Not sure how you got on that horse but your missing my point. I’m not debating how many are unvaccinated as that number is easily obtained. Not sure who you are referring to as the minority but I happen to be vaccinated, boostered and recovered from covid.Less than 20% of Americans surveyed refuse to get vaccinated. That's far less than required to satisfy the definition of a minority, no matter how large the margin of error in any properly designed survey.
Contrary to the "everybody's opinion is equally valid" and "we can just agree to disagree" brush-offs that have become far too prevalent in discussions of factual data, there is simply no debating that a minority of Americans refuse to get vaccinated. It is fact, supported by data.
Choose any credible survey or analysis of actual vaccination data... you and your fellow uber-skeptics are thankfully in the minority. Yes, you're welcome to your fears and opinions, but we all suffer the significant consequences.
The Share Of U.S. Adults Willing To Get Vaccinated Ticks Up, A New Poll Finds
The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey finds 19% of adults say they won't get vaccinated. That's down 5 points from the month prior, coinciding with the delta surge and FDA approval of the Pfizer
A free society allows us to disagree and that’s fine. I happen to disagree with parts of this and the methods used to control it. You agree with all of it and that’s fine too.
Again stay safe and have a nice day.