The Night Of - FINALE...The Call of the Wild (Spoilers)

So for those who have no clue why I posted Sinbad.

His knuckle tattoos will read Sin Bad.

Get it?

I cant speak for everyone, but I thought that was common knowledge. It was a reference to the previous conversations he had with Freddy. The Sin Bad was shown in the episode he got the tattoos.
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I said this a few goes back as well. Its going to show a flashback of him doing it and then taking a shower and passing out...maybe?

I think he's going to be acquitted based on one of the other likely suspects, but then somehow Duane Reade is going to be found and admit he broke into the apartment to rob the two stoned kids and that he witnessed Naz killing Andrea. Cut to Naz out in the real world, working for Freddy in the street, and seeing Chandra on the side.
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Good episode, but I think the show is fraying around the edges. The timing is really odd...really weird that it's gone to trial "already" (although we don't know for sure how much time has lapsed) and it seems odd that Stone is still in the heat of investigating alternative suspects while they're in the defense stage of the trial.

Also, it seems like the principals on the defense team have a hell of a lot of time in their day. From what I've seen of documentaries in high profile cases like this, both teams are basically in court all day, and then are strategizing, debriefing, game-planning well into the night. It's pretty much a 24/7 job when it hits trial.

Seems weird that Stone is in the courtroom for the trial, then he's working out, meeting with the financial planner for dirt, going to the Chinese doctor, showing off his shoes to his son, falling in love with a cat, etc. It sort of doesn't add up to me. Naz to a lesser extent sure seems to have time for a lot of extracurriculars during his trial as well.

Not sure what to make of the way the show is going SO far out of it's way to now create multiple strong suspects.

I like the show, but in my mind it's really kind of devolving from a strong A- prestige crime drama that that is supposed to be highly realistic, into just a solidly delivered B grade TV crime series. It's really well acted, and it's a fun whodunit, but it's really gotten fairly goofy and TV-ish.. Still really good for what it is, I think I just felt like it was "more" in the first couple episodes.

I agreed with your post enough to give it a "like." But I do think more time has passed on the show than what you're implying with some of your analysis. The show is leaving a lot of the standard, mundane stuff out. My guess is it's been 5+ months. Remember that one montage scene where random work was being done and it was implying a long time was passing?
I agreed with your post enough to give it a "like." But I do think more time has passed on the show than what you're implying with some of your analysis. The show is leaving a lot of the standard, mundane stuff out. My guess is it's been 5+ months. Remember that one montage scene where random work was being done and it was implying a long time was passing?

Oh, I definitely agree that more time has passed. But there is an abruptness about it, both the timing of the trial and the full transition of Naz into a garbage person. I don't think it's a narrative flaw so much as an flaw of execution. Not a huge one by any means, but marking the passage of time has been a bit wonky, and placing certain things in the time frame.

I really like all the mundane side stuff about Naz' family, and Stone's feet, etc, but that plays with the passage of time in a weird way.

Has Stone's relationship with the cat been carrying on for five months? Has he had that cat locked int hat room for five months, and it just now got out? And he's just now falling in love with it? That storyline, and Naz' father with his partners, seems like something that would take place over say, a few weeks.

But at the same time, something like Stone's feet, going from the shape they're in to new shoes...that could take three months.

So it can be a little disorienting/jarring.

But that's nitpicking...I like the show, it's just one of a few things that to me are getting a little flaky around the edges and diminishing it for me from potential excellence to just entertaining TV.
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Didn't the prosecutor mention that Naz had a script for the adderall? if he did have a script, then why the big deal that it was in his system a few episodes back and not in her system?

I think he is smoking heroin, not crack.
Didn't the prosecutor mention that Naz had a script for the adderall? if he did have a script, then why the big deal that it was in his system a few episodes back and not in her system?

I agree with this, but in the end the prosecution didn't focus on the fact that it was in his system. They instead focused on the fact that he sold it to other kids. Pretty stupid point, btw, of the prosecutor making a big deal out of how much of a percentage Nas was charging for the adderall. Why focus on something that isn't illegal? Seemed petty.
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Both the prosecutor and Stone took the "good boy" label off their boards when they found it in his system before they knew he had a script. Why didn't Naz say he had a script when Stone busted his balls?
Both the prosecutor and Stone took the "good boy" label off their boards when they found it in his system before they knew he had a script. Why didn't Naz say he had a script when Stone busted his balls?
Why hasn't Naz said a lot of stuff to his lawyers. Obviously caught them off guard (and us) that he injured another kid at school.
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Why hasn't Naz said a lot of stuff to his lawyers. Obviously caught them off guard (and us) that he injured another kid at school.

To give the impression he is able to lie about a truth or completely block it out of his mind like it never happened.

