We were taken for a ride and you are defending the drivers. Airborne coronavirus has been around for decades. It wasn’t simple enough to tell us to mask up, wash hands and refrain from gathering in large groups. So they boogie man’d us with terms like “novel” and “variant”. If the scientists had led with science, at least here in the United States, the results would have been much closer to Asia where they weren’t reinventing the wheel.Why are you pulling articles from a year ago? If he was still telling people to do that then you would have a point. There were some preliminary studies showing that it may stay on surfaces for days at a time and you should wipe stuff down just in case. It's literally just recommendations to decrease potential exposure until more data comes out.
And I will expect a response from you but I think we should end it there. I’ve hijacked this thread and don’t want it to lose its original intent. Stay safe and I appreciate your candor.