Charleston Church Shooting

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I have nothing to really add right now, just want to let you guys know that this honestly has been a great thread so far. I hesitated opening this up at first, but glad I eventually did. Learned quite a bit actually. We need more threads like this one on here.
You guys still suck donkey ding dongs
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I was wrong about one thing. I thought that in addition to the two White Union Calvary regiments that there were two regiments of Florida former slaves. But I was wrong, while they fought mainly in Florida raiding and burning plantations on both coasts, one of the U.S. Colored Troop regiments in Florida was made up of slaves from DC, Maryland and Virginia (the 2nd US Colored Infantry) while the other was made up of slaves from Louisiana (the 99th US Colored Infantry). It doesn't look like there was any organised free black units from Florida.

But there were two smaller (really only half sized if that) official Union regiments from Florida, the First and Second Florida Calvary Regiments. What is interesting is that while most of Florida's organised troops fought in the Army of Northern Virginia or in the Army of Tennessee, back at home because there were a number of unionists formerly from the North as well as cities like Jacksonville, Key West and Pensacola where big portions remained in northern hands throughout the war, that Florida was basically the "Wild West". There were tons of little skirmishes between militias on both sides mainly fighting over cattle. One irregular Confederate unit even called itself the "cow Calvary" as they rode defense on the herds.

JJ Dickison was one of the more famous/successful irregular confederate leaders in Florida and is still the only person to have led a Calvary unit to seize a US Naval ship.

Here's an interesting little summation.

While there may not have been any "organized" free black units in Florida (which would have been against CSA law for most of the War), an estimated 65,000 blacks fought for the South--with 30,000 of them seeing action. I'll look for a link on that, but I read it a couple days ago... at the very least, I'll post the book cite if that's where I read about that.

Also, a few interesting books about Florida/Floridians in the War: "Thunder On The River" which is primarily about Jacksonville during the war; and "By The Noble Darling Of Her Sons" written by a young FSU history professor (one of the best history professors around, IMO, even though I disagree with him about some things) about "The Florida Brigade of the Army of Tennessee."
My northern/Jewish roots are showing, but it seems like a good time to offload confederate paraphernalia for a nice profit on eBay if you've got it.
So, a quick thought or two. My mom and her cohorts ruled Leon High for some thirty years. They taught, pushed, and required proper behavior, appropriate treatment of others, and challenging academics. I cringed when her buddies told me about her shoving a football player up against a locker and demanding proper conduct...but that is how she rolled. Leon was the school in those days..privileged, poor, city, country, black, white, all were there.
The deal is this... treat others the way you desire to be treated. Locally, statewide, and internationally.
Don't... cut in line, tailgate, litter, disrespect people, (especially elders!), bully, steal, lie, take wrongful advantage of others, or fail to fulfill a commitment. We do not have to fear or hate the unknown.
Do... open doors for others, greet strangers with a smile and a "Good morning.", take turns yielding in traffic, share, smile in the face of adversity, be good stewards of the bounty of our earth, laugh and smile a lot every day. Try to learn and appreciate how others see the world through a different set of eyes.
Stop believing that carrying a gun is the answer. As 97 posted, quit the war on drugs...and also quit the war on terrorism, and the war against anything else. Quit flipping war!!! Somebody is selling you hatred....
Avoid thinking that we should be involved in the politics/government affairs of another country. We would not like their involvement in ours.
Treat your neighbor like a friend. Meet your enemy and get over it. Quit trying to "get ahead" if it means effing somebody.
Eat good food and try to get it from somebody close to you. Forget cheep skit from far away countries. Spend more on buying from your neighbors, even as you buy less frivolous crap.
Work at what you like, find a way to not work just to be doing so. If you don't spend too much, you don't have to earn as much.
Avoid the illegal as well as the legal dope pushers... big pharma kills or enslaves far too many in our society. Shun their influence.
Our daughter is one of those people that I love to be around. She says that we should all " Seek out and live a bountiful life." There is no room for fear or hatred when living a bountiful life.
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So, you're saying gun control attempts spawned out of Sandy Hook wouldn't have made a difference in Charleston ... but hey, at least 'something' was done. I'm not very fond of the "throw the baby out with the bath water" approach.
Wait, what did I say?
The government shouldn't maintain memorials? Really?
Not to traitorous racist outlaws who rose up against it.
The confederate army and its soldiers are a stain on our history. They should be memorialized, they should be in the part of the museum where you say "never again".

Names like Calhoun and Andrew Jackson should be stricken from any public monument or street sign.
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You're taking too far, IMO.

Say there's an obelisk in a town square with the names of Confederate soldiers who died in the war. I think a reasonable compromise is you leave the memorial but you don't fly the flag next to it.
Sounds like a waste of good granite or sandstone. Shave that thing down and use it as a hurricane proof spirit spear at doak.
Confederate soldiers did not take up arms against their country. They took up arms against and invading force. Also the debate over th CBF is fairly new. Southern black people proudly flew the flag in my youth.
Lol wait what? Every one of the points you made comes off as so skewed and slanted by your own personal bias.

Did the confederate soldiers not shoot at soldiers of the United States of America?

And why the hell are we taking about this genital wart of a flag and not the callous racism that is so deeply rooted in this country!?!
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