Jameis Winston Accused of Sexual Assualt Against Uber Driver

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In the following statement to BuzzFeed, Winston’s representative, Russ Spielman, denied the allegations:

“We categorically deny this allegation. It is our understanding the uber driver was unable to identify the specific individual who allegedly touched this driver inappropriately. The only reason his name is being dragged into this is that his Uber account was used to call the ride.”

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Sadly this is also a consequence of his previous accusations and why not deeming someone guilty until there is actually evidence that proves guilt is important. I too will wait to see what happens with the investigation; however it would not surprise me if this just a person that realized they had JW in their Uber and thought hey I make this claim and he writes me a check for 20k. If he did do this I can't even contemplate the stupidity he has. Regardless of the outcome a certain % will believe he did it and it will continue to cost him money.
He lost me at FHRITP...sounds like he does not deny being in the vehicle and knows who did it but will not snitch.
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What I hate about all of this is that there's no way that the accused can prove that they didn't do something alleged to occur a long time ago. So they can deny it and some people will choose to believe it didn't happen, while other people will choose to believe it did happen. No one will ever know for sure, and very few people will care that they won't know for sure because a presumption is good enough for them.
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Parsing Jameis' words, which no doubt a lawyer reviewed before posting to instagram, I'm curious if this line gives us a window into what happened: " I regret if my demeanor or presence made her uncomfortable in any way"

Seems that perhaps the dialogue in the car was crude or lewd, which the driver found uncomfortable.
After the fact, perhaps she was so disturbed or upset by the conversation that she escalated the issue to Uber.

I recognize that I'm a Jameis apologist and at this point am aware that the ice is pretty thin.
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If you had no contact with her you'd say that. You wouldn't qualify it by saying no inappropriate contact.

And first, he just let someone use his account, but now he admits he was in the car.
I think the use of the word 'inappropriate' is to accurately describe the complaint against him. Simply saying "the driver accused me of making contact with her" doesn't really say much compared to "the driver accused me of making inappropriate contact with her."

As for who was in the car, I think both his lawyer's statement and his own make it clear that people other than Jameis were in the car.
Maybe it's true, but what's strange is that this story is just now getting out after two years. Harvey Weinstein fallout?

A friends daughter lived in the same apartment complex with him and upon first meeting, he made it clear that he was interested in her. She nicely rebuffed him by saying she had a boyfriend, he asked something to the effect of "we can still go out if you have a boyfriend". They were later friendly with each other and her and her room mates even invited him and other players over to the apartment, made them cookies etc. Nothing ever happened.

I think some of these guys, like most guys, test the limits to see where the line gets drawn.
I think the use of the word 'inappropriate' is to accurately describe the complaint against him. Simply saying "the driver accused me of making contact with her" doesn't really say much compared to "the driver accused me of making inappropriate contact with her."

As for who was in the car, I think both his lawyer's statement and his own make it clear that people other than Jameis were in the car.
What's a stronger denial?

"I never touched the driver."
"I did not have inappropriate contact with the driver."

If you could rightly say the former, why would you soften it?
In todays climate if you were in the same hotel, say the Bucs team hotel, you could say you were groped by Winston and no one in the public would believe Jameis that he didnt do anything. I almost think that I could make an accusation against Weinsten and many would believe it. This is not to downplay the many people that have honestly been assaulted but it seems that no one wants to take the time to honestly evaluate peoples claims but just rush to judgment.
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I'm so tired of defending Jameis's decisions. It's clear that he's never been taught the proper way to respect and treat women. They're not your sexual conquests, they're women. I don't know whether it's true or not, either way I'm done with defending him.
It's become embarrassing. I've always rooted for the kid and hoped he'd grow up...He possesses many positive assets, but it's up to him because I'm done defending him.
Nobody believes this person. Y'all should quit acting so self righteous...
I will withhold any comments until the investigation is done. Right now, the victim says she doesn't know who touched her but named him because it was his account used. That doesn't sit right with me, especially since it took a year to come forward. JMHO.
She reported it that night. Not now. In March 2016. She reported it exactly like she should have. It may not have been Winston but she reported it to Uber and Uber followed up.

Uber driver can rate passengers, right?
Yes. She reported him. His account was banned.

I wasn’t there. I don’t know for sure what happened. But IF IT HAPPENED this is exactly what she should have done.
Statement from Eagles CB Ronald Darby: “I️ felt the need to come forward and clarify some inaccurate accounts of the evening of March 13, 2016 when myself, a friend and Jameis Winston took an Uber ride in Arizona. There were three of us in the car, not just one as has been reported. Myself and Jameis were in the backseat. I am confident that nothing inappropriate in nature happened in the car that evening and Jameis did not have any physical contact with the Uber driver. The accusations are just not true.”
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