Walking Dead Season 7 Priemere ***SPOILERS***


Seminole Insider
Oct 20, 2002
Seriously, if you haven't seen it, turn back now!


Okay, so I called Abraham all summer long, but Glenn!? Didn't see that coming at all. I totally thought Rick's hand was a goner.

Aside from the sheer brutality of those scenes, what did everyone think?

For me this is a game changing episode. Rick is no longer "the man"; Negan clearly is and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Smart move taking Daryl hostage. That will ensure Rick and co. stick around.
  1. The hinting of the hand chopping was uncomfortable. I felt like it was coming the whole time and that made me uneasy.
  2. Glenn's Eye.........yeesh
  3. Suck my nuts.....GI Ginger is a BOSS
  4. I hope we don't get Season 3 Rick who is very soft and sees ghosts.
  5. Neegan is an extremely believable character.
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  1. The hinting of the hand chopping was uncomfortable. I felt like it was coming the whole time and that made me uneasy.
  2. Glenn's Eye.........yeesh
  3. Suck my nuts.....GI Ginger is a BOSS
  4. I hope we don't get Season 3 Rick who is very soft and sees ghosts.
  5. Neegan is an extremely believable character.
1. No kidding. When Negan was cleaning the axe, I knew for sure it was coming.
2. yeesh x100
3. Ya, I knew it was him from last season. Figured he was the one who could take the hit, but Glenn surprised me as well. Rick's crew is tough.
4. No kidding. I don't think we'll see that. He'll be scheming.
5. JDM is brilliant in this role. I see an Emmy coming.
I thought the Negan performance was a little theatrical and over the top. Felt like he was channeling Capt Jack Sparrow.
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I thought the Negan performance was a little theatrical and over the top. Felt like he was channeling Capt Jack Sparrow.

Weird...didn't get that vibe at all. Felt he really thought he was the "good guy" in all this and it's basically his way or...death. Also felt he'd have had the governor for lunch.
I'm not as interested in a whole new cast of characters 7 years into a show that I already loved.

I will definitely keep watching, but I won't be shocked if I slowly start to lose interest in the show overall.
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I'm not as interested in a whole new cast of characters 7 years into a show that I already loved.

I will definitely keep watching, but I won't be shocked if I slowly start to lose interest in the show overall.
I think the show really screwed up by having this episode air now instead of making it the finale of last season. The momentum had really faded for me and I wasn't nearly as bummed about losing those guys as I would have been. The cheap tactics TWD uses to "keep viewers engaged" is going to start turning people away.
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I'm not as interested in a whole new cast of characters 7 years into a show that I already loved.

I will definitely keep watching, but I won't be shocked if I slowly start to lose interest in the show overall.

"whole new cast?"


Those don't feel like new characters to me.

Are you gett'n grumpy in your old age, Les? ;)
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Yeah - The Saviors, The Kingdom, and we only just met the Hilltop at the end of last season.
Ah...gotcha. I knew early on the show would revolve around various adversaries; i.e. Woodbury, Terminus, Wolves, and now The Saviors, Kingdom, etc. So, I'm okay with that aspect.

I will say, though, we can't lose any more original cast. Glenn and Hershel were hard enough, but to lose a Rick or a Daryl and we're basically being expected to watch Magnum PI without Magnum or 24 without Jack.
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I took losing Abraham harder than Glenn because Glenn died a couple times last season. The episode set the bar high for the season so I am sure a lot of people will have a problem with some less exciting episodes to follow. I'll be fine with developing Morgan and Carol's story next week then returning to Rick & crew.
Does Maggie take charge as Rick goes off the rails? Sounded as if she was ready for war.
A couple of curiosities have arisen...

Alexandria will be supplying Saviors with... artillery?

Kingdom looks awesome. Looks like Hilltop but with testicles. Ready to see what Ezekiel has to offer the plot.
Brutal. Absolutely brutal.

JDM, I thought, was just fantastic.

I am shocked at Maggie's resolve. She's lost everyone and about to lose her baby too (hopefully) and she is ready to scorch the Earth.

