The Night Of - FINALE...The Call of the Wild (Spoilers)

Time for a good old flash back to what led up to her getting into the cab.

I hope so, she knew she was in trouble that night. The request to go to the beach doesn't make sense, it like she knew it was a last request and she constantly acts like something is on her mind too.
That mo

Valid point - but have we met someone who hated her out of passion or revenge? There are no boy friends. The "step dad" is certainly pissed, but anyone would see his financial gain and would make him a suspect (other than the NYC police dept. who never uncovered the probate issues). The chauffer met her randomly. The drug supplier does not seem up to the task. Duane is a small time crook. The only real criminal is Freddie. But how does he connect to her? He definitely wanted Naz to take the plea deal and he is making jail time as pleasant as possible for the only non black person in his crew.

Didn't the drug dealer say she owed a lot of money for drugs? Maybe Freddie is the supplier that is owed money.
So I went back to re-watch the first episode again and noticed a few things now.

What do you see different about the drawer where Andrea gets the knife out of?

Here's a screen capture from when she's taking the knife out.


And here's a picture from Stone's investigator in Episode 5.


We know the window of time was small here so someone quickly walked up the stairs, grabbed a knife out of the open drawer then walk upstairs and kill Andrea. They also did not leave the knife behind. If the killer came in from the first level through the door with the broken gate (as we suspect), then they would have walked right past this drawer and taken a similar path that Nas took when he woke up and walked upstairs.

Good catch. I would go further and say again that the murderer was already in the house, and Duane knew it. The murderer saw the knife game they were playing and knew that she got cut and her blood was on that knife that they left down stairs before they went to bed. He knew they had sex. Naz comes down and doesn't leave but he passes out. The murderer grabs the second knife from the drawer and changes plans for whatever what was the method of killing he was going to do. He kills her in a way that he thinks fits the scene and leaves believing that the cops will assume that the knife downstairs was the murder weapon.

I haven't figured out why the refrigerator door was open.
Didn't the drug dealer say she owed a lot of money for drugs? Maybe Freddie is the supplier that is owed money.

I thought perhaps the step dad did it our had it done, but after rethinking I think the "Freddie had it done" crowd might be on to something. It would also help to explain his interest in Naz.
I thought perhaps the step dad did it our had it done, but after rethinking I think the "Freddie had it done" crowd might be on to something. It would also help to explain his interest in Naz.

Bingo. The whole show is based on a series of random occurrences (like that movie "Crash"). But I can't figure out what Freddie's motive would be. Murdering someone who owed you money for drugs is a bit of a stretch, unless she was a threat to him.
Bingo. The whole show is based on a series of random occurrences (like that movie "Crash"). But I can't figure out what Freddie's motive would be. Murdering someone who owed you money for drugs is a bit of a stretch, unless she was a threat to him.

Remember why Freddie said he was still at Riker's. It takes 20 minutes for his girl and kids to get there, so he had another murder pinned on him. If there's a history between him and the drug dealer or financial adviser, why not facilitate a hit on Andrea? Maybe he has taken Naz under his wing as a sense of guilt, but also to show him how to "be a man" on the outside instead of a fragile little flower...

As far as the accepted "Andrew knew what was coming" talk... I had taken it as she was a depressed kid. I know that a great number of folks have the occasional thoughts of "I need company tonight" or "I need a shoulder" - that's kind of where I took her comments from originally. Maybe that's where her head was at because she knew she was in trouble a deep kind of way?
Good catch. I would go further and say again that the murderer was already in the house, and Duane knew it. The murderer saw the knife game they were playing and knew that she got cut and her blood was on that knife that they left down stairs before they went to bed. He knew they had sex. Naz comes down and doesn't leave but he passes out. The murderer grabs the second knife from the drawer and changes plans for whatever what was the method of killing he was going to do. He kills her in a way that he thinks fits the scene and leaves believing that the cops will assume that the knife downstairs was the murder weapon.

I haven't figured out why the refrigerator door was open.

I think the refrigerator door was left open to show how out of it Naz was that night. I'm not sure why he didn't use the knife left on the table unless he wants to be extra careful and leave a potential murder weapon that doesn't have any of his DNA.

