Strippers have rights, too!

So what base is being pandered to in this case? Which corporation is lobbying for the change? The church? Obviously, it's not really about stopping human trafficking, or they would clamp down at the source. I don't disagree that there is an agenda here as there is with every law or rule sent down from the government. But what's the angle? Is a lobbyist really clamoring to get 18-year-olds out of strip clubs? A wife is mad? Just shut them down and let the weirdos look at porn instead.

As a side note I think the federal government should step in on guns like they did drinking and make the age 21 or 25 unless you've served. I'm a gun owner but I don't think 18 is the right age.
It's obviously about pushing the Christian/Evangelical agenda. I say that as a Christian.
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