Strippers have rights, too!

So what base is being pandered to in this case? Which corporation is lobbying for the change? The church? Obviously, it's not really about stopping human trafficking, or they would clamp down at the source. I don't disagree that there is an agenda here as there is with every law or rule sent down from the government. But what's the angle? Is a lobbyist really clamoring to get 18-year-olds out of strip clubs? A wife is mad? Just shut them down and let the weirdos look at porn instead.

As a side note I think the federal government should step in on guns like they did drinking and make the age 21 or 25 unless you've served. I'm a gun owner but I don't think 18 is the right age.
It's obviously about pushing the Christian/Evangelical agenda. I say that as a Christian.
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Rumors: Big 12 showing interest in FSU and Clemson?

The latest rumor circulating, which is yet unsubstantiated, is from the Greg Swaim show. While I won't dispute any possibility, I do question several of his assertiions.
He Tweeted the following:
BREAKING: As we've said for a year, #FSU and #Clemson will not get a #B1G offer, due to neither being AAU accredited. But from Vegas the talk is the #SEC has now turned the pair down. With new sponsorship the B12 p4obably won't pay quite what the other two do, but with those two they'll pay double what the #ACC does.P.S. And it won't end there. The talk is the B12 will take six from the ACC.

Between national politics and conference expansion, you may feel like you are living in the Twilight Zone.

Things I could believe:
If I were Athletic Director Michael Alford I'd be open to exploring every possibility available so it wouldn't shock me if there have been some preliminary conversations, within the boundaries of the ACC agreement he is currently operating within.

Things I question:
1. The Big 10 won't offer FSU or Clemson because they are not AAU members. If the Big 10 chooses not to offer FSU it won't be because of AAU membership. I know FSU is advancing rapidly toward AAU membership and I've heard AAU membership is not a hard and fast requirement for the BIg10.

2. I also don't agree with his statement that the Big 12 will pay double what the ACC is paying if they land Clemson and FSU. Right now the ACC is paying more than the Big 12 and if the Big 12 were to be able to pay double what the ACC is currently paying (about $40 million) that amount would be equal to what the SEC will be paying ($80 million) and I find it impossible to believe the Big 12 will get equal money to the SEC even with FSU and Clemson in the Big 12.

When I see a Tweet like this I'll research it and share my opinion on it. Hope that helps.

Big 12 showing interest in FSU and Clemson?

FSU has 289 athletes on ACC academic honor roll

FSU sports information:

Nine five-time honorees – Vic Allen (Women’s Tennis), Cole Anderson (Men’s Golf), Maddie Anderson (Beach Volleyball), Ryan Fitzgerald (Football), Devyn Flaherty, Kaley Mudge, Emma Wilson (Softball), Rachel Johnson (Women’s Cross Country), and Peter Varjasi (Men’s Swimming) – are among the 289 Seminole student-athletes named to the 2024 ACC Academic Honor Roll released by the conference office.

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