Great - another shooting: 12 dead so far

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I suppose any woman who posts a different view point is dangerous...unless she's a foreign wife that "millions" have married. Wow, did we just find out something new...
Umm... you're grasping at straws here and you know it. My comment inferred zero about your being a woman. You're wrong because you're wrong, it has nothing to do with your gender. :/
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Stop to actually do some research or talk to people before making assumptions.

Look at your local universities, many of the foreign students there (male or female) will return to their home country to find a spouse. Visit your local doctor (1 in 10 of whom happen to be Muslim btw), many of them moved here after graduating medical school elsewhere and during/after residency in the US, they went home, married and got an immigration visa for their spouse.

Nearly everyone of my Indian and Pakistani friends' parents did this. It's not some absurd concept of a website for submissive women. Stop watching so many movies.

And you stop living in a dream world. I know many Indian and Paki professionals. (They likely wouldn't want to be lumped in the same sentence, much less anything else)
I don't watch many movies. There's too much inferior product out there and I may run out of luck and end up in a theater where the next mentally ill person with bumfuzzled parents who "tried to reason" with their sick child takes me and other patrons out.

And I talk to many many people every single day.
Bacardi and Goldmom, do you have actual proposals to prevent or reduce these tragedies. If so, let's hear them.
Thank you for refocusing us. Props for staying above the fray.

So yes, proposals to reduce the chance of such tragedies.

Ban semi automatic and automatic weapons
Ban high capacity magazines
Require mental health screening for all purchases
Require registration of weapons + annual re-permitting
No gun or ammo purchases online
Remove gunshow loophole
Limit number of weapons one may own
Algorithmic screening and surveillance of buying patterns to identify high risk individuals (ie purchasing tactical assault gear, powerful weapons, ammo within a few month span)
I could go on, but I have a meeting to run to now

Let's put it this way Obama and Hillary don't want to take your guns, but if I were prez, I sure as hell would.
Umm... you're grasping at straws here and you know it. My comment inferred zero about your being a woman. You're wrong because you're wrong, it has nothing to do with your gender. :/

Oh, I somehow doubt that. Am I grasping at straws? Then why did you even bring up the FALSE statistic about "millions" of men going abroad to find a wife?
And you stop living in a dream world. I know many Indian and Paki professionals. (They likely wouldn't want to be lumped in the same sentence, much less anything else)
I don't watch many movies. There's too much inferior product out there and I may run out of luck and end up in a theater where the next mentally ill person with bumfuzzled parents who "tried to reason" with their sick child takes me and other patrons out.

And I talk to many many people every single day.
Paki is not an appropriate term for Pakistanis, I'm sure your many Pakistani professional friends would tell you that.
Also, most Indians have no problem being mentioned in the same sentence as Pakistanis. That feud is far more political than social.

I suggest we disengage before one of us gets banned.
Thank you for refocusing us. Props for staying above the fray.

So yes, proposals to reduce the chance of such tragedies.

Ban semi automatic and automatic weapons
Ban high capacity magazines
Require mental health screening for all purchases
Require registration of weapons + annual re-permitting
No gun or ammo purchases online
Remove gunshow loophole
Limit number of weapons one may own
Algorithmic screening and surveillance of buying patterns to identify high risk individuals (ie purchasing tactical assault gear, powerful weapons, ammo within a few month span)
I could go on, but I have a meeting to run to now

Let's put it this way Obama and Hillary don't want to take your guns, but if I were prez, I sure as hell would.

Clearly youre not up to speed on Californias gun laws.
Oh, I somehow doubt that. Am I grasping at straws? Then why did you even bring up the FALSE statistic about "millions" of men going abroad to find a wife?
Wrong. In just the last 5 years alone, just over 170,000 K visas were issued (spouse and fiance of US citizen). So yea, there are well well over a million Americans who've married someone from abroad.

I wont even acknowledge your claim that your gender has anything to do with anything. Laughable and simply a distraction.
Wrong. In just the last 5 years alone, just over 170,000 K visas were issued (spouse and fiance of US citizen). So yea, there are well well over a million Americans who've married someone from abroad.

I wont even acknowledge your claim that your gender has anything to do with anything. Laughable and simply a distraction.

I somehow think thou doth protest too much. You pulled down your own pants on this one.
I will take Bacardi's lead and disengage before I'm banned.

By way of explaining how I feel about firearms, I grew up in a household led by a father who saw horrendous things in Europe during WWII and barely escaped death in the Battle of the Bulge. He was left with a hatred for guns so intense that it spilled over to his four children such that none of us own guns.

I never felt fear going into a friend's home where there were hunting rifles locked up in a safe when not in use. But I have always felt a sense of fear going into some "collector's" home. Who needs an assortment of handguns? So I am certainly not the NRA poster child.
I strongly believe in background checks and better help for those who are mentally ill.

