy is involved. When Nas beat up that guy he said "don't kill him too". In other words, he thinks he did it. He could not be setting him up.
I don't think Freddy is involved. When Nas beat up that guy he said "don't kill him too". In other words, he thinks he did it. He could not be setting him up.

ahhh....who the hell did it then....I've never been so twisted up trying to figure out the culprit when watching a show.
I still wonder if the person on the motorcycle will show back up in the series. That person was my guess until last week through me for a loop at the end of the episode.
Not saying I buy the theory that Andrea set up a murder (maybe that wasn't actually her, but that is almost too insane to consider), but...

Look at the eyebrows


Prob nothing, but kinda weird. Believing that isn't her (maybe a prostitute), requires an incredible amount of suspension of disbelief. But that could be why step-dad didn't think it was her in the picture at first. Then again, there was DNA evidence (including Nas DNA in and on her). But alas, interesting none the less.

While I was rewatching part of Episode 1, I noticed Nas was wearing clothes. His hair was dry, his hands were clean, his shirt was dry and clean.

This would explain the strange drug in the vile. But she was taking it too unless she was pretending to take the drug and fooled Naz and us the audience.

On the picture of the dead body, is it me or does that photo look like she had been beaten up pre or post mortem? Busted forehead, nose, and lip. Was this brought up in the description of the death, I only recall the 22 stab wounds being talked about.
This would explain the strange drug in the vile. But she was taking it too unless she was pretending to take the drug and fooled Naz and us the audience.

On the picture of the dead body, is it me or does that photo look like she had been beaten up pre or post mortem? Busted forehead, nose, and lip. Was this brought up in the description of the death, I only recall the 22 stab wounds being talked about.

Not sure. They didn't talk about her being beaten up but she definitely was covered in bruises. I re watched first episode and she was definitely bruised up all over.

That level of "gotcha" is pretty much reserved for movies. That just takes too much of a leap to make it work, especially with such a small time window.
This would explain the strange drug in the vile. But she was taking it too unless she was pretending to take the drug and fooled Naz and us the audience.

On the picture of the dead body, is it me or does that photo look like she had been beaten up pre or post mortem? Busted forehead, nose, and lip. Was this brought up in the description of the death, I only recall the 22 stab wounds being talked about.

At least at one point the police theory was that Naz killed her because she wouldn't have sex with him. They know from the medical exam that sex took place, so I'm assuming that means the police theory was that he raped her, which would explain the bruises, and then killed her.

The stab overkill alone was enough to say this was a crime by someone who knew the victim, and most likely was acting out of anger. Being beaten just enforces that. I don't think it adds anything to what we know.

We know Naz didn't kill her for sex...if Naz did it in his blackout state, it would have been something that gave rise to the anger and violence that he showed last episode. Something she said or did that set him off so completely.

Now...while we know that Naz has real anger and violence in be fair, nothing we saw of him pre-prison indicates that he gave in to that easily. In the only act of vicious violence we know about...

a) The victim had attacked him very, very violently, as well as had betrayed him
b) He still had to be coaxed even then into it
c) It happened within the pressure cooker of being in Rikers island in a very tenuous situation

I'm totally fine with the "Naz did it in his blackout state" if that's the way it goes...however, I would want to see either some earlier instance of him giving into disproportionate and impulsive violence (you could certainly argue his Rikers response was NOT disproportionate at all, given the guy was going for his face/eyes).

Failing that, I would want to be convinced that drugs could so block his inhibitions completely that he would be capable of the murder. They've done a good job of setting up that the drugs didn't "make" him kill her (I suppose if they had been bath salts or PCP maybe they could have sold that). They show he's capable of some nasty stuff.

But I guess I'd like to be convinced, either in show or in real life, that ketamine could so remove any personal governors he would have on his anger, when he clearly had it so extremely sublimated from everything else we've seen. I may just not know enough about drugs to feel real good with that concept.
the only act of vicious violence we know about...

a) The victim had attacked him very, very violently, as well as had betrayed him
b) He still had to be coaxed even then into it
c) It happened within the pressure cooker of being in Rikers island in a very tenuous situation

Agreed. We now know Naz has hidden some things but I don't think it was violence. He was nervous about going to the party in Ep1 much less while waiting at the precinct. He was ready to sing to Detective Box. We went from nervous to scared out of his wits in Rikers. Now he's just surviving like the dog named Buck.
At least at one point the police theory was that Naz killed her because she wouldn't have sex with him. They know from the medical exam that sex took place, so I'm assuming that means the police theory was that he raped her, which would explain the bruises, and then killed her.

The stab overkill alone was enough to say this was a crime by someone who knew the victim, and most likely was acting out of anger. Being beaten just enforces that. I don't think it adds anything to what we know.