I was a little put off by Carl most of the episode. He didn't seem all that affected and was ready to lose that hand without any emotion. Creeper kid might be headed to the dark side.

Will be interesting how the rest of Alexandria adjusts the the new world order and how The Kingdom plays into this. Also how long it will take Morgan and Carol to return, if they ever do.
Brutal. Absolutely brutal.

JDM, I thought, was just fantastic.

I am shocked at Maggie's resolve. She's lost everyone and about to lose her baby too (hopefully) and she is ready to scorch the Earth.

I was a little put off by Carl most of the episode. He didn't seem all that affected and was ready to lose that hand without any emotion. Creeper kid might be headed to the dark side.

Will be interesting how the rest of Alexandria adjusts the the new world order and how The Kingdom plays into this. Also how long it will take Morgan and Carol to return, if they ever do.

That's been in the making for a while. Remember him killing the kid in front of Hershal? Carl is a product of his new environment; robbed of the normal childhood of his adult counter parts. Carl knows what must be done.
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But I also mean that I feel he might turn against Rick and the others and find Negan's way of life more suitable. I think what will hold that back is Judith though.
In the comic, Negan fancies Carl in a mentoring manner. Perhaps he sees his sociopathic side?
Well there you go. I've never read them, but know a lot of what happens. Didn't know that tidbit but I think he's definitely trending in that direction.
I was a little put off by Carl most of the episode. He didn't seem all that affected and was ready to lose that hand without any emotion. Creeper kid might be headed to the dark side.

I had the same thought with his demeanor except when he told his Dad it was okay to cut off his hand. His interaction with Negan was weird for someone that just saw two people get smashed and guns now being pointed at their friends heads. I didn't have a problem with what he said to Rick. He was offering his hand just like Rick offered his in exchange. I think Rick needed him to say it was okay because he wasn't going to do it. Otherwise, everyone would have died because Rick couldn't bring himself to harm his child. In my opinion, Carl gave him the out and saved everyone that still had a head as a result.
I personally thought that the episode was over the top. By a mile, too. Negan's character offers little to no charm. The shock effect of the violence was too much. I didn't need to see Glen trying to talk to a pregnant Maggie with his head split open. Even worse was seeing his eye still on the ground in the middle of where his head should have been with his body still twitching around. It was disturbing.

I have watched every episode of TWD since day one, but don't know that I am really that interested in watching this season. It is apparent that it is just going to be Negan bullying and torturing these people for 8-12 or however long the season is. Why would I watch that? That would be like watching the Louisville game again every weekend for the rest of the season.

Realistically, if you were Rick and Carl, wouldn't you just leave anyway? I would just get out of Dodge and start over somewhere else.
That episode gave exactly what I was afraid it would not. Ginger was a setup, I was very surprised when they did take Glenn as well, but it was awesome, in a gross way, how well they matched that scene to the artwork from the comic. Neegan is the biggest badass the comics ever saw, but there is a humanity to him that shows up later on. I won't hint any more than that. It'll be several episodes of them being his bitch however. That much is guaranteed.
if I was Rick, I'd be like Eff this. I'd get back to Alexandria pack up with whoever else wanted to go and head to the Keys, put as many miles between him and Neegan as he could.
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except where are you going to go? It's all zombie infested wastelands. Negan's an asshat, but you still have walls to keep out zombies, and as long as you keep giving Neegan what he wants (Which is admittedly going to be a lot) you'll at least have him protecting you from other's trying to move in. If you can come to terms with your new devil, it's better than the one you don't know.
if I was Rick, I'd be like Eff this. I'd get back to Alexandria pack up with whoever else wanted to go and head to the Keys, put as many miles between him and Neegan as he could.

Wouldn't a small island be the perfect place to go? Zombies don't know how to swim, or drive a boat, right?
They do bob around in the water and are likely to make their way to one. Plus you have to find a way to get through all of the zombie and bad guy infested lands, to a place with an actual working boat, and then have someone who would know how to get you to somewhere safer.
They do bob around in the water and are likely to make their way to one. Plus you have to find a way to get through all of the zombie and bad guy infested lands, to a place with an actual working boat, and then have someone who would know how to get you to somewhere safer.

