I understand your perspective. I was lapsed Catholic for 15 years myself.
A few thoughts:
Less than 5% of clergy were involved in abuse and the cover up. That's a lower rate than public school teachers. The Catholic Church reformed in 2002 and since then, there have been hardly any abuse cases. The abuse cases coming out now are mostly from 40 and 50 years ago before the 2002 reforms.
Obviously, child abuse goes against the Church's teachings and 95% of priests are good.
Don't leave Jesus because of Judas.
Compared to eternal life, Heaven and Hell, nothing else really matters in life. If we live in a state of grace, get the Eucharist and go to Confession, we are going to Heaven.
Meditate on that.
Quality research and reason need to take precedence over emotion if we truly want to keep children and families safe from sexual abuse in the the Church or anywhere.