We know Naz didn't kill her for sex...if Naz did it in his blackout state, it would have been something that gave rise to the anger and violence that he showed last episode. Something she said or did that set him off so completely.

Now...while we know that Naz has real anger and violence in be fair, nothing we saw of him pre-prison indicates that he gave in to that easily. In the only act of vicious violence we know about...

a) The victim had attacked him very, very violently, as well as had betrayed him
b) He still had to be coaxed even then into it
c) It happened within the pressure cooker of being in Rikers island in a very tenuous situation

I'm totally fine with the "Naz did it in his blackout state" if that's the way it goes...however, I would want to see either some earlier instance of him giving into disproportionate and impulsive violence (you could certainly argue his Rikers response was NOT disproportionate at all, given the guy was going for his face/eyes).

Failing that, I would want to be convinced that drugs could so block his inhibitions completely that he would be capable of the murder. They've done a good job of setting up that the drugs didn't "make" him kill her (I suppose if they had been bath salts or PCP maybe they could have sold that). They show he's capable of some nasty stuff.

But I guess I'd like to be convinced, either in show or in real life, that ketamine could so remove any personal governors he would have on his anger, when he clearly had it so extremely sublimated from everything else we've seen. I may just not know enough about drugs to feel real good with that concept.

All of this is why I'm convinced he didn't do it. You have a lot of great analysis there, but you seem to be overlooking the obvious "it wasn't him."

Or maybe you're not overlooking that and just talking about if it were him.
Agreed. We now know Naz has hidden some things but I don't think it was violence. He was nervous about going to the party in Ep1 much less while waiting at the precinct. He was ready to sing to Detective Box. We went from nervous to scared out of his wits in Rikers. Now he's just surviving like the dog named Buck.

I wonder if the beginning nervous actions while in the cab were due to being on speed. While his demeanor while in prison due to withdraws.

I would be surprised if they are telling us the mixture of drugs turned him into a maniac but think they are simply saying he could have done this and not remembered due to what he was on. Or he was deliberately given this drugs to make him have memory lapse.

There is that hole in time where Naz goes from naked and getting his freak on to waking up downstairs on the table with clothes on. Who has a crazy wild night and a one night stand with a hot chick and wakes up fully dressed with their face plastered on a table? As the commercial says, "That's not how it works". To me this all makes more sense if he wakes up naked with the dead chick like in Sin City.

If she is the actual killer and was foreshadowing to us at the river about wishing you could be over there instead of here. Would this elaborate plan to avoid being killed herself due to owing money to a nefarious character? Could she have bludgeoned a look a like prostitute splattering blood on the deer head by the front door or killing upstairs. That drop of blood would match the body upstairs but we don't know that. She could have punctured the body and slung the blood on the wall, due to a dead body may not spray blood like with a stopped heart, and possibly making it look as if it was done at the moment of killing. You could not wait too long or the blood would have chemical differences. But if this is the case then the police would notice a different type of blood on the banister where she placed her cut hand. Did Stones detective take a picture of the banister, I remember him taking a picture of the kitchen while standing on the stairs. It will be interesting if the blood on the banister matches the drop he found outside the back sliding glass door in the leaves suggesting the girl did go outside sometime that night. And the biggest set up being the inhaler set perfectly upright on the bed with blood all around but none on the device itself. Would Naz do this killing and be in the frame of mind to touch the inhaler without getting blood on it and then set it on the bed? The inhaler that was neatly placed on the bed cover free from blood.

If this isn't a body double case then the killer would have to have the presence of mind to wait until Naz falls asleep downstairs whie fully clothed, find the knife, assuming that is the one used, then go upstairs and kill the girl in a grisly fashion without knowing if Naz is going to wake back up and clean his hands and place the inhaler on the bed without getting bloody prints on it and take the knife back downstairs and set it on the table.

If Naz is the killer then the inhaler doesn't really make sense either.

I think the girl knew she was about to be killed, set up this scheme, found a patsy, set it up to make him look guilty while leaving her past behind knowing the only one to identifier the body is a half brain dead step father who is most likely the one who is involved in illegal activity possibly giving her the drugs on assignment to sell or use only to find that she skipped out on him and he can not report any of this to the police.
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I think the girl knew she was about to be killed, set up this scheme, found a patsy, set it up to make him look guilty while leaving her past behind knowing the only one to identifier the body is a half brain dead step father who is most likely the one who is involved in illegal activity possibly giving her the drugs on assignment to sell or use only to find that she skipped out on him and he can not report any of this to the police.

I think the girl knew she was about to be killed

It's a real interesting discussion. The show has done a great job of providing an interesting story that hasn't been cookie cutter so far.

I do think she knew she had stirred up a hornet's nest with someone/some group. Her stepfather said she had bounced from one mountain of trouble to another.

