

Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Mar 29, 2002
Anyone go to see this yet? I went last night, theater was packed. I really liked it. Not a ton of action and it’s long so if history isn’t your thing I wouldn’t recommend it. I thought the acting was absolutely incredible and the story of not just how he built the bomb but what happened after was fascinating. I’ve always found the atomic bomb to be such an interesting topic and this only made me want to read more.
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I want to see it but haven’t made it in yet..

Sad to say, I really don’t know much about the events that surround the atomic bomb. So I need to do some research before I see the movie
Manhattan Project was infiltrated by Soviet spies, Stalin knew about the bomb before it was even dropped.
Oppenheimer lost his security clearance, for all intents and purposes he was a communist and a national security risk. His wife was a bona fide communist, that didn't help either. Strange, but fascinating aspect of history.
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Manhattan Project was infiltrated by Soviet spies, Stalin knew about the bomb before it was even dropped.
Oppenheimer lost his security clearance, for all intents and purposes he was a communist and a national security risk.
Well that’s one way to look at it. The movie goes into this in great detail.
Check Venona... the State Department had been compromised for years throughout the 30s, and in the 40s. No surprise about infiltration of the Manhattan Project...
and Oppenheimer has been thoroughly investigated. You don't pull a security clearance on the world's most renown military scientist for dubious reasons.
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Check Venona... the State Department had been compromised for years throughout the 30s, and in the 40s. No surprise about infiltration of the Manhattan Project...
and Oppenheimer has been thoroughly investigated. You don't pull a security clearance on the world's most renown military scientist for dubious reasons.
Unless there is a powerful and vindictive person like Lewis Strauss pulling strings behind the scenes.

He was blacklisted during the 1950s Red Scare and lost his security clearance
In 1946, the United States formed the Atomic Energy Commission to oversee the country’s nuclear weapons program. Oppenheimer used his position on this commission to argue for more control of nuclear weapons and against the development of the hydrogen bomb, which the United States tested for the first time in 1952.

“He was opposed to pursuing the hydrogen bomb, the ‘superbomb,’ because that was 1,000 times more powerful than [the bombs dropped on] Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” says Cynthia C. Kelly, founder and president of the Atomic Heritage Foundation. Oppenheimer was worried about the potential destruction that an arms race to build bigger and bigger bombs would unleash.

Businessman Lewis Strauss, who became chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1953, disliked Oppenheimer’s opposition to the hydrogen bomb, and held a security hearing to investigate Oppenheimer’s loyalty. This was at the height of the second Red Scare, when Senator Joseph McCarthy held hearings to expose supposed communists in the federal government.

With the help of the FBI, which illegally tapped Oppenheimer’s phone, the Atomic Energy Commission argued during the hearing that Oppenheimer’s association with communists made him a security threat. In 1954, the government revoked his security clearance, making him one of the many people to be blacklisted during that era.
Check Venona... the State Department had been compromised for years throughout the 30s, and in the 40s. No surprise about infiltration of the Manhattan Project...
and Oppenheimer has been thoroughly investigated. You don't pull a security clearance on the world's most renown military scientist for dubious reasons.
You underestimate the government. I’d also say that by that point they didn’t really need him. They had enough scientists working on the H bomb.
Unless there is a powerful and vindictive person like Levi Strauss pulling strings behind the scenes.

He was blacklisted during the 1950s Red Scare and lost his security clearance
In 1946, the United States formed the Atomic Energy Commission to oversee the country’s nuclear weapons program. Oppenheimer used his position on this commission to argue for more control of nuclear weapons and against the development of the hydrogen bomb, which the United States tested for the first time in 1952.

“He was opposed to pursuing the hydrogen bomb, the ‘superbomb,’ because that was 1,000 times more powerful than [the bombs dropped on] Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” says Cynthia C. Kelly, founder and president of the Atomic Heritage Foundation. Oppenheimer was worried about the potential destruction that an arms race to build bigger and bigger bombs would unleash.

Businessman Lewis Strauss, who became chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1953, disliked Oppenheimer’s opposition to the hydrogen bomb, and held a security hearing to investigate Oppenheimer’s loyalty. This was at the height of the second Red Scare, when Senator Joseph McCarthy held hearings to expose supposed communists in the federal government.