The horrendous mass shooting events such as Sandy Hook are unspeakable tragedies and are directly tied to mental illness. To lump them in with voluntary activities such as radical jihad are wrong and are deliberately used in a way that in itself is criminal.
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Wrong. In just the last 5 years alone, just over 170,000 K visas were issued (spouse and fiance of US citizen). So yea, there are well well over a million Americans who've married someone from abroad.

I wont even acknowledge your claim that your gender has anything to do with anything. Laughable and simply a distraction.

Not that your stat supports your argument, but it would take almost 30 years to get to just 1 million. I suspect you don't need stats just the anecdotal....
Thank you for refocusing us. Props for staying above the fray.

So yes, proposals to reduce the chance of such tragedies.

Ban semi automatic and automatic weapons
Ban high capacity magazines
Require mental health screening for all purchases
Require registration of weapons + annual re-permitting
No gun or ammo purchases online
Remove gunshow loophole
Limit number of weapons one may own
Algorithmic screening and surveillance of buying patterns to identify high risk individuals (ie purchasing tactical assault gear, powerful weapons, ammo within a few month span)
I could go on, but I have a meeting to run to now

Let's put it this way Obama and Hillary don't want to take your guns, but if I were prez, I sure as hell would.

Wouldn't it just be more simply stated for your proposal to say Ban all firearms ? Many of the things you are proposing are already the law in California and many other states.

California already has a high capacity magazine ban.
They also have an assault rifle ban of : Illegal to possess, import, or purchase assault weapons and .50 BMG rifles, unless such weapons were acquired by the owner prior to June 1, 1989.
Handguns must also be registered there but not rifles.
California has a ten (10) day waiting period for all firearm purchases, transfers, and private sales which must be conducted through a federal and state firearm license holder. That is, upon purchase, the purchaser must wait 10 days after the purchase before the firearm is released to the owner.

As far as ammo and tactical gear within a few months, you may as well expand that to years or lifetime. I mean one will be smart enough to span out there purchases over several years so as not to come up on the radar.

Additionally what will your penalties be for if these laws are broken? How are you going to get all the guns already out there that are not accounted for both illegal and legal ones?
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The sad part of this thread is every answer is probably somewhat right but the poster is wrong because they think only their answer is right. Since I'm not capable of expressing my thoughts as eloquently as this guy I'll copy-paste the whole thing here:

Which of the following statements would you say you agree with?

Pick as many as you like. My answer is at the bottom.

1. Better gun control is essential to curb gun violence.

2. Islamic jihadism is a dangerous ideology that must be fought.

3. Guns should not be banned or confiscated.

4. Muslims should not be harassed or discriminated against just because they're Muslim.

5. We should aggressively criticize and even satirize the problematic aspects of Islam (the religion), as we would with any other religion or political ideology.

6. Day-to-day gun violence is more deadly than Islamic terrorism right now because it has killed many more people.

7. Islamic terrorism is more deadly than day-to-day gun violence, because if it actually succeeds in its stated goals (such as obtaining weapons of mass destruction as ISIS wants to do), it will kill millions more.

8. Anyone who kills innocents to advance a religious/political agenda is a terrorist -- this could include Muslims, far-right Christian abortion clinic bombers, radical leftists from the 1960s, Jews, Hindus, and atheists.

9. Islamic terrorism is the most deadly form of terrorism in the world today.

10. Anyone who is mentally disturbed or disgruntled and shoots up his school or workplace is a criminal, but is not a terrorist -- even if he's Muslim.

11. All Islamic terrorists are Muslim.

12. The vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists, and should not have to apologize for the few that are.

13. The few Muslims that do commit terrorist acts do so in complete accordance with a plausible, legitimate interpretation of the Islamic religion.

14. Islamic jihadists are motivated by many legitimate grievances like US foreign policy and the nagging remnants of Western imperialism.

15. Islamic jihadists are motivated by Islamic doctrine, the words of the Quran and hadith, and the promise of an afterlife, eternally, in Paradise.

16. Islamic imperialism (whether the 7th century Arab kind or the Ottoman kind) has done just as much harm (if not more) to the world than Western imperialism.

My answer:

All of them.

None of these points contradict each other. Go ahead and read through them again.

Gun violence, Islamic terrorism, and anti-Muslim bigotry are all real, serious problems that need to be faced head-on. It's disingenuous to be in denial about one or the other just because you have a certain political affiliation. These don't have to be conservative or liberal issues. Don't make them be.​
See I missed a lot while the east coast was up. So I guess this wasn't a "false flag event" then? We've moved on to "planned terror attack!!"? All the people missing from the PP thread after last week's killings are now here and ready to talk about doing something because the 355th mass shooting of the year involved someone with a funny sounding name? Good to see everyone is following the script. ZOMG, there's a mosque in San Bernardino!!!111!!! Call in an air strike. But let's be sure not to talk about last week's killing or the other 353 mass shooting this year. Because 'Merica!
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See I missed a lot while the east coast was up. So I guess this wasn't a "false flag event" then? We've moved on to "planned terror attack!!"? All the people missing from the PP thread after last week's killings are now here and ready to talk about doing something because the 355th mass shooting of the year involved someone with a funny sounding name? Good to see everyone is following the script. ZOMG, there's a mosque in San Bernardino!!!111!!! Call in an air strike. But let's be sure not to talk about last week's killing or the other 353 mass shooting this year. Because 'Merica!