If they only made a show where they got on a boat to escape. What a great show that would be.
I hoped that Fear the WD would take almost a day by day focus on the world unraveling. What it was like in the very beginning, how it was covered by the media, what first responders saw, what the situation was like in hospitals, in urban and rural areas, in evacuation camps, and so on. Show decision making by elected leaders and the military, as they confront something they know nothing about and cannot begin to imagine.

Instead, that was quickly glossed over and it's now Walking Dead, Sabado Gigante!!!
Why didn't Neegan just kill Rick, makes no sense???
Because he is the leader and he needs him to make sure the rest of his people fall in line. Or at least that is my take. Especially after the clip where he is telling the Alexandrites doing what Negan says and that he is the new leader
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I hoped that Fear the WD would take almost a day by day focus on the world unraveling. What it was like in the very beginning, how it was covered by the media, what first responders saw, what the situation was like in hospitals, in urban and rural areas, in evacuation camps, and so on. Show decision making by elected leaders and the military, as they confront something they know nothing about and cannot begin to imagine.

Instead, that was quickly glossed over and it's now Walking Dead, Sabado Gigante!!!
if I was Rick, I'd be like Eff this. I'd get back to Alexandria pack up with whoever else wanted to go and head to the Keys, put as many miles between him and Neegan as he could.

except where are you going to go? It's all zombie infested wastelands. Negan's an asshat, but you still have walls to keep out zombies, and as long as you keep giving Neegan what he wants (Which is admittedly going to be a lot) you'll at least have him protecting you from other's trying to move in. If you can come to terms with your new devil, it's better than the one you don't know.

I would also just leave. At this point the zombies are less of a concern than the people. If they want to still try to start a life, they could just as easily try to do it somewhere else. No way would I live under Negan's psychotic thumb.
Why didn't Neegan just kill Rick, makes no sense???
I would also just leave. At this point the zombies are less of a concern than the people. If they want to still try to start a life, they could just as easily try to do it somewhere else. No way would I live under Negan's psychotic thumb.

Abandon Daryl?

Also, remember Rick's a cop. Serve and protect. He even went back to try to save Merle.
I hoped that Fear the WD would take almost a day by day focus on the world unraveling. What it was like in the very beginning, how it was covered by the media, what first responders saw, what the situation was like in hospitals, in urban and rural areas, in evacuation camps, and so on. Show decision making by elected leaders and the military, as they confront something they know nothing about and cannot begin to imagine.

Instead, that was quickly glossed over and it's now Walking Dead, Sabado Gigante!!!

Yes! That would be an awesome premise. Problem is, it would be fairly slow and boring.
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Agree with those who say the violence was over the top, completely unnecessary. Might be the first time in a long time that I watched something and felt a little less human afterwards. Is that really what we want to see as a TV audience? That's sad. Don't know that I'll keep watching at this point.
Glad to see Glenn go, didn't need to see the blow by blow.
Also agree with others who thought negan was over acted.
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Agree with those who say the violence was over the top, completely unnecessary. Might be the first time in a long time that I watched something and felt a little less human afterwards. Is that really what we want to see as a TV audience? That's sad. Don't know that I'll keep watching at this point.
Glad to see Glenn go, didn't need to see the blow by blow.
Also agree with others who thought negan was over acted.

I'm right there with you, it was to much. Luckily I watched on DVR and was able to fast forward through the grusum scenes, which felt like 90% of the show.
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Was it because it was human on human violence? I don't remember anyone complaining about gore when the Walkers were killing people or vice versa. This was straight out of the comics. No way could they have glossed over Negan's introduction and still have him has a hated evil guy. Maybe seeing it play out in front of you instead of pictures on a page. I don't like gore and guts either but I don't know what y'all were expecting to see when someone gets killed by a barbed wire bat.
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