With the help of the FBI, which illegally tapped Oppenheimer’s phone, the Atomic Energy Commission argued during the hearing that Oppenheimer’s association with communists made him a security threat. In 1954, the government revoked his security clearance, making him one of the many people to be blacklisted during that era.
I think you mean Lewis Strauss not Levi.
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The big reclining seats and the way you can pre-order your popcorn and the self serve drinks. (Btw I didn’t get the $12 popcorn or the $7 drink)
That's very cost conscious of you. Thanks for sharing.
Manhattan Project was infiltrated by Soviet spies, Stalin knew about the bomb before it was even dropped.
Oppenheimer lost his security clearance, for all intents and purposes he was a communist and a national security risk. His wife was a bona fide communist, that didn't help either. Strange, but fascinating aspect of history.
His brother, too.
Manhattan Project was infiltrated by Soviet spies, Stalin knew about the bomb before it was even dropped.
Oppenheimer lost his security clearance, for all intents and purposes he was a communist and a national security risk. His wife was a bona fide communist, that didn't help either. Strange, but fascinating aspect of history.
An interesting historical irony is McCarthy was right when he said the State Department was massively infiltrated w/ communists in the 1950s and many were there during the war and passed on info on the bomb to the Soviets. His tactics were his undoing, but history as proven him correct on the allegations.
An interesting historical irony is McCarthy was right when he said the State Department was massively infiltrated w/ communists in the 1950s and many were there during the war and passed on info on the bomb to the Soviets. His tactics were his undoing, but history as proven him correct on the allegations.
^^^^^Exactly right. Joe was right, but his tactics were not politically astute. Oddly enough, Mc Carthy gets tagged with HUAC and its effects on academia and Hollywood, something that McCarthy had nothing to do with.

The Venona program brought about a huge revelation regarding the extent to Communist infiltration into this nation government. The fact we lost China was due in part to such infiltration. But when Venona was released to the public, the Cold War was over and people, in general, had little interest.

The idea that Oppenheimer was a victim of the hysteria of the Red Scare is an inaccurate narrative at best.
^^^^^Exactly right. Joe was right, but his tactics were not politically astute. Oddly enough, Mc Carthy gets tagged with HUAC and its effects on academia and Hollywood, something that McCarthy had nothing to do with.

The Venona program brought about a huge revelation regarding the extent to Communist infiltration into this nation government. The fact we lost China was due in part to such infiltration. But when Venona was released to the public, the Cold War was over and people, in general, had little interest.

The idea that Oppenheimer was a victim of the hysteria of the Red Scare is an inaccurate narrative at best.
Totally disagree with this............but everyone is allowed their own opinion. McCarthy came after Marshal as a communist sympathizer. Eisenhower used his incredible misdirection skills honed in WW2 to torpedo McCarthy and end his reign of terror.
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Totally disagree with this............but everyone is allowed their own opinion. McCarthy came after Marshal as a communist sympathizer. Eisenhower used his incredible misdirection skills honed in WW2 to torpedo McCarthy and end his reign of terror.
There is no opinion. The Venona Project has proven McCarthy was accurate in his charges that high level positions in the State Department were infiltrated by Communists..

McCarthy was not part of HUAC, he had nothing to do with the "Reign of Terror"...
IMO McCarthy didn’t know when to shut his mouth, open his eyes and play the Washington “game” a little better.
Much of this epidemic of Commies around every corner goes back to “conditions on the ground” and the atmosphere prevalent among the intellectuals on many college campuses in the 30’s. It was considered more acceptable to be a communist than a fascist. Communism always sucked in lots of students and young idealists, whose families were often immigrants and who had who moved on after college, but who left a trail of records and past associates and friends. After the war it came back to haunt them.
Remember the largest group of immigrants in America were the Germans - who openly embraced the Nazis through the German American Bund. A bona fide American hero by the name of Charles Lindbergh was a movement leader. No one seemed to hold it against them after the war.
The facts are that there were Communists in American government in post war America.
Still some today. The Feds just arrested two Navy guys last week for passing classified documents to the ChiComs.
The movie was made with a certain POV and with the inadequate knowledge of history by many Americans it may be remembered more for the nude scenes than anything else.
There is no opinion. The Venona Project has proven McCarthy was accurate in his charges that high level positions in the State Department were infiltrated by Communists..

McCarthy was not part of HUAC, he had nothing to do with the "Reign of Terror"..
The Venona project found perhaps a dozen or so communist or former communist in the state department out of thousands of employees. MCCarthy accused the US Army of being infiltrated by communist at the highest level directly accusing Marshal. This does not vindicate McCarthy at all...............he was a petty drunk and liar who used HUAC and its loyalty oaths (HUAC was a committee in the house, not the senate where he resided formed in the 1930s) to a generalized attack. The fact that there were a small minority of high level government officials that had been members of the communist party that opposed fascism and a tiny group of active pro-soviet spys doesn't excuse his behavior.

If you want to write about and make a movie about the one scientist that was working on the nuclear bomb that passed on real information to the Soviets which ended up giving them the ability too, then that is a different story than Oppenheimer.

Folks might ask themselves how is it that in our democracy communist thoughts and a minor political party (American Communist Party) became a way to destroy people's livelihood and forced people to either sign a loyalty oath or devolve into poverty. If you want to see the antecedents of Covid censure you look no further than the anti-communist hysteria of which McCarthy was a key figure.

FYI, I am probably one of the few people on here that has ever signed a loyalty oath for which I signed to get a life guard job in the 1980s in Indian River County!