I also keep wondering about these flashbacks, they're from a point of view that Naz didn't have that night. Makes me think that the flashbacks we keep seeing are the point of view of the killer watching them. Plus that deer's head keeps being used in scene, I'm wondering if a video camera wasn't behind it that the killer was watching.
I think the refrigerator door was left open to show how out of it Naz was that night. I'm not sure why he didn't use the knife left on the table unless he wants to be extra careful and leave a potential murder weapon that doesn't have any of his DNA.

I also keep wondering about these flashbacks, they're from a point of view that Naz didn't have that night. Makes me think that the flashbacks we keep seeing are the point of view of the killer watching them. Plus that deer's head keeps being used in scene, I'm wondering if a video camera wasn't behind it that the killer was watching.

There is no doubt that the camera focuses heavily on the moose eyes. And in episode 2, the blood sample taken by the police from the moose head, is below the left eye. What is the significance of that? Somebody posted that the blood was already there when Naz and Andrea first walked in, but I can't see that. I tried watching every scene where they walked by the head and I can't find any scene where someone touched the head (although I did see Naz touch the top of the stair rail at the bottom of the steps with his right hand).
Keep in mind the body was bludgeoned in the head and stabbed 22 times not being sure in what order. This is an event that would take some time to accomplish.

What if this show is playing hard and fast with out preconceived ideas. Could it be we just can not accept evil coming from such a pretty package? We begin with Andrea's very fist words "I want to go to the beach". This is our first clue that something is off with this girl. The second line is about being someone else showing great guilt of ones self or past actions. We see Duane looking at the two as if he knows Naz is in danger. The girl is rich and bored and is having a lot of unknown issues either stemming from or including drug use. What is the first thing they do when they get inside the apartment? She pulls out a knife to garnish the drinks and does what any other person would does with a knife, plays the hardest game of mumbley peg I have ever seen. If that was not enough,she follows that up with putting herself in harms way and allows some stranger, who she doesn't even know his name, and talks him into taking a full stab at her hand with a large knife knowing he is most likely intoxicated and just after they had snorted a pain killer. After taking a large painful cut in a bad spot on the hand of all things, she gets sexually aroused. This girl is by far the craziest character on the show. Even the hearse driver, a bit crazy himself, recognizes and warns the audience how dangerous she is. In my opinion of all the seedy characters on this show, she appears to be the only one who could perform and possibly enjoy such an act as corpse mutilation.

The irony and what makes this so hard to call is she is what we think is the victim at this point. But we have been warned that she is a trickster. But listening to a warning from a crazy hearse driver again goes against our preconceived ideas.

Great show.
I don’t think there is any connection between Freddy and the murder. I think what we have here are two separate story lines. One is the murder – its investigation, its prosecution, its defense, etc.

The second story line is how Naz adapts to life in Rikers. Freddy uses people. He simply sees Naz has a smart kid he can add to his team. Freddy has enough muscle; he can use a thinker.

At this point I don’t see anyway Naz doesn’t get convicted (guilty or not). The prosecution will get expert testimony that the knife is the murder weapon, that the blood on his hand was caused by a violent stabbing motion, and that the drugs he was on would not have impeded him from committing the crime. Stone may turn up evidence that will point to another killer, but it will be too little too late. Presenting a theory that another person came in and violently killed Andrea and Naz slept through it will not give any juror reasonable doubt. Unless this turns into Perry Mason and Stone gets the real killer to confess on the stand, Naz is convicted.

I can see the show ending with us wondering if it was in fact Naz or the stepfather (the logical suspect in my mind – was it just about the money or did he at some point try and put a move on the stepdaughter?)
There is no doubt that the camera focuses heavily on the moose eyes. And in episode 2, the blood sample taken by the police from the moose head, is below the left eye. What is the significance of that? Somebody posted that the blood was already there when Naz and Andrea first walked in, but I can't see that. I tried watching every scene where they walked by the head and I can't find any scene where someone touched the head (although I did see Naz touch the top of the stair rail at the bottom of the steps with his right hand).

I think the blood under the eye shows that some kinky stuff happened in that house. I still think there is a video that they haven't found yet. Who keeps knifes in that room? Plus she was on A LOT of drugs. I think she was toying with not paying off her dealer for drugs. I still think this could be a drug related hit to send a message.

The blood on the stairway would confirm Naz's story about playing a game in that room, which is why I think he should have left the knife there. Naz doesn't have common sense in my opinion and can easily be manipulated which why I think the plea deal went as far as it went. Plus why he's looking rougher in prison.