BTW the name of the Pathologist is Dr "Katz" (is that a groan for the peanut gallery I hear) :)

The lawyer kissing Naz is on tape, she screwed up there.

I don't think this will come in to play but when Naz is trying to call his mother the only object you see in the picture is a cup with a toothbrush in it. Did Freddy take that toothbrush to make the weapon used to kill Victor? I doubt it, no time left for added stories at this point and Naz was getting his script filled with the corrections officer.

When we were talking about the change in the picture at trial of the drawer of knives. If the angle of the picture changed showing a knife we did not see before then that would be a different picture all together.

About this episode. I would guess we may not be seeing much of linear timeline. It is possible the police and lawyers actions could be days, weeks or months preceding this trial. There are no clues if this is going on and only an assumption. They are down to the last episode and have to sew up this tapestry. As I expected they continued to ramp up the guilt of the main characters and the real story is yet to be told. If they leave this to our interpretation I swear my remote is going to take on damage.
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I agree with this, but in the end the prosecution didn't focus on the fact that it was in his system. They instead focused on the fact that he sold it to other kids. Pretty stupid point, btw, of the prosecutor making a big deal out of how much of a percentage Nas was charging for the adderall. Why focus on something that isn't illegal? Seemed petty.

I was wondering the same thing.

What's the point of belittling the kid? I didn't see where she was going with it.
The show has taken a lot of pains to continually advance the motives and opportunities for all the different people to have committed the murder. My guess is that he is found not guilty because of reasonable doubt or the evidence chain of custody stuff but they leave the question open to who murdered her or at the very least hid the clue to tie it all together and don't outright say it. Box ends up thinking Naz didn't do it, family starts thinking that he did. Naz doesn't get released because he gets in trouble for something that happened in the prison and ends up having to stay there. Remember Stone tells him that even if he's innocent it won't matter if gets caught with the drugs. There have also been the OJ comparisons in the trial so I think that it will parallel that as well.
I think her point was that he is a sharp kid and knows well what he is doing, not some quiet, naive hayseed that the defense is trying to make him out to be. It also makes him out to be some mid level drug dealer that might have supplied drugs to the girl.
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Also, I believe if a lifer kills another inmate in NY, it becomes a death penalty case and the killer is confined to solitary confinement for the rest of his term, so the "what's another life sentence" didn't make sense to me.
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Oh, I definitely agree that more time has passed. But there is an abruptness about it, both the timing of the trial and the full transition of Naz into a garbage person. I don't think it's a narrative flaw so much as an flaw of execution. Not a huge one by any means, but marking the passage of time has been a bit wonky, and placing certain things in the time frame.

I really like all the mundane side stuff about Naz' family, and Stone's feet, etc, but that plays with the passage of time in a weird way.

Has Stone's relationship with the cat been carrying on for five months? Has he had that cat locked int hat room for five months, and it just now got out? And he's just now falling in love with it? That storyline, and Naz' father with his partners, seems like something that would take place over say, a few weeks.

But at the same time, something like Stone's feet, going from the shape they're in to new shoes...that could take three months.

So it can be a little disorienting/jarring.

But that's nitpicking...I like the show, it's just one of a few things that to me are getting a little flaky around the edges and diminishing it for me from potential excellence to just entertaining TV.

I can completely buy what you're selling. Perhaps it's not linear? Maybe the Naz's dad cab thing really has been only a few weeks? Idk, that seems as wonky as what you describe.
Loving Chandra (Amara Karan). I'm enjoying Karan in Stan Lee's Lucky Man as well.

Amara Karan
She regarded acting as a risky profession so she studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University. Keeper!


Biggest shocker thus far, this is Naz's mom.

Poorna Jagannathan
Loving Chandra (Amara Karan). I'm enjoying Karan in Stan Lee's Lucky Man as well.

Amara Karan
She regarded acting as a risky profession so she studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University. Keeper!


Biggest shocker thus far, this is Naz's mom.

Poorna Jagannathan
Very beautiful Indian women.
About that cat. I have to watch the episode again, but did the investigator state that a second floor back window was open and you can get to it by the tree? So the murderer sees the cat that Andrea put out climb back in via the tree. That's how he knows he can get in that way. Cat gets in bed (just like with Stone) and Naz's back scratches become inflamed. But after that, I can't tie the loose ends. If Naz woke up and was bothered by the cat, did he go downstairs because he left the inhaler downstairs in the parlor? Did he get dressed and go down to get it? But why did he pass out and why was the refrigerator door open? And how did the inhaler get back on that bed?

