Two women brawl on shampo aisle at Walmart

This is gold! A couple observations I had were:
1. How in thw world did this go on for nearly 5 minutes without a Walmart staffer breaking it up? Maybe the audience was holding them back like in high school cafeteria fights.

2. I love that the onlookers opposite the camera man were a dude in a wife-beater and a woman in only a sports bra.
So would you guys break up the fight if you witnessed it?

I'd have left the area and found a store employee or the security guard. I'm amazed the store did nothing concrete during the 4-5 minutes of these 2 Vids. Even if no shopper said anything, which is a bit deplorable, don't they have somebody scanning the store monitors? If the ladies or the boy had been seriously injured, they should be liable.

Well, if I did see a young kid getting injured or threatened in somebody's fight, my instinct would be to pull him to safety. With this little monster my instinct would probably be to do something else.......all the more reason for me to leave the area.
One of the ladies watching tells the boy to go back and "protect his mama". Great advice!
But his mama was the one on top winning at the time. Not only that but in this specific scenario, the kid should have stayed out of it.

Yeah, my "great advice" comment was sarcastic. I would have told the boy to go to time out.
Yeah, my "great advice" comment was sarcastic. I would have told the boy to go to time out.
The 2 bystanders disagreed. One told the boy to get away from there and the other said to go protect his mama. How awesome would it have been had that disagreement turned into another altercation.
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You guys are all full of crap. I'd bet that the vast majority of your moms would've told you to "punch her in her effing face" if they were in a brawl on the floor of Walmart.
This is gold! A couple observations I had were:
1. How in thw world did this go on for nearly 5 minutes without a Walmart staffer breaking it up? Maybe the audience was holding them back like in high school cafeteria fights.

2. I love that the onlookers opposite the camera man were a dude in a wife-beater and a woman in only a sports bra.
to point 1, if i worked at Walmart i wouldn't have broken it up either. I never worked there, but i've worked at similar places and there is no way a store's policy would be for their employees to break up something like that. Maybe if they had a security guy that would be different.
The 2 bystanders disagreed. One told the boy to get away from there and the other said to go protect his mama. How awesome would it have been had that disagreement turned into another altercation.
HA...would have been awesome.

I was waiting for someone to walk down the aisle and start shopping shampoos like nothing was happening!
Wal-Mart apparently has a policy to not allow their employees get involved in customer fights due to liability. They are only allowed to call the police.
of course I would break it up. You have a duty to help people if you can do so safely. To sit there and comment on what "white trash" they are once again breaks the irony meter.

Now this is interesting. If I had seen this happening live I would have been extremely disturbed, and no way could I have been standing there watching it as entertainment. But seeing it after the fact I find the video entertaining. It's clear to me these people both wanted a piece of each other. I don't feel an obligation to "save such people from themselves" to that extent that I enter the melee and become subject to their blows. There's no win for me in that scenario, getting slugged by a 170' woman. The 2 of them together could overcome ME if they got me down on the ground. I'd report it, but I wouldn't try to stop them. For all I know their pimps are orchestrating and watching whole thing from the next aisle, ready to pull out blades.

Now if it's these same 2 women victimizing an elderly person or a child, that's a different moral question. Hopefully bystanders would intervene. And certainly it would be completely shameful and immoral of Walmart to claim they had to wait for the police and wouldn't intervene if a person was suffering abuse in their store.

And BTW yes, that was extremely low brow to stand around laughing and filming this as a white trash episode, though the label surely fits. At least I give the benefit of the doubt to the people on the other side that maybe they watched out of fear/ helplessness, considering to intervene if things went too far, like somebody wielding a potential lethal weapon. But these ladies just seemed intent on duking it out with one another.
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This is gold! A couple observations I had were:
1. How in thw world did this go on for nearly 5 minutes without a Walmart staffer breaking it up? Maybe the audience was holding them back like in high school cafeteria fights.

2. I love that the onlookers opposite the camera man were a dude in a wife-beater and a woman in only a sports bra.

Do you really think a Wal Mart staffer could have been found inside of 5 minutes?
of course I would break it up. You have a duty to help people if you can do so safely. To sit there and comment on what "white trash" they are once again breaks the irony meter.
Pshhhh. I would feel more of a duty to give them each a deadly weapon so they could off each other and do the world a favor. But I wouldn't waste a second of time getting between two adult buffoons. I wouldn't give them a second glance and continue on with my shopping so I could get the hell out of there. If I happened past a Wal-Mart employee I would mention that they might want to call the authorities about the little dust-up in aisle 3 though.
Do you really think a Wal Mart staffer could have been found inside of 5 minutes?

There is a Walmart employee in the video about 25 seconds into it...


Finding a Walmart employee isn't the same as finding help from a Walmart employee.
Security cameras see what is happening.

I'm not stepping into that mess because lawsuits are the White Trash Lotto, and even if I had pro bono legal services I'm not letting those people take any of my time.

Wonder what the headline would be if the woman who was pinned and being beaten pulled a gun out of her waistband and shot her assailant...
Pshhhh. I would feel more of a duty to give them each a deadly weapon so they could off each other and do the world a favor. But I wouldn't waste a second of time getting between two adult buffoons. I wouldn't give them a second glance and continue on with my shopping so I could get the hell out of there. If I happened past a Wal-Mart employee I would mention that they might want to call the authorities about the little dust-up in aisle 3 though.

Some folks only view people as people if they are like them.
Some folks only view people as people if they are like them.
I don't care if you are like me or not, but it's hard to view anybody who behaves like an animal as anything but an animal. There are much more deserving individuals to sympathize for than two immature grown women.
of course I would break it up. You have a duty to help people if you can do so safely. To sit there and comment on what "white trash" they are once again breaks the irony meter.

I know a guy who got between 2 people and got stabbed, I don't want to end up like Chris Chambers.