After that, I've been at customers all week and will read the last two pages of the thread again because where in the world did this patsy theory come from? She's dead. Buried. Did I misunderstand something after being on the road all week? Lost there. Personally, I now think we are seeing a parallel to 'Call of the Wild' with Naz's specific story (screen time). Naz/Buck before incident/kidnapping = going through life-> in jail/survival journey = the change and do what you have to do to survive.
Never mind on the patsy question. I see Desi's post above. She's smelling like a rose. I think her step-dad knew it was her when he gave his first answer to Detective Box. I think he knew when he answered Box's phone call.

Going to be interesting to reread some of my posts in three weeks, lol.
chances he dies?


Pretty large. He is in prison, just put a very crazy killer into ICU who could easily want revenge and is running with a gang. Not to mention the 4th bag of heroin that did not come out. BTW I would have sworn he just swallowed 3 bags and was confused about that entire scene of Naz and the son saying the mother gave them 4 bags.
Pretty large. He is in prison, just put a very crazy killer into ICU who could easily want revenge and is running with a gang. Not to mention the 4th bag of heroin that did not come out. BTW I would have sworn he just swallowed 3 bags and was confused about that entire scene of Naz and the son saying the mother gave them 4 bags.


I thought it was only 3 as well.
Pretty large. He is in prison, just put a very crazy killer into ICU who could easily want revenge and is running with a gang. Not to mention the 4th bag of heroin that did not come out. BTW I would have sworn he just swallowed 3 bags and was confused about that entire scene of Naz and the son saying the mother gave them 4 bags.

You're right, he only swallowed 3 bags.Just rewatched the scene now.

I also missed this part of stone's explanation about why he was so upset about the amphetamine counteracting the effects of the Ketamine and thus their defense that he passed out due to being drugged.
All the suggestions that Naz may have done the murder still ring hollow to me when I go back to episode 1 and see his reaction when he sees the dead body. He literally sits on the bed and talks to her and explains why he is leaving. He is in such a state of shock when he sees that blood that he forgets his keys and breaks back into the apartment to get them (he obviously does not know that the other door may have a broken lock). I don't see how he could have done the murder and have the presence of mind to remove all the blood from his body and then do that scene. All the comments that he may not be a "good boy" are leading us away from looking for the real murderer - well they are certainly leading the police away. (I think tonights episode has a scene where we learn he changed schools)
All the suggestions that Naz may have done the murder still ring hollow to me when I go back to episode 1 and see his reaction when he sees the dead body. He literally sits on the bed and talks to her and explains why he is leaving. He is in such a state of shock when he sees that blood that he forgets his keys and breaks back into the apartment to get them (he obviously does not know that the other door may have a broken lock). I don't see how he could have done the murder and have the presence of mind to remove all the blood from his body and then do that scene. All the comments that he may not be a "good boy" are leading us away from looking for the real murderer - well they are certainly leading the police away. (I think tonights episode has a scene where we learn he changed schools)

I could see him blacking out from the drugs and briefly forgetting. He would however remembered by now that he may have gotten a little out of hand with the knife while banging.

But I absolutely agree with you about the blood. If he killed her, then showered, and then put cloths back on and went down stairs for milk, cookies, and a nap. There is no way he would have forgotten all that when he woke back way. He would have hauled ass after he dressed and took a nap later.

He has to be innocent. But with only 3 episodes left its going to be hard to prove. The way they are building the storyline around his life in prison and not his life outside of prison makes me think that's where he's going.

What happened to his buddy from the first episode? It the guys who invited him to the party. Wouldn't the cops have talked to them as well?
And why hasn't he told anyone about the game they played with the knife and how he stabbed her with it and then had sex.

Isn't that why he grabbed it in the first place?
All the suggestions that Naz may have done the murder still ring hollow to me when I go back to episode 1 and see his reaction when he sees the dead body. He literally sits on the bed and talks to her and explains why he is leaving. He is in such a state of shock when he sees that blood that he forgets his keys and breaks back into the apartment to get them (he obviously does not know that the other door may have a broken lock). I don't see how he could have done the murder and have the presence of mind to remove all the blood from his body and then do that scene. All the comments that he may not be a "good boy" are leading us away from looking for the real murderer - well they are certainly leading the police away. (I think tonights episode has a scene where we learn he changed schools)
The plausible explanation would be a personality disorder for not knowing he killed the girl. Just a thought.
Personality disorders seems like a "writer's cop out" to me , (What's next? Bobby's dream from Dallas?) but after multiple martinis, I will be glued to tonight's episode.
Boom!!! Check out page 3 because I asked why isn't anybody looking into who profits from her death.
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Well. Episode 6 is now over. I guess it was ridiculous to think that any actor who had a major part in House of Cards for the last season would have only a cameo role in this series.

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