***Dumping Ground For All Things Interesting and Silly On The Interwebs***


Wet Winter Rewards California with Superbloom So Big, It Can Be Seen From Space​

In a rare phenomenon, California’s hills are alive with technicolor wildflower blooms

Spring is here—but a lot more so for many Californians, it seems, who are enjoying a dizzying, nearly psychedelic “superbloom” that has seen its hills explode with hyper-saturated wildflowers that are brighter than a Van Gogh painting and is viewable from space.

Satellite images from Maxar Technologies show that California’s superbloom is so expansive that this year it can be seen from space. NASA’s Landsat 9 satellite, launched in 2021 to grab images of the surface of the Earth, sent back images of bright purple and green blooms in Carrizo Plain National Park.

One of the things I miss most about Texas.
Me, too. I'm still looking for Marty Robbins in the greater metro El Paso area. He was last seen heading into a Cantina; allegedly looking for a Senorita who fancied Tequila shots. I also miss all the dust storms, sagebrush and tornaders.
JR Ewing Cold Case Investigations, Inc.
Subject: Do I Miss Night Flying?

When I mention to my wife that I miss flying by being retired, she puts me in a cockpit mock-up for 8 hrs that is set up in our hall closet.

She has a chair in the closet, puts on the vacuum cleaner to simulate cockpit air noise, has a dim nite-lite to simulate cockpit lighting, serves luke-warm chicken with cold vegetables on a tray.

When I get sleepy and attempt to doze off, she knocks
twice loudly on the door to simulate the F/As entering the cockpit.

Then after 6 hours she turns on a flood light directly in front of me to simulate the sun coming up when approaching Frankfurt.

I then get a cup of coffee that has been in the coffee maker all night.
Finally she lets me out, and I have to get in the back
seat of her car while she runs morning errands to simulate the bus ride to the hotel.

When we get home, I tell her I am ready for bed, and the bedroom door is locked for an hour to simulate the hotel rooms not being ready.

When I promise to never "complain" about being retired, I am allowed to enjoy my "layover" and go to bed.
Oh, and one more thing, she talks to her friends loudly outside the bedroom door to simulate the hotel maids chattering in the hall in their native language.

After two hours of sleep she calls the phone next to the bed from her cell and says, "This is crew scheduling, and we have a reroute for you. Do you have something to write with?"

No, I guess I don't miss it after all.
For a brief moment in the mid–20th century, men-only flights—with complimentary cocktails and cigars—took to the skies

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For a brief moment in the mid–20th century, men-only flights—with complimentary cocktails and cigars—took to the skies

The dude that wrote the article seems pretty salty about it. I think it would be cool. Scotch, cigars and hot stewardesses. Like a ritzy strip club in the sky.
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