You guys opened this board but apparently expected everyone to agree with “your” narratives. When people feel differently, you, the purported moderator, go on the attack with a couple of your other left-leaning cohorts.
Funny business model. I just hope
@JerryKutz has limited personal skin in this game. He is a very nice man and a good Nole, but I think more and more people are drifting away from this place. Sad.
I think you could have chosen not to use the word "freak" to describe human beings. No? It is hard to have discussion when people are throwing invectives at others.
As an aside, don't know how a thread on the use of SAT in college admittance turned into this? I did start a couple threads last year on the transgender swimmer at Penn that were taken off by the mods. Since then, I have gone down the rabbit hole of transgender science/activism and am appalled at what I found. The rot is much deeper than I thought.
My concerns other than I don't think it is fair to have transgender female who have gone through male puberty compete in sports against women is the medical interventions done to children (under 18). An adult can make their own decisions. (I know 4 sets of parents who have transgender children and interacted with 3 of them before transitioning and after. Treating someone with respect is very different than agreeing with them no matter what they say).
Travistock, the largest gender reassignment center in Great Britain was shut down. Sweden and Finland totally changed their protocols. In the USA we have two whistle blowers going public with what is going on at clinics here.
Here is the outline:
There has been an explosion of FTM teenagers being transitioned. Research in this country indicate clusters right down to middle school and HS classes a clear example of Social Contagion.
A large percentage of children and young adults who start transition have significant mental health issues other than Gender dysphoria. Most troubling is the amount that have Aspergers. But Borderline Personality Disorder is also common. And even individuals with Schizophrenia have been transitioned by these clinics and their Doctors.
With the dramatically increasing amount of transgender individuals, many who started transitioning as teenagers, we see an increasing amount of regret and de-transitioners. The actual number is in dispute, but it is assuredly in double figures.
Giving cross-sex hormones is detrimental to health. Transgender activist and doctors who make money off of them have denied it, but there are a host of health issues from use of these drugs. Loss of fertility, inability to have sex and loss of the ability to have sexual feelings during sex, voice changes, adam apples changes, increase in immune deficit diseases, etc. are all side effects.
In many, perhaps most cases, the mental health issues do not go away after transitioning.
Gender Dysphoria goes away on its own in many of cases before the age of 18.(percentages vary by experts)
2/3rds of de-transitioners in several studies come out as gay after de-transitioning.
Because of all the above, many countries are re-evaluating their medical policies around transitioning, especially transitioning youth.
Once you get past the anger from the extreme sides, you see the problems within this social movement and how industrial medicine has encouraged and performed items that are at best experimental and at worst criminal.
None of this means we shouldn't accept those who transitioned and not be biased against them. But, we need to stop and reevaluate what is going on, especially to children.