SIAP - Florida Man (Not your average superhero)

Florida Man Flees from Traffic Stop, Returns to Harass Cops, Does Donuts on 4 Wheeler with Beer in Hand
[DEFUNIAK SPRINGS] – A drunken Florida Man spent the weekend in jail after fleeing from a traffic stop, then returning later that evening to taunt the deputies. With beer in hand, he did donuts in his 4-wheeler while yelling, “come and get me”, before promptly being arrested

DFS has an airtight alibi, I'm sure.
Whether he's on his property or not, he's still nude in public. That isn't illegal?
One would think so...Although common sense has gone completely out the window in regards to many things that once seemed obvious. The guy claims that he's been assured that as long as he's on his own property and not doing anything overtly sexual, he's acting within his legal rights.
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I guess Stan Lee won’t be adding Florida Man to the Marvel universe...

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