I think most long-time Locker Roomers know some about my background. I worked in a job in D.C. making good money. If I had stayed in my old job, I would have been making "good money" or "great money" depending on your perspective, probably $500k+, possibly $1mil+. That is if I didn't have a heart attack or kill myself. Despite being in a prestigious job with the highest level of work in the industry, I was miserable and tired of dealing with certain types of people who value money and power over integrity and a fulfilling personal life. So I quit and took a few years off. I found an interesting job where I make less than 20% of what I could have in the old gig. Sometimes I wish I made more money and think about kicking myself for making such a stupid financial decision. Then I realize, that I still do incredibly interesting work, work with nice people, work 95% of the time from home, am usually off by 3:30pm (as opposed to some 3:30am nights), and have an incredible amount of flexibility and control over my schedule and work. I live in a much lower cost of living area, so I didn't need to drop $1mil+ on a house. I don't think I make "good money", but I think I make enough.