No. Full stop. Please be more careful about researching the accuracy of the info you consume and spread. Not doing so can be lethal.Everyone here is having a very civil discussion. You on the other hand have made your stance very clear and you seem to get off on the fact you fired 4 people.
Btw, science is the constant challenging of data and known principles. What you call as science is nowhere close. If it was, it would consider all the studies that people have talked about above that don’t correlate any protection towards catching or giving it. It would take into account the very real study by Oxford that showed that vaccinated people carry a viral load nearly 250 times higher than non vaccinated people. This coincided with the side effects that Dr Malone warned everyone about over a year ago. Media and people like you have tried to discredit any free thinking or scientific challenging to your narrative (much like your stance toward your former employees)
The very nature of a vaccine and a mask is a personal protection, or PPE for you mr osha. Somehow, your science has turned them into a requirement to participate in society.
Whether intentional or not, your citing that “very real study by Oxford” and completely misreporting its findings is a very telling representation of why some information consumers’ “feelings” about Covid, vaccines and other mitigation efforts are so much more helpful or dangerous than others when it comes to minimizing the ravages of this pandemic.
It is our personal responsibility as thoughtful members of a very interdependent society, especially during any health crisis, to make sure we aren’t relying upon and spreading misinformation.
The Oxford study you cite does not at all support your allegation, and it’s undeniably harmful to everybody who reads and might be influenced by your spreading such falsehoods.
It’s unfortunate that such a large swath of our fellow citizens believes almost anything they read or hear as long as it satisfies their confirmation bias.
Facebook memes somehow sway more minds than does the advice of actual epidemiologists.
Widely discredited whacks like Malone aren’t challenged as long as they can accurately claim to be a doctor and say what the Covid/vax minimizers want to hear.
Good luck to us all.

Fact Check-Study did not find vaccinated healthcare workers carry 251 times the viral load of those who were unvaccinated
Social media users are sharing articles that discuss a study examining the transmission of the Delta variant of COVID-19 and falsely claiming the study found that fully vaccinated healthcare workers carry 251 times the viral load compared of those who are unvaccinated.