Walking Dead Season 7 Priemere ***SPOILERS***

I assume the brutality dished out was to let them know he doesn't eff around...kind of like a 3rd world country chopping off the hand of a thief..
Surprised those that felt it was too gruesome even watch the show.
Yep, human and human violence like that actually bothered me, I'm a little surprised myself. Nothing involving the zombies really bothered me at all, I guess because I could always say "it's just a tv show, there are no such thing as zombies". But to see people that to each other was just too much because it's actually possible. I just didn't like seeing it and can't really explain it any better than I just did.
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Yep, human and human violence like that actually bothered me, I'm a little surprised myself. Nothing involving the zombies really bothered me at all, I guess because I could always say "it's just a tv show, there are no such thing as zombies". But to see people that to each other was just too much because it's actually possible. I just didn't like seeing it and can't really explain it any better than I just did.
Would it help to know before or after the scene Glenn/Abraham were wearing their bashed in heads make up with Glenn's eyeball hanging out and they were joking around with each other while looking into the camera about winning a fight with people. Does that make it any less gruesome for you?

It's interesting to hear Jeffery Dean Morgan explain that Negan isn't the bad guy here and was only getting retribution for Rick's group killing a bunch of his men first.
Neegan made Rick his beeatch. Next we'll be seeing men and even women sodomize men, women, and/or children. Is there a line we won't cross?
Would it help to know before or after the scene Glenn/Abraham were wearing their bashed in heads make up with Glenn's eyeball hanging out and they were joking around with each other while looking into the camera about winning a fight with people. Does that make it any less gruesome for you?

It's interesting to hear Jeffery Dean Morgan explain that Negan isn't the bad guy here and was only getting retribution for Rick's group killing a bunch of his men first.

Interesting that in a world where anything you are carrying is an absolute necessity and taking half of your stuff could easily end up killing you is not viewed as bad.
Would it help to know before or after the scene Glenn/Abraham were wearing their bashed in heads make up with Glenn's eyeball hanging out and they were joking around with each other while looking into the camera about winning a fight with people. Does that make it any less gruesome for you?

It's interesting to hear Jeffery Dean Morgan explain that Negan isn't the bad guy here and was only getting retribution for Rick's group killing a bunch of his men first.
You are missing the point I'm trying to make and thats ok. It doesn't have o be everyone's opinion but it is mine.
You are missing the point I'm trying to make and thats ok. It doesn't have o be everyone's opinion but it is mine.
I really wasn't trying to change your opionion. It is what it is.
You are missing the point I'm trying to make and thats ok. It doesn't have o be everyone's opinion but it is mine.

Sorry, really wasn't trying to change your opinion. Didn't know if them acting lighthearted about the scene would help you or not. I am going with not from your previous post.

I am desensitized to these things after working in child abuse the last 12 years and seeing children beaten, raped, or murdered over this time.
It was just to much for me. My instinct was to fast forward it. I don't know the exact science as to why this scene was harder to watch than scenes of the past, but it was.

Perhaps it was because of it being the first episode. Wonder if I would have reacted the same if it had been the season finale last season.
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I can see folks finding it too much. But to suggest it's somehow objectively too much or wrong is strange to me. This may have been the single most "real" episode of the show. It showed the utter brutality associated with a world where there's no order and you're competing with both the undead and the people who are left.

You can't put our understanding of justice and right and wrong. There aren't laws or courts. There is just survival.

Negan was, in a really odd way, merciful. Ricks people killed a lot of his people. Many defenseless. In that world Negan could have just as easily killed all of them, but he didn't. And he couldn't have just let them live without breaking Rick. All of that was necessary for Negan to keep control and Negan understands even more than Rick how to stay in control.
Just my $.02 but I thought it was too violent too.