I said I was suspicious because the early reports from the official "media" sources were that three white man shot up a school for the developmentally disabled and that made literally no sense. As soon as I went to my social media sources and got the real info that it was a Muslim who had been repeatedly preached at by the figures from CAIR and went to Saudi Arabia to bring back his wife then shot up his own place of work while go proing it for upload to ISIS it made perfect sense.
Breaking now- Farook was in touch over the phone and via social media with international terrorism subjects the FBI were already investigating. It was a planned terror attack.

It will be very interesting how this changes the debate on gun control. Killing 20 plus school children did not even put a dent in the current laws. But I have a sneaky feeling an Islamic radicalized pair of ISIS brainwashed fools legally buying assault rifles to then shoot up folks is going to leave a mark and be a game changer.
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lol, yes, it makes perfect sense now.
Guy got mad at a holiday party, went home, got his guns and his wife, dropped off his baby, and killed a bunch of people...because ISIS. Sure, this all makes tons of sense. Sure, why not.
Breaking now- Farook was in touch over the phone and via social media with international terrorism subjects the FBI were already investigating. It was a planned terror attack.

Yeah, kind of a no duh. As soon as I saw that CAIR was all up in the Redlands mosque he attended I knew it was connected to radical Islam. Tons of their board members have been tied directly to terrorist acts and their "charities" are a major source of funding for terrorist groups. Why they've been allowed to exist I have no idea.
lol, yes, it makes perfect sense now.
Guy got mad at a holiday party, went home, got his guns and his wife, dropped off his baby, and killed a bunch of people...because ISIS. Sure, this all makes tons of sense. Sure, why not.

No, it's what I said. He was scoping out his Christmas office party as a soft target in ordinary clothes just like the animals in Paris and got "caught" by a supervisor for missing the earlier photos and got into a heated argument before leaving to carry out his plan. The dumb hothead argument is the only reason they got caught before going on to target two. Because survivors remembered the discussion and that led them directly to Farooks house before he could leave for target two.
lol, yes, it makes perfect sense now.
Guy got mad at a holiday party, went home, got his guns and his wife, dropped off his baby, and killed a bunch of people...because ISIS. Sure, this all makes tons of sense. Sure, why not.

Or maybe guy had been planning on killing a bunch of people, got pissed, decided this was as good a time as any. I'm no expert in pipe bombs, but I don't think he could just run home and hit print.
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Yeah, kind of a no duh. As soon as I saw that CAIR was all up in the Redlands mosque he attended I knew it was connected to radical Islam. Tons of their board members have been tied directly to terrorist acts and their "charities" are a major source of funding for terrorist groups. Why they've been allowed to exist I have no idea.

If that's true, that's unbelievable.
Hey look, they use cartoons now so the mouth breathers can be brainwashed easier.
lol, yes, it makes perfect sense now.
Guy got mad at a holiday party, went home, got his guns and his wife, dropped off his baby, and killed a bunch of people...because ISIS. Sure, this all makes tons of sense. Sure, why not.
I think the reality is it went More like:
- guy and wife were radicalized over months/years and had been plotting how to kill folks best for months or weeks. They picked his Christmas party since you had everyone in a big room. Drop off kid to parents for fake Doctor appointment, then head to party and check venue. He maybe gets in verbal altercation when people ask what are you doing and why are you not in party and then head back to your explosive and gun laden car to dress up and play terrorist.
No, it's what I said. He was scoping out his Christmas office party as a soft target in ordinary clothes just like the animals in Paris and got "caught" by a supervisor for missing the earlier photos and got into a heated argument before leaving to carry out his plan. The dumb hothead argument is the only reason they got caught before going on to target two. Because survivors remembered the discussion and that led them directly to Farooks house before he could leave for target two.

Target 2? Now you're just making shit up. Oh wait, you've been doing that since the news first broke. Or did your secret source from the NSA tell you that?
See I missed a lot while the east coast was up. So I guess this wasn't a "false flag event" then? We've moved on to "planned terror attack!!"? All the people missing from the PP thread after last week's killings are now here and ready to talk about doing something because the 355th mass shooting of the year involved someone with a funny sounding name? Good to see everyone is following the script. ZOMG, there's a mosque in San Bernardino!!!111!!! Call in an air strike. But let's be sure not to talk about last week's killing or the other 353 mass shooting this year. Because 'Merica!

I tend to agree with you on most things but not this. This is way different. A sleeper cell of folks in communication with known international terrorists gunning down 30 folks on the heals of what just happened in Paris is simply much bigger in scope, impact and consequences then the other 353 mass shootings. I do think it will have a large impact on the access to assault style weapons though. So just maybe it will end up being viewed as another false flag event!!!!!
This thread is done. Tried to let it run but several of you just can't discuss the subject matter without either going on tangents or making everything a political statement.
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