I think she could have also been toying with Naz to make a guy that's in the drug business jealous. This could be why Duane stares at them because he's seen her with another guy, a very bad guy who has a temper. I still think the hearse driver is in on this too.
I think the blood under the eye shows that some kinky stuff happened in that house. I still think there is a video that they haven't found yet. Who keeps knifes in that room? Plus she was on A LOT of drugs. I think she was toying with not paying off her dealer for drugs. I still think this could be a drug related hit to send a message.

The blood on the stairway would confirm Naz's story about playing a game in that room, which is why I think he should have left the knife there. Naz doesn't have common sense in my opinion and can easily be manipulated which why I think the plea deal went as far as it went. Plus why he's looking rougher in prison.

I think she could have also been toying with Naz to make a guy that's in the drug business jealous. This could be why Duane stares at them because he's seen her with another guy, a very bad guy who has a temper. I still think the hearse driver is in on this too.

Naz didn't leave the knife there because he didn't do it (I think) - but that knife has her blood and his prints on it. And he knows it. He thinks someone else did the murder, he knows she was stabbed, and even if that was not the weapon, he couldn't leave it there.
Naz didn't leave the knife there because he didn't do it (I think) - but that knife has her blood and his prints on it. And he knows it. He thinks someone else did the murder, he knows she was stabbed, and even if that was not the weapon, he couldn't leave it there.

I keep thinking that the lack of blood on what they think is the murder weapon will come up. Plus I think Stone snoops around the stepfather enough to find some incriminating evidence on him. Plus isn't Naz hand cut on his left hand? I think they'll show he's right handed and couldn't do those cuts with his left and why no cut on his right hand?
Naz is found innocent (maybe by pushing suspicion on the stepfather), goes free, big win for Chandra and John Stone and the Naz family, and then it is revealed (maybe through Duane Reede?) that Naz actually did kill her.
There's a popular movie from 10-15 years ago (can't remember the name) that is really similar to this. The lawyer gets some super innocent looking kid cleared of murder and then they reveal he did it...
There's a popular movie from 10-15 years ago (can't remember the name) that is really similar to this. The lawyer gets some super innocent looking kid cleared of murder and then they reveal he did it...

The tactic they took was not that that particular kid did or didn't do it, but that he had Dissociative Identity Disorder. The plot twist was the the "innocent" personality was all an act and the murderous personality was actually the real personality of Ed Norton's character.

The angle could certainly be at play here with Nas. If that is the direction they go, I'll be pretty disappointed only due to the obvious reasons (lack of blood on him, lack of visual evidence that he committed the crime besides being at house during the murder). I'd have no issue with that type of ending otherwise.
So I went back to re-watch the first episode again and noticed a few things now.

What do you see different about the drawer where Andrea gets the knife out of?

Here's a screen capture from when she's taking the knife out.


And here's a picture from Stone's investigator in Episode 5.


We know the window of time was small here so someone quickly walked up the stairs, grabbed a knife out of the open drawer then walk upstairs and kill Andrea. They also did not leave the knife behind. If the killer came in from the first level through the door with the broken gate (as we suspect), then they would have walked right past this drawer and taken a similar path that Nas took when he woke up and walked upstairs.
What kind of idiot breaks into a house with the intention of murdering someone without bringing their own murder weapon? Using a knife found in her house means it was spontaneous.
Keep in mind the body was bludgeoned in the head and stabbed 22 times not being sure in what order. This is an event that would take some time to accomplish.

What if this show is playing hard and fast with out preconceived ideas. Could it be we just can not accept evil coming from such a pretty package? We begin with Andrea's very fist words "I want to go to the beach". This is our first clue that something is off with this girl. The second line is about being someone else showing great guilt of ones self or past actions. We see Duane looking at the two as if he knows Naz is in danger. The girl is rich and bored and is having a lot of unknown issues either stemming from or including drug use. What is the first thing they do when they get inside the apartment? She pulls out a knife to garnish the drinks and does what any other person would does with a knife, plays the hardest game of mumbley peg I have ever seen. If that was not enough,she follows that up with putting herself in harms way and allows some stranger, who she doesn't even know his name, and talks him into taking a full stab at her hand with a large knife knowing he is most likely intoxicated and just after they had snorted a pain killer. After taking a large painful cut in a bad spot on the hand of all things, she gets sexually aroused. This girl is by far the craziest character on the show. Even the hearse driver, a bit crazy himself, recognizes and warns the audience how dangerous she is. In my opinion of all the seedy characters on this show, she appears to be the only one who could perform and possibly enjoy such an act as corpse mutilation.