The theory is the killer climb up the tree and came through the window to kill Andrea but he left out the back door which meant he couldn't see Naz because the refrigerator door was left open. I think what looks bad for Box is that the inhaler got place on the bed by the killer to implement someone but the killer didn't know Naz was in the kitchen.
This week episode frustrated me with a few questions.

Why didn't the defense bring up the cut on Naz's hand is on his left hand when he's right handed? I would to hear them explain why you stab someone with your left hand creates those cuts.

Why did no one bring up the no blood on the inhaler? Also that it could have had the killers prints on it but Box gave it to Naz messing that up.
Another thing everyone is glossing over is the time of this violence.

Naz hurt two kids after 9/11; that's 12-13 YEARS prior to this trial? Naz was what 11 years old maybe 12 with these acts. No other acts of violence.

The stepfather tried to strangle his prior wife in the last 5 years. He's someone more likely to commit a murder.
Volume was F'd up during the Chandra and Naz's mom scene what was said in there that shook Chandra so much?
after 9/11

I think that is another part that has been building was the tie in to him being outcast that happened after 9/11. There was the school incident. The spray painting shown on the wall. Now that he is in jail he goes further down a dark path. Obviously I don't think Nas committed the murder. Could definitely be wrong on Sunday evening though.
Why didn't the defense bring up the cut on Naz's hand is on his left hand when he's right handed? I would to hear them explain why you stab someone with your left hand creates those cuts.

Naz signed for his new inhaler lefthanded, I picked up on that right away.
The theory is the killer climb up the tree and came through the window to kill Andrea but he left out the back door which meant he couldn't see Naz because the refrigerator door was left open. I think what looks bad for Box is that the inhaler got place on the bed by the killer to implement someone but the killer didn't know Naz was in the kitchen.

If the killer didn't know Naz was in the kitchen, where did he get the inhaler? Was it in the jacket Naz left? And the fridge door didn't block the view into the kitchen - the wall did. As for other comments about right handed left handed, I thought other scenes showed him as left handed but I can recheck.

There is some sort of connection between the tree, the open window, the fact that we know that the cat liked to sleep in the bed, the open fridge door, the open can of cat food in the fridge and the inhaler. Just haven't figured it out.

It's also unclear why Naz was already dressed when he went into the kitchen. Maybe the cat came in the bedroom and he went downstairs to get the cat food. But she would have had to tell him to do that because he wasn't on the floor before. He didn't know where anything was. He gets dressed enough to get the cat food and then for some reason passes out with the door open.
If the killer didn't know Naz was in the kitchen, where did he get the inhaler? Was it in the jacket Naz left? And the fridge door didn't block the view into the kitchen - the wall did. As for other comments about right handed left handed, I thought other scenes showed him as left handed but I can recheck.

There is some sort of connection between the tree, the open window, the fact that we know that the cat liked to sleep in the bed, the open fridge door, the open can of cat food in the fridge and the inhaler. Just haven't figured it out.

It's also unclear why Naz was already dressed when he went into the kitchen. Maybe the cat came in the bedroom and he went downstairs to get the cat food. But she would have had to tell him to do that because he wasn't on the floor before. He didn't know where anything was. He gets dressed enough to get the cat food and then for some reason passes out with the door open.

The inhaler was left on the floor when they started fooling around. You see Naz drop it in the first episode, this is why there's no blood on the inhaler because it was on the floor during the murder. The killer probably stepped on it and saw it as a chance to implant it to lead police down a different path. Remember the step father said she had many guys so he could have thought someone left it after a night with her.

I'm not sure the cat had anything to do with the night of the murder. Unless Naz went downstairs to feed the cat but that's unusual for someone who's allergic to cats.
I also don't like how they keep handling the knife out of an evidence bag or without wearing plastic gloves. It doesn't seem realistic.
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I think Naz is going to be found innocent by the mishandling of the police investigation. I think show is revealing that Box had 1 foot out the door when this happened. It going to show that they focus too much on Naz instead of figuring out what happened. Also this is the first murder suspect that Box has ever interviewed? In NYC?
This week episode frustrated me with a few questions.

Why didn't the defense bring up the cut on Naz's hand is on his left hand when he's right handed? I would to hear them explain why you stab someone with your left hand creates those cuts.

Why did no one bring up the no blood on the inhaler? Also that it could have had the killers prints on it but Box gave it to Naz messing that up.

Naz is left handed.
I also don't like how they keep handling the knife out of an evidence bag or without wearing plastic gloves. It doesn't seem realistic.

Movies/TV show lawyers in the courtrooms handling evidence without gloves on all the time. I have never been in an actual trial to know if this is accurate or not but assumed by the time you go to court the evidence has been fully evaluated and documented.
Movies/TV show lawyers in the courtrooms handling evidence without gloves on all the time. I have never been in an actual trial to know if this is accurate or not but assumed by the time you go to court the evidence has been fully evaluated and documented.