I don't know or care why I thought that, but it was my first comment the next day when someone asked me how it was.
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Why didn't Neegan just kill Rick, makes no sense???
I would agree that Negan should've taken Rick out if he had a camp/settlement and was taking them in but it looks like he just sends them back home and comes to collect so the group still needs Rick as leader to be productive and profitable for Negan.
The violence was a bit much for me, too; spent a lot of time looking away & hitting the mute button. Not sure if it was the human on human instead of human on already dead, or if it was that those being killed were characters to whom I'd grown attached, or if it was that it was more hand to hand instead of rapid-kill gunfire. Don't much care why, just didn't like it. Still like the show & will continue to watch.
The violence was a bit much for me, too; spent a lot of time looking away & hitting the mute button. Not sure if it was the human on human instead of human on already dead, or if it was that those being killed were characters to whom I'd grown attached, or if it was that it was more hand to hand instead of rapid-kill gunfire. Don't much care why, just didn't like it. Still like the show & will continue to watch.
Yes, this was human on human; not just sticking a knife into a zombie prop. While the zombie killing is gory; it's not brutal; they are already dead. This was heart-wrenchingly real. Painful to watch. I'm glad I'm not desensitized to it. I'd have to stop watching if I was.
You're not supposed to like it. I did plenty of face covering and cried hysterically for a little bit. It's supposed to get that type of reaction. No one should be comfortable seeing that type of violence. But that is their world. And I really think that we won't see anything near that level of violence again for a long time. These people are broken now. Now it's all implied thread and intimidation mixed in with your regular Walker problems.
That's a great way to say it, Sarah. We weren't supposed to like it. It was supposed to be brutal and uncomfortable.

And Negan couldn't just kill Rick. That would just lead to another leader and more revenge. His options were to break Rick (and thus the group) or to kill them all. He clearly thinks there's a reason to not only let them live, but to live somewhat independently. That is a risk no matter what, but the only way it can work is if they are totally broken. They were a group that had survived a ton, both from the undead and the evil living. They were pretty confident. They were strong. Without breaking them down they were a huge risk, not only in terms of the threat the posed themselves but the example they set. All of Negans people knew the group had killed a bunch of their own. What would it say to them if Ricks group lived and were just just forgiven or had a small punishment? Chaos.

It was hard to see Glenn go like that but he group learned quickly that the old way of bowing up and fighting was not going to work any more. What would it have done for Negans lesson if Daryls attack wasn't punished? And what could be more of a lesson than showing everyone they won't pay for their own responses; others will.

It was so hard to watch because it was so brutally clear and real to the situation.
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You really can't compare the violence against Abraham and Glen to the violence against zombies.

I was expecting a something like when The Bear Jew beat the the German soldier with a bat in Inglourious Basterds. Instead, we got an up close look at Negan basically flattening their heads into pulp and Glen's bloody scalp swinging from Lucille.

Just not necessary IMO.
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One reason it was hard to watch is because it could actually happen, it's not fake zombie stuff.

Let me try to draw a parallel: when I was a kid, I was much more scared watching movies like Silence of the Lambs than I was Nightmare on Elm Street. Why? Because one was believable and the other is not. Reality or potential reality has always been more disturbing to me.
I was serving a small posting vacation and couldn't participate yesterday. I thought The Talking Dead was fantastic afterwards.

I thought the, "I will find you" was a great touch and the makeup to look like the comic death was spot on!

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Also, and this is an inconsequential point, I find it ridiculous that a person would actually name a baseball bat.
Also, and this is an inconsequential point, I find it ridiculous that a person would actually name a baseball bat.

There are some VULGAR conversation about that bat in the books, and there are some running jokes about it being just a bat.
For those who thought it was too much, was it the story and actions themselves or how much and how brutal it was portrayed on screen? No other words would you have been ok if they just showed him start to swing then go to the aftermath and be "told" who ate it?
That's exactly what I was trying to get to. I think for the show to continue where it's going, the audience had to participate in that episode. It had to be as broken as Rick and the group. I watched the episode at a local watch party. If the reaction there was typical, it worked. Everyone expected it to be rough but it was still like leaving a funeral. No one was really even talking.

I can see how it wouldn't fit everyone's tastes, but for what it was and what they were trying to accomplish, I think it was a great episode. I was a huge critic of the cliffhanger, but I've changed my mind seeing how it needed to be so much more than a swing of a bat.
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Also, and this is an inconsequential point, I find it ridiculous that a person would actually name a baseball bat.

I didn't find it ridiculous at all. I was very much offended, though, that now people will think of that bat when they hear the name Lucille, when the name should forever be associated with a $30 Gibson guitar.
One reason it was hard to watch is because it could actually happen, it's not fake zombie stuff.

Let me try to draw a parallel: when I was a kid, I was much more scared watching movies like Silence of the Lambs than I was Nightmare on Elm Street. Why? Because one was believable and the other is not. Reality or potential reality has always been more disturbing to me.
Mrs. Alaskan is the same way. Friday the 13th? Meh. Strangers? TERRIFIED! She has to sleep with the lights on.
I've been thinking about thinking, scary, I know ;)

The zombie gore stuff only disturbs my appetite, makes my stomach weak. But that's about it, just gnarly hollywood stuff, and doesn't bother me outside of what I just described.

