You can die from Covid (although unlikely); and of all ages now. And you certainly don't have to have the flu or influenza to catch it. Really? Are you at a third grade recess speech debate? And opening back up the country with no specific national plan in place (such as masks and social distancing) was the worst mistake. You must get your news from inside a Captain Crunch box. People's stupidity, ignorance and indifference are bringing the surges back; and if it gets bad enough, another shutdown could happen. Get a grip with your facts.If we had shut down earlier and had shut down longer much of this would be going in the other direction. But you can't fix stupid. Europeans have taken a more no nonsense universal hardcore approach in their shutdowns while the USA response is disjointed, inconsistent, fractured, splintered and all over the place.
So many attitudes in our country just completely suck. And everybody is being so politically correct and are afraid to make massive changes for the fear of losing votes. Colleges and bars, stupid parties and now schools/colleges are making this virus continue to surge as some schools are closing already when no more than half are even wearing a mask. Its just very disgusting as the clueless selfish behavior continues. And I know you don't have to remind a family who has lost a loved one to wear a mask. Their attitude now is the one we need to take. And, NOW!