So do you believe in free enterprise or not? I chuckle at the communist reference. You are pro or con on business regulation? Simple question.
This is just my opinion. I'm not trying to start a fight, but since we're all just being honest about this Covid outbreak, here's my rant........
There hasn't been anymore people affected, and/or died as a result of Covid, than there was from the Flu.
Check the stats for 2019/2020 for how many deaths there were from the flu. Hint: There were a lot more deaths from the flu reported prior to Covid than there was during Covid. Apparently, no one came down with the flu during the entire Covid Outbreak. It magically went away.
We've had people die in motorcycle accidents that have been reported as dying as a result of Covid complications. The Federal Mandates regarding this is a way of controlling people. You'll be hard pressed to find anyone who has died from the flu since Covid was first reported.
Business Regulations do not include forcing subordinates to give up their freedoms by implied force (i.e., threat of being fired) due to you're mandates or the governments. Business Regulations are put in place as basically a Policy/Procedure for clothing to wear, how to conduct yourself with the public, etc. Not put an unknown experimental substance into your bloodstream or I (Liberal Boss) will take away you're families means to make a living.
People who are in a position of Authority (business owners, government, etc.) are making decisions based upon themselves being frightened, the media sensationalizing something no more lethal than the common flu, or the Government trying to control citizens.
The so called vaccinations do not keep you from getting and/or spreading Covid. If it did, everyone vaccinated wouldn't get it. Everyone who was vaccinated for Smallpox, never got Smallpox. If the vaccination allows you to still get and spread the disease, what is the point of the vaccine, other than "Control."
I've already had Covid and Pneumonia during this season. I've missed every game (with Season Tickets) so I didn't get around anyone else and spread it. According to my Doctor, I have basically a 10 month natural immunity. At the end of that time period, I'll make a decision on whether to get a vaccine or not; but it will be based upon the information I can obtain about side affects, and/or long term information. Not by fear or what the media reports or what my spineless boss thinks, or the governments mandate. Since I'm not an attorney I can't pick and choose who I come in contact with.
I've already had my City (employer) decide their going to mandate everyone having the vaccination to keep their job. Fortunately, we have a very good Union who obtained a Court Order for that not to take place.
Unfortunately or Fortunately, depending on how you look at it, I'm a First Responder who was in contact with thousands of people during this time period. I didn't catch Covid from anyone I was helping. I caught it in September at my mother's birthday party. It was basically a long bout with flu like symptoms. And yes, I am over 60 and have diabetes, artery disease, and didn't die.
My question, is without knowing the long term implications of this vaccine, how can you expect everyone to just sign up to have this experimental drug put in the their body....Not only that, but to have people in authority to force you to have it injected into you, or lose your job.
You're right about it being you're business and you're decision....too bad, there's not a requirement in place to force people in authority to have common sense about Covid. Let's Go Brandon!!
GO NOLES!!!!!!!