The shoot em' up scenes aren't bad to me. They are shooting people that are already dead 90% of the time, and when they are shooting folks that aren't dead, it's just not that gruesome. I typically find myself wondering how they never run out of bullets and how the good guys are never hit by a bullet, and the bad guys are hit when the shooter is way out of position...typical hollywood stuff that we have been accustomed to seeing pretty much our whole lives.

The hand on hand combat is pretty much the same as the shoot em' scenes. Same stuff we have been seeing since we were kids and watching the Dukes of Hazzard....for the most part at biggie.

The only other time I felt that TWD was maybe to much to watch is when Carol shot the kid. That was hard to take even though the kid was a complete psychopath. But I don't recall the show showing the child's brains get blown against the tree and her face ripped apart.

This past week, seeing a guy (Negan) that was adored by people who had their teeth, hold a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around the end of it, then begin to viciously bash in the skulls of living breathing people who had been hero's to the people we had grown to like for years now....that was hard to watch. Just seemed very over the top and outside of the typical nastiness the show normally produces.

If I were the director, would I have done it differently...idk. But the way it was done seriously had me feeling like maybe I don't want to watch the rest of this season, or that the show is no longer for me.

However, I will continue watch.

That's my two cents.
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I've been thinking about thinking, scary, I know ;)

The zombie gore stuff only disturbs my appetite, makes my stomach weak, and therefore I make sure I have eaten dinner before the show begins. But that's about it, just gnarly hollywood stuff, and doesn't bother me outside of what I just described.


You prep your body before watching a television show?

You prep your body before watching a television show?

Who the hell refers to eating dinner as, "prepping their body"?

To answer your question though, I don't like to eat while the show is on.
Who the hell refers to eating dinner as, "prepping their body"?

To answer your question though, I don't like to eat while the show is on.

You literally will or won't do something before watching a particular show. You prep yourself so you don't have food in your stomach before watching a TV show.
You literally will or won't do something before watching a particular show. You prep yourself so you don't have food in your stomach before watching a TV show.

No, I don't, "prep my body", I just don't like to eat during the show. However, the way I have been putting on the pounds this past year, I probably should start eating while the show is on...and grocery shop while watching it as well.

What about you, do you sit down with a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, no napkin or utensils and eat away. lol
Negan was a teacher before zombpocalypse. They teach us in college that if we say we are going to do something and don't follow up, we will lose the class. I bet Glenn wishes he wouldn't have taken that to heart.
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No, I don't, "prep my body", I just don't like to eat during the show. However, the way I have been putting on the pounds this past year, I probably should start eating while the show is on...and grocery shop while watching it as well.

What about you, do you sit down with a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, no napkin or utensils and eat away. lol

I eat dinner at 6. I don't watch violent TV shows during dinner times because I have 3 little kids. So no, I don't stuff my face at 10-11 PM while watching any of my must see TV shows. I'll drink some quality craft beers or some scotch.

Your phrasing made it sound like you don't want an upset stomach because the show is too graphic. If that wasn't your intention, my fault.
That's been in the making for a while. Remember him killing the kid in front of Hershal? Carl is a product of his new environment; robbed of the normal childhood of his adult counter parts. Carl knows what must be done.

Carl shares the same DNA as Rick. Rick is a strong leader with a crazy side, when he needs it (meaning he does what he knows has to be done even if it isn’t pretty). Now Rick devolved his leadership in a society of law and order. Now imagine Carl with the same personality type but he has grown up and a post-apocalyptic society. Carl could get very scary.
Premiere was about what I expected, violent, comic book Like Negan kills off a few more, Twist Rick into a follower.

i agree with a few others that im losing interest in the show and all the new characters I don't want to learn about. It's reached a saturation point of seeing enough of the few characters left i care about tortured and controlled. Groundhog day and all, repeat, predictable.

Used to love the show but feels like it's now taken a turn i just don't care about. The great crew of actors/storylines at its peak is mostly long gone. Ill give it another week just for the past viewing investment
I eat dinner at 6. I don't watch violent TV shows during dinner times because I have 3 little kids. So no, I don't stuff my face at 10-11 PM while watching any of my must see TV shows. I'll drink some quality craft beers or some scotch.

Your phrasing made it sound like you don't want an upset stomach because the show is too graphic. If that wasn't your intention, my fault.

It did sound that way.

I was just using the eating part as a metaphor to give perspective as to why this weeks episode felt over the top in regards to the violence and gore. Didn't mean to trip you or anyone else up, I'll go edit

And to your other point, I will eat some quality homemade from scratch brownies and a glass of organic milk from Whole Foods when watching shows....on occocians that is.