The irony and what makes this so hard to call is she is what we think is the victim at this point. But we have been warned that she is a trickster. But listening to a warning from a crazy hearse driver again goes against our preconceived ideas.

Great show.
Okay you've convinced me. Andrea isn't dead. The body is another similar looking girl which is why the face was smashed in and why step dad said it wasn't her. Andrea (maybe with help) killed the other girl to fake her own death.
Primal Fear? It was an excellent movie. Richard Gere and Edward Norton.

Primal Fear aired on the FSU movie channel but all the movies were capped at 2 hours. Just as the shiz was hitting the fan in the film, the movie stopped at 2 hours and started again from the beginning (or the next film started). Primal Fear is 2 hours and 12 minutes.
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Okay you've convinced me. Andrea isn't dead. The body is another similar looking girl which is why the face was smashed in and why step dad said it wasn't her. Andrea (maybe with help) killed the other girl to fake her own death.

What if the the girl we know is not Andrea? And the one we are calling the dead body is the actual stepdaughter Andrea? Could the stepfather have brought in a look alike chick from a mental facility for the purpose of killing Andrea? Maybe Duane knew Andrea and was puzzled with the look alike?

To see the extent of being stabbed 22 times, I looked up the Sharon Tate Murder. Sharon was killed by the Manson group by being stabbed 16 times by multiple people. This gives one a reference to the severity of this fictional event in this show.
Had time to think about this one the way home and here could be a possible scenario.

Stepfather works with the broker in getting set up with rich women. He gets in good with the rich mother but she dies of cancer after a couple of years of investment in the con only to see he is written out of the inheritance. The real Andrea makes sure the Stepfather never sniffs a dime of her mother's money. The Stepfather and the broker, possible motorcycle dude, plan to have Andrea killed, while disposing body, the hearse driver, and have the crazy look alike Andrea from a mental facility take her place. What they did not expect is instead of working with the hearse driver the crazy girl ran off after killing Andrea and ended up in the cab instead of taking care of the body. She drives around with Naz brings him back to the apartment. Remember Naz asks her how she has has such a nice, million dollar plus place and the crazy girl doesn't have a clue as to how. Then as they are walking down the sidewalk Duane sees the look a like and stares at the resemblance. After all the drugs, booze and sex the crazy girl has a psychotic lapse and mutilates the body of Andrea while Naz is passed out downstairs. The hearse driver freaks out at the mutilated body and leaves. The broker shows up on the motorcycle and now not having an option to get of the body gets the look a like out of the apartment with the murder weapon and decides to set up Naz with the inhaler that is prescribed to him with his name on it. At the funeral the Stepfather is yelling at the broker due to him hiring this crazy girl that just ruined the entire plan.
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Had time to think about this one the way home and here could be a possible scenario.

Stepfather works with the broker in getting set up with rich women. He gets in good with the rich mother but she dies of cancer after a couple of years of investment in the con only to see he is written out of the inheritance. The real Andrea makes sure the Stepfather never sniffs a dime of her mother's money. The Stepfather and the broker, possible motorcycle dude, plan to have Andrea killed, while disposing body, the hearse driver, and have the crazy look alike Andrea from a mental facility take her place. What they did not expect is instead of working with the hearse driver the crazy girl ran off after killing Andrea and ended up in the cab instead of taking care of the body. She drives around with Naz brings him back to the apartment. Remember Naz asks her how she has has such a nice, million dollar plus place and the crazy girl doesn't have a clue as to how. Then as they are walking down the sidewalk Duane sees the look a like and stares at the resemblance. After all the drugs, booze and sex the crazy girl has a psychotic lapse and mutilates the body of Andrea while Naz is passed out downstairs. The hearse driver freaks out at the mutilated body and leaves. The broker shows up on the motorcycle and now not having an option to get of the body gets the look a like out of the apartment with the murder weapon and decides to set up Naz with the inhaler that is prescribed to him with his name on it. At the funeral the Stepfather is yelling at the broker due to him hiring this crazy girl that just ruined the entire plan.
And I think I over think things. ;)
Dmm I could use your picture comparison expertise.

Look at one of a dozen camera shots of the Andrea's right bracelets during the knife scene. Was that meant to be one of our obvious clues? Compare that picture to the right wrist bracelets on the dead body in Episode 2 10:40 ish mark. To me the gold looks similar and the black one different. I think they are different on purpose.
Dmm I could use your picture comparison expertise.

