Since we are at it, I’ll tell my story. I have a degree in biology and chemistry, and physical therapy, where I have practiced for over 20 years now. I work closely with doctors in all areas, and have had discussions with them. There are plenty of people in medicine who are unsure about the vaccine, but can’t really speak up due to fear of being labeled a quack or conspiracy theorist.
By no means am I an “anti-vaxxer.”Standard vaccines have been proven to prevent disease. With that said, these mRNA based vaccines are not “standard.” They are the first of their kind. The mechanics within the body work on different principles than standard vaccines. My fear is the possibility of long term side effects. If these vaccines end up causing an issue with the regular transcription and translation of DNA within your body we may see the formation of cancerous cells. These may not show themselves until a couple years down the road. There is not a scientist or doctor on this planet that can tell you what the long term side effects may be, we are living the research at this moment.
That’s my $.02, take it or leave it, but in America these types of things should remain the choice of the individual.