Touching evidence with blood on it without gloves is a pretty big no-no.
The inhaler was left on the floor when they started fooling around. You see Naz drop it in the first episode, this is why there's no blood on the inhaler because it was on the floor during the murder. The killer probably stepped on it and saw it as a chance to implant it to lead police down a different path. Remember the step father said she had many guys so he could have thought someone left it after a night with her.

I'm not sure the cat had anything to do with the night of the murder. Unless Naz went downstairs to feed the cat but that's unusual for someone who's allergic to cats.

Many thanks for saving me the time to go back to episode 1 to find where that inhaler was. However, if the real murderer found it on the parlor floor, then he could have seen it had he come through the lower level while Naz was unseen in the kitchen, then he walks upstairs and (perhaps) finds the clean knife we can't see in that clip from episode one, and he grabs the inhaler and then goes to the bedroom to kill Andrea.

I think the cat does something which leads to how this mystery is solved. Only the step dad could have possibly known that the bottom door lock might be broken, Only the step dad knows that Andrea is not allergic to cats when he sees the inhaler. But what does he see when he goes upstairs? Did he really go there to kill Andrea? Or did he see a dead body? Or did all this happen without him grabbing the knife and the inhaler, he sees the dead body, figures he's a suspect, and then goes downstairs and places the inhaler there? Is the CPA in on it?

The hearse driver (really not a chauffer) is crazy enough to kill someone that way. And both he and Duane knows that Naz is with her. The trainer doesn't.

Once again, like in Hitchcock films, there are lots of characters that are guilty of something, but not the central crime. But their guilt makes them act in a way that puts suspicion are them.
Stone should have banged the milf...or maybe she was a gilf
The only time Naz took out the inhaler was when he saw the cat. He put it back into his coat pocket. Then the girl tossed out the cat. No way it got back in unless someone opened the back door (not the gate) later.
The only time Naz took out the inhaler was when he saw the cat. He put it back into his coat pocket. Then the girl tossed out the cat. No way it got back in unless someone opened the back door (not the gate) later.

Correct. The cat didn't get back inside the house until Stone let it in days later.

The cat would not have had to be in the house for Nas to have his allergic reaction. People who are allergic to pets are allergic to their dander, not the animal themselves. We already know the cat liked to sleep on the bed, likely on Andrea's as well. That means Nas could have had an allergic reaction to the cat dander. That also could have meant he needed to use his inhaler after sex. Possibly after murdering Andrea.
There is no reason for the non-Naz murderer to place the inhaler on the bed if it was visibly left on the floor either in the bedroom or parlor. The police would have found it and known it was not Andrea's. If Naz never dropped the inhaler and later used it in the bedroom, he would have put it back where he found it - it's too important to him. And if he is not the murderer and left it on the bed, it would have blood on it.

The writers have deliberately left clues that do not give a complete picture as to who did it but they also give incomplete clues to at least 5 people (Naz, Duane, the hearse driver, the trainer and the drug supplier)
There is no reason for the non-Naz murderer to place the inhaler on the bed if it was visibly left on the floor either in the bedroom or parlor. The police would have found it and known it was not Andrea's. If Naz never dropped the inhaler and later used it in the bedroom, he would have put it back where he found it - it's too important to him. And if he is not the murderer and left it on the bed, it would have blood on it.

The writers have deliberately left clues that do not give a complete picture as to who did it but they also give incomplete clues to at least 5 people (Naz, Duane, the hearse driver, the trainer and the drug supplier)


I also think the clean inhaler on the bed looks worse for Nas than if it were covered in blood.

Covered in blood = he used it after the murder or it was covered in blood during the murder.

Squeaky clean inhaler = he used it after he murdered her and cleaned himself up, hence it had no blood on it.

I didn't buy the defense's "aha!" moment with Box on the stand. I also don't buy that Box would remove evidence from a crime scene like that. He could have easily obtained another inhaler with a similar prescription (requested one for the inmate) to cozy up to Nas and possibly get him to confess.
I didn't buy the defense's "aha!" moment with Box on the stand. I also don't buy that Box would remove evidence from a crime scene like that. He could have easily obtained another inhaler with a similar prescription (requested one for the inmate) to cozy up to Nas and possibly get him to confess.

He could have but didn't. The young lawyer could have easily tripped up an investigator messing with the chain of custody. But Box is too clever and confident to get caught up in her argument and ended up getting the best of her. Grasping at straws she tried to make an argument on Box's intentions through the his subconscious. Once again he made her look foolish to bring this up even though she may have been correct.

The back and forth between the two was an excellent moment in the show.
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