Look at one of a dozen camera shots of the Andrea's right bracelets during the knife scene. Was that meant to be one of our obvious clues? Compare that picture to the right wrist bracelets on the dead body in Episode 2 10:40 ish mark. To me the gold looks similar and the black one different. I think they are different on purpose.
Ok, will check now. I have all the episodes downloaded for easier referencing. I happened to be watching through them looking for tells.

Btw, the picture of Andrea at the funeral and in her medical files from the rehab facility look like the girl at the beginning. Pretty sure that is actually Andrea.

I uploaded and saved the pictures of Andrea (alive and dead) here:

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Ok, will check now. I have all the episodes downloaded for easier referencing. I happened to be watching through them looking for tells.

Btw, the picture of Andrea at the funeral and in her medical files from the rehab facility look like the girl at the beginning. Pretty sure that is actually Andrea.

I uploaded and saved the pictures of Andrea (alive and dead) here:

That is the left hand. check out the right.
That is the left hand. check out the right.

I did post pics of her Right hand in that Dropbox link. They don't show it at the morgue and only show it once on the next morning when Box is at the crime scene.

The golf bracelets looked more the same than the left ones.

So I went back to re-watch the first episode again and noticed a few things now.

What do you see different about the drawer where Andrea gets the knife out of?

Here's a screen capture from when she's taking the knife out.


And here's a picture from Stone's investigator in Episode 5.


We know the window of time was small here so someone quickly walked up the stairs, grabbed a knife out of the open drawer then walk upstairs and kill Andrea. They also did not leave the knife behind. If the killer came in from the first level through the door with the broken gate (as we suspect), then they would have walked right past this drawer and taken a similar path that Nas took when he woke up and walked upstairs.

Is the can opener missing in the second pic? Is that how the cat ties in? The murderer gets the can opener and opens a can of cat food from the fridge?

Could we then find the can opener with prints? I would think it points to the step-dad of that were true.
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Is the can opener missing in the second pic? Is that how the cat ties in? The murderer gets the can opener and opens a can of cat food from the fridge?

Could we them find the can opener with prints? I would think it points to the step-dad of that were true.
You sir need to be banished! LOL
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I don't see how the identity could have been mistaken in this day and age. It's not like they cut off her head and hands. Also, it's a TV series (special effects department).
I don't see how the identity could have been mistaken in this day and age. It's not like they cut off her head and hands. Also, it's a TV series (special effects department).

I rewatched a few scenes - have a few questions and observations. How did Naz's inhaler stay so clean on that bloody bed? The cops found it on the bed and they made it clear that the cat spent a lot of time in that room. Back in episode 1, the step dad initially said that the picture was not of her, but only changed his mind when the police were going to have him view the body. Interesting - but is it useful? I agree that in episode 5, the detective took a picture to show that the killer could have entered in the lower floor (the staircase without the moose head) without seeing Naz in the kitchen. But it is clear that the broken door is in the front of the brownstone and that that is also the door that Andrea used to let the cat out. That makes sense because when Stone goes there the first time, that is door he comes in because the cat's milk dish is there and he got milk from the refrigerator to give to the cat.
I don't see how the identity could have been mistaken in this day and age. It's not like they cut off her head and hands. Also, it's a TV series (special effects department).

I am saying that the girl killed is the real Andrea, the one we think is Andrea, the murderer, is an impostor. The stepfather did not expect to see a picture of the dead Andrea thinking the body was long gone denied it being his stepdaughter. When he was told that that the coroner had the body he quickly changed his story.
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I rewatched a few scenes - have a few questions and observations. How did Naz's inhaler stay so clean on that bloody bed? The cops found it on the bed and they made it clear that the cat spent a lot of time in that room. Back in episode 1, the step dad initially said that the picture was not of her, but only changed his mind when the police were going to have him view the body. Interesting - but is it useful? I agree that in episode 5, the detective took a picture to show that the killer could have entered in the lower floor (the staircase without the moose head) without seeing Naz in the kitchen. But it is clear that the broken door is in the front of the brownstone and that that is also the door that Andrea used to let the cat out. That makes sense because when Stone goes there the first time, that is door he comes in because the cat's milk dish is there and he got milk from the refrigerator to give to the cat.
Deer head.