So we have this back and forth now of “its Jimbo and the offense’s fault” and “it is Kelly and defense”. Sad we have to have such a debate because it means both squads have been terrible at times. But put me in the later camp. As with N.C. State game, the defense gets soft and goes away from what works. We had been winning the line all day and in second half kept threatening blitz and then dropped back seconds before snap only to give no pressure and still wide open guys. And the call on last play where everyone knew they may very well take last chance at end zone to have a one on one and nobody back there to help..that was the one time all game to have people dropped back to help and gone soft. Maddening.
Not sure if TV viewers saw it but on their big punt return the wonderful ACC refs hurt us really bad by throwing a flag instead of bean bag to mark where he fielded it. It looked like a lot of FSU players then slow a bit as he got around, which was dumb of course. Everyone in stands was like “it’s coming back” only to look back and the flag was gone. Several players did same and were pissed.