What TV character do you respect the most?


Veteran Seminole Insider
Aug 6, 2002
Indian Rocks Beach
I'm not going to make it a poll because there are too many choices. What TV character do you respect the most? Someone with integrity, but not over the top naiveté.
I'm not going to make it a poll because there are too many choices. What TV character do you respect the most? Someone with integrity, but not over the top naiveté.

Charlie from 2.5 Men. He made millions with no discernible talent, banged tons of amazingly hot women despite living with two mooches, and could function enough despite nonstop drinking and drug use.


Actually I'll have to think about it. Off the top of my head I would say Glen from Walking Dead as despite the incredible dire situation he never killed a human (look it up, it's true), put himself constantly in danger to save others, was amazingly competent and managed to bang the hottest woman still alive.
This is a tough question for sure, tons of solid options available, but I'm gonna go with Dexter Morgan.
Andy Taylor- great father, tough but fair'd never have to worry about him getting caught on video body-slamming a 15 year old high school student.

Phil Dunphy - a bit naive, a bit goofy, sometimes embarrassing, but in the end he's all about his family and doesn't give a rip what you might think about that.
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BJ McKay. His best friend was a monkey and he had to drive a truck for a living to make ends meet.
Andy Taylor- great father, tough but fair'd never have to worry about him getting caught on video body-slamming a 15 year old high school student.

On that same note- Charles Ingalls of Little House on the Prairie

Where I would put Charles above is Andy is Charles will give a beat down to those that deserved it (bad guys).
Let's see....who managed to live in paradise rent free, drive someone else's Ferrari and score with the ladies even though he was rocking a gay porn stache and shorty shorts?


I like his character as the police commissioner on Bluebloods.
Top of my head, no particular order:

Toby from West Wing (the shuttle thing took him down a bit, but at least he stood up eventually)
Col. Potter from M*A*S*H
Martin from Frasier
On top of that, he made Opie's mother disappear without a trace. She must've been a miserable beech.

Rumor around Mayberry was Andy paid Ernest T. Bass ten grand to whack his wife for the insurance money. But they could never make anything stick.
Ron Swanson

"Strippers do nothing for me. But I will take a free breakfast buffet anytime, anyplace."

That could have been a direct quote by me.

"I enjoy government functions like I enjoy getting kicked in the nuggets with a steel toe boot, but this hotel always serves bacon wrapped shrimp. And that's my number one favorite food wrapped around my number three favorite food. I'd go to a banquet honouring Somali pirates if they had bacon wrapped shrimp. Excuse me."

That could easily be another direct quote from me.
I'm not going to make it a poll because there are too many choices. What TV character do you respect the most? Someone with integrity, but not over the top naiveté.
Leonard from big bang. He is a nerd, doesnt have much money, short and not good looking, has a crazy roommate and even bigger nerd friends and still manages to marry a beautiful woman.