Thanks for your inside viewpoint.
Allow me to ask a few questions. I ask these questions because I have no personal knowledge of the phenomenon and as a natural skeptic have seen a lot of detransitioners go public with their experiences. In graduate school one of my concentrations was Sociology of Medicine and read extensively on the history of medicine which has continuously performed medical procedures that had little or faulty science behind it and did harm to patients. I also note that the countries that once led in this care, are now turning back to a more measured, non-invasive approach to children.
Why have several European countries now backing off of chemical use in children in favor of psychotherapeutic care and the USA has not?
Here is what Sweden has most recently published:
Following a
comprehensive review of evidence, the NBHW concluded that the
evidence base for hormonal interventions for gender-dysphoric youth is of low quality, and that hormonal treatments may carry risks. NBHW also concluded that the evidence for pediatric transition comes from studies where the population was markedly different from the cases presenting for care today.
In addition, NBHW noted increasing reports of detransition and transition-related regret among youth who transitioned in recent years.
NBHW emphasized the need to treat gender dysphoric youth with dignity and respect, while providing high quality, evidence-based medical care that prioritizes long-term health. NBHW also emphasized that identity formation in youth is an evolving process, and that the experience of natural puberty is a vital step in the development of the overall identity, as well as gender identity.
In light of above limitations in the evidence base, the ongoing identity formation in youth, and in view of the fact that gender transition has pervasive and lifelong consequences, the NBHW has concluded that, at present,
the risks of hormonal interventions for gender dysphoric youth outweigh the potential benefits.
As a result of this determination, the eligibility for pediatric gender transition with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in Sweden will be sharply curtailed. Only a minority of gender dysphoric youth—those with the “classic” childhood onset of cross-sex identification and distress, which persist and cause clear suffering in adolescence—will be considered as potentially eligible for hormonal interventions, pending additional, extensive multidisciplinary evaluation.
- Growing visibility of detransition/regret: New knowledge about detransition in young adults challenges prior assumption of low regret, and the fact that most do not tell practitioners about their detransition could indicate that detransition rates have been underestimated.
Access to hormonal interventions for youth <18 will be tightly restricted. The goal is to administer these interventions in research settings only, and to restrict eligibility criteria to mirror those in the “Dutch protocol.”
Background In February 2022, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) issued an update to its health care service guidelines for children and youth
Current WPATH Protocol which you said you worked on which Sweden and other countries are changing from:
- There should be a general assumption to treat with hormones and surgeries. Mental health assessments are important but can also be abbreviated (see SOC8 draft "Assessment" section).
What are we to make of the well-known lack of adherence to gender norms among ASD individuals which could lead them to misattribute their experience to being “transgender” and inappropriately transition and the amount of people with ASD that have been transgendered in centers in the US and Europe?
What is going on with the rapidly increasing amount of transgender youth, particularly the dramatic increase of teenage girls whose gender dysphoria appears with the onset of puberty or later?
It appears to me this is where a lot of the regret/de-transitioning is occurring.
Do teenage girls who are just developing their identities and learning to deal with all that goes with womenhood really have the capacity to permanently kill their fertility and/or decide to surgical remove their newly developed breasts?
One more:
How confident are you and your peers that given all that has happened in the last couple years (whistle blowers documenting lack of adherence to standards, evidence of damage of cross-sex hormones, increasing amounts of regret, etc.) you can adequately separate out various mental health issues and correctly deliver medical treatments to children that does no harm?
Thanks for your patience in this.