Put on your tinfoil hat, the Daily Mail is saying it’s aliens

It's not the Daily Mail saying it, it's is at the very least a retired commander in the US Navy.

He's not saying it's aliens, but he is saying it's not from Earth.

Also, the incident object was observed more than once. Cmdr Fravors said they'd been tracking it for two weeks before his interaction, the video that's now out was taken by another pilot from the NImitz during a separate incident.

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Due to a lot of USO sittings, there are a group of UFO folks who believe that UFOs may be from an unknown advanced civilization living under the sea instead of aliens.
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Due to a lot of USO sittings, there are a group of UFO folks who believe that UFOs may be from an unknown advanced civilization living under the sea instead of aliens.
If an alien civilization wanted to study us this would make sense to me. If you can develop a craft to travel trillions of miles it seems like our oceans' depths wouldn't be much of a challenge.
Due to a lot of USO sittings, there are a group of UFO folks who believe that UFOs may be from an unknown advanced civilization living under the sea instead of aliens.
And they decided to destroy the planet with huge tsunamis, but chenged their mind after one diver sacrificed himself to disarm a nuclear weapon that could go off in their vicinity.